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Posts posted by Colt45

  1. I was really thinking the Breds were going to give this game with Prestonsburg away early as with the fumbles. They are going to have to realize that type of sloppy play will not get you to Pappa Johns. DeSales should have been winning the game the whole time instead of fighting until the end. A lot to work on this next week. DeSales has to make their PAT's and the secondary has to not lose their man in coverage. DeSales could have made a statement with this game making the margin much wider.

  2. Are you really going to let your Brown colored glasses really let you say something like that??? Prestonsburg was up the entire game. We were up 20-13 going into the 4th. And then put in cheap one with about a minute to go when the ball could have been downed...Pburg gave this game away tonight.


    I was speaking of the 2 fumbles that happened in the first quarter which would have widened the margin in DeSales favor. I was not looking through "Brown" glasses but saw that DeSales gave Prestonsburg the ball both times in scoring position and knew this was exactly what did not need to happen in order for DeSales to win. DeSales overcame a deficit after the first half to prevail as champions do. They played disciplined football and executed the run game along with completing some crucial passes. Pburg did not give DeSales anything. DeSales earned the win, rightfully taking it from Pburg.

  3. No, actually DeSales played a very tough schedule. They played up in class for several games. One can not judge a team purely by the schedule of which they play, if that were the case, the Prestonsburg would have beaten DeSales by 21 since they beat several teams that are still in the playoffs. The way I look at it is if Bardstown can beat Danville, then anyone can be beaten at any given time by the right team. No one gave Bardstown a chance, just as I am sure no one will give DeSales a chance.

  4. Are you saying "Mountain football" isn't about "class and discipline"? ...Or did you express your thoughts poorly (hopefully)??




    I can not speak for "Mountain football" only that the DeSales kids were told to play DeSales football. That is meant to not let your emotions dictate your actions. I know I saw several DeSales player put there teammates in "Check" when they reacted on their emotions.

  5. The final score could have been a much wider margin in the DeSales favor. I was really worried at half-time when DeSales was down a touchdown after 2 fumbles early in the first quarter. I knew this game would come down to whoever made the fewer mistakes. The Blackcat receivers were open several times late in the game to take the game, but could not come up with it. Then on several plays DeSales just out played Prestonsburg. We were waiting to see what Mountain football is all about. DeSales decided to show the Mountain Boys what it is to play football with class and discipline. Good game guys. Time to prepare for next week. Job well done.

  6. The four horseman will be ready John French, Devon Boze, Myles Poole, and Zach Jones. If the Blackcats think they will run the ball to the middle they will be in for a rude awakening. Be ready for John French, Devon Boze, Eric Hall, and for Myles Poole to clean up or finish you up to end the play. Many others will pick you apart and hit hard to knock the ball lose. Zach Jones is a very strong, quick kid for his size. These kids have not gotten the respect they deserve this year as they were off to a rough start and have had several kids out for various games. I hope the Blackcats do not take this team lightly. I can assure them of one thing, come Saturday morning they will be sore. They can go back to the mountains and tell them in the hollars how them Colts knocked them around.

  7. As you can see by Watusi's ovehread view of the stadium, parking is at a premium for Manual Stadium. This particular part of Louisville is not particularly bad, but be sure you lock your doors, you ain't parking at StoneCrest HAHA


    Also, as a fellow Hill-folk that spent his fair share of time in Louisville, a couple pointers:


    1. If you see "Hill Street", "Muhammad Ali", or "Dixie Highway", you are not only too far away from the Stadium, but you probably need to go EAST as soon as possible. A good rule of thumb, the higher the number gets on the street sign, the more you want to turn around.


    2. If you choose a restaraunt to eat at that has "Factory" in the name, it will be very, very, very tasty. (Cheesecake Factory in St. Matthew's, Spaghetti Factory is downtown)


    3. For those looking to do some Christmas shopping, Mall St. Matthew's and Oxmoor Center are within a couple miles of each other and probably your best option. They also are on the east side of town, close to I-64 and alot of hotels.


    4. Those spending the night: I definately reccomend going to the Muhammad Ali Center in downtown. It is AWESOME, and fun for men and women, boys and girls! Within walking distance is also the Louisville Slugger Museum, and some other family friendly attractions.


