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Kingfish Stevens

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Posts posted by Kingfish Stevens

  1. He was asked, point blank, whether Muslims and Jews who did not believe in Christ would go to Heaven. It is possible he misunderstood the question. It is possible he was distracted and not listening. It is also equally possible that Joel Osteen is a pretender who does not want to "offend" and therefore let the question slide by equivocating and saying "only God can know a man's heart." While absolutely correct in what he SAID, the damage is what he DID NOT SAY, which should have been an unequivocal "No." Equivocating, as I said, damages our mission.


    He can't be defended on the basis of the interviewer, the program, or the audience. He knew those things when he accepted the role to come on, and he knew these questions might be coming. If he is not prepared for Larry king, he sure as heck isn't prepared for a seeker.


    I might add he also in another part of the interview said he was the "next Billy Graham."


    As I said, I was using HHSDad's transcript of what was said and, from it, I still find no problem with what he said.


    I would think that the mission of Christians, including the hard rock, take no prisoner Christians would include encouraging the "unchurched" to at least look into Christianity. Constant condemnation and judging by those "representatives of The Word" are more likely to chase the unchurched away than to bring them in.


    I believe that these hellfire and brimstone methods, for the most part, work merely like pep rallies. The "fans" are all worked up emotionally and full of fire for the cause. However, in a few days it has all worn off and they are back to "normal" and no lasting change has taken place.


    Preachers, and others, are God's representatives. They are not God. They would fare better if they did a little less judging and a little more encouraging. Also, they need to be informed and able to answer tough questions. My experience is that few, if any, can do so. The standard lines that someday we will understand, that God's ways are not our ways, and that God loves us sound good but rarely siffice to one in need.


    Again, I don't particularly like Osteen or his wife but I think it is good that they don't set themselves up as judges.

  2. Using HHSDad's transcript of what was said, it appears to me that he was saying that, although he saw it a certain way, only God, not Joel Osteen, will do the judging.


    I'm no Osteen fan but I find no fault with how he handled the question which, coming from King and in light of King's usual audience, was a loaded and inflamatory question.


    I have more problem with the guys who give their unwavering interpretations with statements dripping with their own judgment and brimstone. To the "unchurched" or to the "borderline churched", they cause more harm than good.


    In the end, shouldn't it be said, as did Osteen, regardless of what we personally believe, in the end only God will make those decisions? Where was he wrong?

  3. No, I'm talking in specifics. Is Beechwood geographically in northern Kentucky or not? I assumed we were talking about who would make the finals. I said I would take LCA and Beechwood. You seem to like either Raceland or Pikeville from the east and Beechwood or Mayfield from the west.


    I do think we can agree that, as with most classes, the east is much weaker than is the west in Class 1A. It would be a better balance if Beechwood were in the east. Actually, geographically speaking, it is closer to the east. The system needs to be adjusted a bit if the KHSAA wants a chance at the best possible matchups in Louisville.

  4. When you attend a performance of whatever kind, you nearly always have to buy a ticket. Osteen is a performer so he is no different. There is a lot of expense in having him and his entourage travel around the country appearing in a variety of large venues. Also, like all the well known television preachers, Osteen appears to personally live very, very well. That takes money.


    Each must decide if the show is worth the price.

  5. You are playing semantics. Of course, Beechwood is in Northern Kentucky, but they will be in the Western portion of the bracket. Thusly, Beechwood, Mayfield, and Frankfort will have to meet before the championship game, and only one of them will be in the championship game. These are the three best teams in 1A right now, so that leaves Eastern and Northeastern Kentucky to make up the other team to make it to the state championship, And the four teams that I mentioned are the ones who will do it. LCA is a valid choose, but the other three have a shot, and are the only teams that have a shot, in my opinion.


    I have no stake in Pikeville, but I do think they are a good team.



    I never said Beechwood was in the east. I merely said that I would take Beechwood and LCA and give you guys Raceland and Pikeville. I do agree that it is a shame that the top teams in Class 1A are all in the west. Nonetheless, regardless of who is better, someone from the east must get there and I'll take LCA over the other two.


    Actually, it would be a far better balance of power if Beechwood were in the east. The chances of getting the two best in the finals would be better.

  6. Beechwood is in northern Kentucky. It is not in western Kentucky. I believe you guys are hedging a little on your endorsements of Pikeville and Raceland. I don't recall mentioning Mayfield. As I said, I'll take LCA and Beechwood and give you boys Raceland and Pikeville.


    I appreciate LRCW posting the teams from the greater Cincinnati area. His list kind of says it all. Actually, Highlands and CovCath should be enough. But, as you can see, there are others.


    I do not intend to degrade the northeastern area schools. With a couple of exceptions, I wholeheartedly support all of them. However, I firmly believe that we must be realists. This is clearly a down year overall for teams in the northeastern area of the state. Even observers from Johnson Central and Russell will tell you that neither of these teams is close to the same level as they were last year.


    I see no problem with being honest in our appraisals. Not everyone can be an X, or a T, or a Highlands. That is the real world and we need to live in it.

  7. With regards to Pikeville, you said they did not have a chance to make it to the championship game. I said they had a good chance, and they do, look at all the 1A polls, they are good. When I said they could compete with anyone, I was referring to their chances of making the championship game, and competing with all 1A schools in the playoffs. If and when they loose in the playoffs, it will be a close score. And as you pointed out they have played some very good bigger schools, which will help them in their playoff situation.


