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Everything posted by VARSITY_09

  1. I don't understand why nobody respects Greenup......they are a talented team and to be honest they have played very good football lately.......I understand the teams they have played isn't very good but I see us beating Mason!!
  2. Why do you say the jv wasn't dominate.......they only lost like 5 games
  3. I think thats a tough starting 5 then off the bench you have....Tussey,Newberry,Stevenson,and Plummer
  4. I think gennup just needs to start playing football the way Greenup county plays football. I mean people can blame the coaches and parents as much as they want but until we stop excepting losing is when we will win! I think we might finally got our heads on start and we will win at least 4-5 games in the rst of the regular season. My prediction is Greenup makes playoffs for the first time in a few years!
  5. Mahan has quit for good.......in a way i think this will help Greenup because they now have one less bad attitude!
  6. Come to some of our games.......trust me we are going to be alot better than what people have gave us credit for!!
  7. I think Greenup will suprise alot of people......today was the best practice we have had in a LONG time and the boys have changed their attitude!
  8. Mahan quit today at practice today for Greenup......Will this hurt them?
  9. This is the biggest physical team Greenup has had in a while. Seth,Newberry,Baker,Evans.....I think Greenup will surprise alot of people!!!
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