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Dirty Harry

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Posts posted by Dirty Harry

  1. It shows? Would you like to explain yourself? How do you equate success from the JV level, Wins? If Ryle has not been developing players, how have they been successful under the current regime? I hate to ask so many questions but i am not certain this is an accurate statement. I also hate to badger a RYLE fan but I feel you are misinformed.


    My son plays JV and I am quite aware that coach Warner has attended the games. I haven't missed one in the 2 yrs that my son has played. If you think that the JV is as organized as it should be, you haven't been watching the same football games I have. I apologize for being critical of a team that I want to be successful as much as any other Ryle fan/dad on here. Once again, I said I have heard multiple times from players saying the coaches don't care about the JV game. I'm not sure you can call that statement inaccurate. Sorry to ruffle the feathers of the Ryle faithful! Just calling it as I see it.

  2. Ryle should be trying to find some wideouts!


    What do you suggest? Free agency? Every team loses talent every year. The difference is work put in during the off season as well as development of the JV team. The difference in organization between the Ryle JV and HHS JV is embarrassing. I have heard multiple times from Ryle JV players that the coaches don't care about the JV games. It shows and it's frustrating to watch. You can't expect these kids to be prepared for varsity football if they weren't coached at the JV level. My point is you don't just find wide-outs, you develop them.

  3. I can't wait to watch SK play ST X or Trinity after they sweep district again! Ryle will not stop SK's passing game! Ryle will not be able to run the ball on SK!


    I have to admit that this is my first time posting/responding to anything on BGP. I usually like to check out the scores, schedules etc. But not long ago, I came across something that made me belly laugh and spit my coffee all over my keyboard! I thought to myself "This little kid (UK#1fan) has some acorns getting on here and posting his opinion about his big brothers high school football team. How cute! I wonder if big brother even knows he is in his room on his PC running his little errr BIG mouth about SK of all teams. Surely this is a child because an adult would use spell check at least once in a while." I took it in stride for a while but you really are too much. When you started talking about 5 yrs down the road being right there with the Big Boys, I couldn't resist.


    I can just imagine what it must be like at your house on a Saturday morning. Mom: "Hey Corky, I am making breakfast. Would you like bacon or sausage?" uk#1fan: "Lucky charms have green clovers, and yellow moons so your bacon sucks." Mom: "We are having eggs, hash browns, biscuits and gravy and either bacon or sausage. Choose one please and take off your brothers helmet and put your pull-ups back on. That's a potted plant, not a toilet." uk#1fan: "Green clovers are the best and your breakfast sucks mom!" I hope you understand the analogy. And if you think that SK will hold Elliott to under 100 yds rushing this year, you clearly won't understand .

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