    Perhaps you do not remember last season, or you just do not know as much as you believe you do. But LCA beat Raceland last year in the regular season, then in the playoffs, Raceland beat LCA. And if you read my post, you know that the one in four chance that I spoke of, included LCA, so if LCA beats Raceland, I do not see it as an upset.


    You can spin it however you want, but your first post was wrong on many levels, and everyone who has posted knows it, but you.



    Your further clarification of your post is appreciated. And you say I am the spinner? You can have Raceland and Pikeville. I'll take Beechwood and LCA. We'll see.

  8. Boy, these attempts at rebutting my post are great reading. There is a lot of heart in them although little else.



    I know you aren't serious when you say that Pikeville can "compete with anyone". That is ridiculous (Lex Cath 38 Pikeville 6: Belfrey 49 Pikeville ).

    Raceland has a "one in four" chance of going to the finals? How did Raceland do against LCA earlier in the season? Forget it.

    I never said that BC and GC were the worst 4A schools in the state. I said they were two of the worst. I doubt that my analysis makes the kids who play at those two schools feel any worse than they already do.


    The Red Rambler:

    Whatever Russell accomplished the last two years has no relevance to this season.


    happy 'ol dad:

    When you look at the 5-A schools around the state, this district cannot be rated higher overall than average at best.

    Which northern Kentucky schools did I have in mind? Most of them.


    I don't wish to upset you guys but, every now and then, we need a dose of realism. The kids are more perceptive than you think. They know too well just how they stack up against other teams. To continually patronize them actually insults them- or, at least, in the real world, it should.


    By the way, I will be rooting for Russell and its fine coach, Ivan McGlone.

  9. I thought there was a consensus of opinion to change it to the "So So Seven". That would solve all the disagreement, wouldn't it?


    As for Ashland's "tough schedule", I suppose it depends on what other school schedules are used as a comparison. Ashland's schedule is made up of its own district teams (most of whom are average at best), two Class A schools (neither a remote threat to go to Papa John Stadium), two of the worst 4A treams in the state, Russell (a borderline Top 10 Class 3A school), and Ironton (a real "tradition" having a off year with a group of youngsters).


    Now, that may be a good schedule for the northeast corner of the state where football is not superior by any stretch of the imagination but it pales in comparison with other similar schools with thye Ashland "tradition".


    The truth is Ashland is not a good team at all. But, for the So So Seven, it is probably placed correctly. Still, it is a good thing for Ashland that they don't play any of those northern Kentucky schools. It would be brutal- even at Putnam Stadium.


    Repeatedly using the excuse of the "tough schedule" doesn't make it true.

  10. What does this mean?


    Stay out of it, Uncle Jed. Ms. Liberty and wildcatfan are just starting the old Dusty Springfield song, "Wishing and Hoping". The same song is annually sung around Louisville (X and T), Covington (CovCath), Lexington (LexCath), and in a few more venues in Kentucky. The Euton-UK connection has caused great pain among fans in the local taxpayer funded institutions.


    The more they dig, the more you can be sure they worry. So, ignore it but enjoy it.

  11. It is always a good sign when posters from the other schools start the transfer rumors. I would suggest that it is a combination of wishful thinking and concern about what that nasty private school may do in the coming years to all the local government schools.


    From the way Rose Hill's middle school teams have performed the last few years, it would appear that the school's best years may well start when Euton and Jackson move on to their respective D-1 schools.

  12. There was an op-ed in todays Courier-Journal that I believe sums it up pretty well. We all pay a high price for the lack of civility in our discourse. Coulter isn't the problem. Without our appetite for people that will go out of their way to offend (and what Coulter said was offensive), there wouldn't be a market for the vitriol she spews. Look at the threads on Al Gore's Nobel prize. You don't have to agree with Al Gore's politics or his advocacy of global warming, but how does that make him a "joke" or a "dork", and worse, how does that make anyone that agrees with him a "joke". Move On is the same tripe coming from the other side. The vast majority of our political leaders have our country's best interests at heart. I may disagree with what they want to do, but that does not mean that they must be evil people, worthy of contempt.


    Emperor Gore wears no clothes. He is of little substance. He is an opportunist. He is a tool of those who think propping him up makes Bush look worse and, thus, the 2000 election look like a tragedy (Bush doesn't need Gore to look bad. He is successful on his own. But, he is still preferrable to a vacuum like Gore.). He is enabled by the liberal media and by morons like those associated with liberal agendas such as the Nobel Prize, the Emmys, and the Oscars.


    He is a clearly a dork.

  13. I didn't say the coach was dodging Bath County. I said the leadership. At Greenup County, coaches are rarely part of the leadership. I understand that it came from the administration.


    I can't imagine Hicks dodging GC. But I can sure see GC's administration wanting to avoid Hicks. I'm not finding fault with the decision. I'm merely mentioning it.:thumb:

  14. There was an interesting article in the Ashland newspaper about a Gill girl at Russell. I assume she is related to the Gill boy who was a good athlete for Russell. The article said that she is six feet tall.


    The article indicated that she plays voleyball all year. Is there any chance that she will play basketball this year? I hope Coach Kidwell can get her to play because she would sure help Russell.

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