    5. If it does in fact snow, please use caution, Louisville drivers seem to slide all over the place the first sign of a white flake.


    I wonder how the parking situation will be handled as there is a short supply for the regular season games. There was a much smaller crowd last game due to the freezing temperatures. I even heard the crowd at St. X was a smaller one than expected. A few of my son's friends went to see the St. X game and decided to retreat from the cold. The temps are supposed to be much milder this week. This weather is crazy, today it is in the 70's.


    Also would like to point out that there are some excellent restaurants downtown around the slugger museum. I am sure something will be going on at 4th St Live at 4th & Ali and Liberty.


    Heed the warning of the drivers in rain, sleet, or snow. I laughed when I read the "Slide all over the place the first sign of a white flake."


  8. So it sounds like there's no need to even play this game, and no need to even make the trip, although there are some anxious fans who are excited to be leaving work and/or school(for those students planning on making the trip from the varied colleges. and who didn't go home for Thanksgiving) early, and won't be happy. And the players will be disappointed with your prediction as well, although they could be getting another day of hunting these mountains in, and let's not forget the turkey, etc.(especially the pies!) leftover from Thanksgiving dinner they won't have to give up!

    But with such a wide margin, what do you base your prediction on? :confused:


    Relax... I do not feel this will in any way be the final score. I am for the Colts to win. However, whoever wins, it won't be that wide of a margin. I agree that this game will come down to whoever makes the least mistakes as well as if those mistakes are turned into points on the scoreboard by the other team. For all those who do attend will be treated to two solid football programs going head to head in what will be a hard fought game.

  9. I will give a quick assessment of my impartial view of the Blackcats.


    P'burg will be the hardest hitting team you have seen this year, first and foremost. The Blackcats won't overwhlem you with "Big Kids", but they posess good size and the benefits of an excellent strength and conditioning program. The Blackcats forte', whether it be offense or defense, is to be as physical as possible.


    Offensively the Blackcats will throw varied sets at you. Their rbead and butter is their power running game, and they are well equipped to run it with Setser and Craynon. Craynon is definately the big play threat for P'burg's offense. He has decent speed and can hurt you off tackle, but he also is a strong runner who si tough to bring down in the middle of the field. P'burg does not ahve the passing threat that they did earleir in the season after their Senior QB was lost for the season. But, P'burg will mix in the pass and Derrossett has no problem calling for trick plays when a defense overpursues.

    Expect mainly two back sets.


    Defensively P'burg won't do anything dangerous. This is one of the better defensive units in 2A, and they have seemed to gel very nicely. They are strong, quick, and they love to play aggressive, continually filling the pwoer holes. P'burg is well equipped to create turnovers, as they are hard hitters and solid tacklers. Their secondary has quite a nit of athleticism.



    Without going too deep into it, Desales best bet against P'burg is to maintain a solid balance on offense and win the battle in the trenches. Defensively, the first key is to contain the inside running game. Everything P-burg does works from the inside out, and if they can gash you continually up the middle, they will do it tiem after time til it is stopped. It is also imperative to be able to disengage blockers when they run outside Pburg typically strings their outside running out very far before turning it up.


    Three things will ruin any chance Desales has:

    1. Turnovers

    2. Losing their composure

    3. Missing blocking assignments when Pburg sends pressure


    Great synopsis of the team. One can really get a since of the type of team we will be seeing come Friday night. I think your assessment seems to be very accurate and you seem to know DeSales very well. You pretty much have said what DeSales needs to do to when any ballgame against any team however. The biggest thing that will carry DeSales is Composure, and what you mentioned of making blocking assignments on offense. I take it you have seen a DeSales football game or two. DeSales will have to make their plays and play hard hitting football. It seems what may be the difference in the two teams would be the speed of Prestonsburg.

  10. Sounds good. I have driven the 3 1/2 hours several times from here to Pikeville to visit my then g/f who was in medical school at PCSOM. It does not seem like that long as I took the Mountain PKWY, I prefer it to driving from Louisville to St. Louis, which is all straight, flat road with no scenery (I-64E). I hope you guys get here a day early to rest and relax. Enjoy a little of what Louisville has to offer visitors.

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