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Posts posted by mooremiller31

  1. How would seeding the tournament have helped them???


    That’s a GREAT question. After Murray lost in the first round of the state tournament to Ryle, Coach Foust had some comments in the press conference about the tournament should be seeded. I guess it looks better to lose in the semi finals to the state champs then the first round because you know it’s about his legacy as a coach and not the kids. At least thats my two cents and people will disagree.

  2. Sissons from highlands, any of the Newport trio, or Thelen from CCH. Reyes from Casey county is a nice player, but he put up numbers on a middle of the road team in the 12th. Moreover, Baughman should have made it over him if they wanted a player from region 12 or the Bruner kid from West Jess. The Butler kid from J'town had a good season, but how did he make it over a kid like Tolley, when Tolley led his team to Rupp. I get its an imperfect science, but to not have one kid from one of the top 3 regions (9th)...But congrats to all the kids that made it!


    Baughman and Thelan both chose not to attend the tryout.

  3. Welcome to the site Gulf, a lot of interesting information in your post. I will agree the hiring process at Woodford County was quite the circus for a while. A lot of rumors surrounded this hire for a while and with rumors you never really know which are true and false. I have heard the social media might need a clean up for Coach Brown. Either way the hire is what it is and they arent going to change it now. We will see how it plays out.

  4. What's your opinion of the hire? I know you're a fixture in Lexington basketball.


    HA! I wouldn’t say I’m a fixture but I appreciate the kind words of that was their intention.


    I’m sure Jaron will do a good job. He’s got experience coaching at all levels. He was the interim head coach at Bryan Station at the end of the 2015 season when Mike Allen stepped down. I’m sure he will be able to pull some Lexington area kids to Versailles as well. I think a lot of people get stuck on the whole “head coaching experience” thing, he will be fine. I do think the transition from the 11th Region to the 8th will be a lot harder then some people think, especially in that district.

  5. A little update from what I've been hearing for those interested. The Athletic Director, Dennis Johnson, has delayed the hiring process to be able to interview more candidates. I do know Woodford County lacks certified teaching position openings so they are looking in house, aka Derrick Robinson, or for someone that has a job in another district already and can commute or doesn't need a teaching job. I do know Mike Allen, Jaron Brown, and Ellis Myles all had interviews for the position as late as last week. From what I have been told from a reliable source, which I will not name so dont DM and ask me to, the list is down to 4 with the above four names mentioned as being the ones.


    In my opinion this has gotten quite ridiculous that this job hasnt been filled. Luckily for WC they have someone like Derrick Robinson who has taken the reigns and kept the off season workouts going and kids working. I by no means endorse him or any other candidate I just think this has been dragged out way too long.

  6. I will say this, there has been interest from very qualified coaches for sure. I still think current JV coach Derrick Robinson will be the hire. He’s already in the building and Woodford doesn’t have many teaching vacancies. Also, Woodford has a LONG history, other then Scott Hundley, of hiring the current assistant to replace the retiring/leaving head coach.

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