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Posts posted by StickerMann

  1. If Shai returns look for a potential Quade Green transfer with Quickley coming in. Also would not be surprised to see Wenyen leave.


    Agree on Green, who may need to become more of a 2 if he stays; but the guard spot could get very crowded, especially if Hagens comes as seems to be a very viable option (but would it be for '18 or '19?).


    Wenyan's another story as it seems to be more of an immediate money thing with him; but would love the front court depth & experience if he stays.

  2. You have to wonder about Shai delaying his announcement because he wanted to talk it over more with family.....IMO, one of three things is happening....


    1) He's trying to decide if he should go with/without an agent.


    2) He was planning on going and is having second thoughts.


    3) He wants to wait and see what Knox decides.


    After reading Knox, Sr.'s quotes, I'm thinking #3. Knox seems genuinely torn, and knows he might be better served staying due to his extreme youth (doesn't turn 19 until August). Dad says "if he comes back it's to win a championship......." and referenced Shai stopping short of saying they're discussing between themselves about coming back together. Getting interesting, especially with the incoming class small by UK standards.

  3. I don’t think the Pac 12 was ever overrated. Nobody gave them respect all year and obviously they didn’t deserve it. Pac 12=Properly Rated.


    Really don't know and too uninterested to investigate, but Pac-10 got 3 in; how many did Buffalo's conference get in?

  4. I'm quite certain the Browns messed this up, and maybe even got cold feet; but if my team was getting high 2nd & 3rd rounders for an unproven backup QB who didn't figure in my plans, I'd have had someone sitting in their offices feeding the fax machine, computer, etc. In business, you can't just sit back & hope things go as planned sometimes. Good front office's find a way to get things done, and bad one's sit back & hope.

  5. Which is my point. Cal feeds into the frenzy that is BBN in regard to UK apparently always getting shafted somehow.


    Hard to argue, even though he does do it rather "tongue in cheek". By that logic then it would seem ESPN is feeding the BBN haters as well??


    BTW--All involved seemed to enjoy the exchange, and it made for great TV.

  6. While never pretending to understand any of the NCAA's twisted "logic"; it does appear teams seldom improve their seed or tourney chances (auto bid aside), but can diminish their standing in the conference tourneys? The power leagues' tournaments seem to have little effect on their teams' seeding when it's all said & done.


    Listened to the "rationale" by the committee for Oklahoma getting in and they said the old "body of work" explanation; without mentioning the dreadful second half of the season (which by the way is when they played the meat of their schedule). I'll always believe this was a Trae Young selection, plain & simple and was predestined regardless of their record, etc.

  7. I would speculate that Arizona is probably more irked than Kentucky, having to play a fast improving UK in round 2. High seeded Wichita State got that treatment in 2014 with an early matchup vs UK that ended their unbeaten season.


    I'd say Virginia has the biggest beef in this draw. #1 overall seed gets and underseeded "Zona, the best 5 seed in it's immediate draw; and then a very strong #2.

  8. I got you!!!


    I would imagine most are but at the same time I can’t help but think that some of these coaches may have gotten way too comfortable. I still feel like this is the tip of the iceberg. We’re going to find out who was smart and who was dumb. There’s no way this Duke fan thinks that Duke is clean. How smart they have been remains to be seen.


    Great point--Put me in the camp that thinks most of the top guys aren't lily white. Heck, even Xavier up here in our area does't look too clean; and they're certainly not getting the 5 stars. As one poster said, "This in one runner for one agency"; lots more possibilities out there. Hoping the boys in Lexington have been smart as well, as Cal's certainly been a marked man by Emmert & Co.

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