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Posts posted by TOPPERDAD

  1. I see this as a Great game and waiting is the winner of Knott/Hazard before they either can take the trip to Rupp,Monday games should be two Dandy simi finals,but i do think Breathitt Bobcats take it to wire and WINS,get out and support your team and the Kids, cause thats what it is all about..........

  2. I think The Breathitt Bobcats will show the People up there in LCC that they just didnt play ball the nite they beat them,and yes they have a jingle in their step as they have had such a great turn-around in program,Coach Steve Banks and his coaching staff has done a great job with these young people (Men) and seems as tho things have really gotten better and kids are wanting to go to Rupp,and prove to the fans (WRONG) that have said they couldn't WIN (and with having won 20 plus games and starting and playing 3-4 freshmans) with playing a some what easy schedule as they say,so i do believe they will be there in the end and No Coaching staff has worked any harder for our school system and fans,and that is what its all about bringing our Bobcats to where they suppose to be in the 14th region that is #1, we do think they will only be better next season and odd's on favorite to repeat as Champs of region.

    just my opinion.......:ylsuper: :laugh: :jump: :banana: :banana: :banana:

  3. Talent wise you would have to pick the BOBCATs,and i do believe they will win this one,Buckhorn is very well coached team and seems as tho they have stepped it up some-what,they have a well rounded team and it will be a very exciting game, if Bobcats play TEAM BALL,Breathitt wins,and i do know they are very capable of doing that,its ALL ABOUT BEING A TEAM PLAYER AND THAT IS WHAT WINS YOU CHAMPIONSHIPS,so Bobcats play team ball and wins this game in a jim-dandy ,see you there. Go Bobcats......

  4. I think this is a toss up game, KCC could and should win but Owls have been playing solid basketball, talent wise i say KCC is or has as much as any in 14th,seems as they don't get it out of their athletes often but thats way it is with lots of our mountian teams here, getting the kids to realize they have to lace up their SHOES each time they walk on the floor is or seems to be getting much harder for them to realize and coaches to do........My pick is KCC only because of talent.........

  5. Out of all the 14th players how many D-1 players will they be,imo we have none maybe one at most, our talent level isn't what we think it is,parents telling their kids they are D-1 material is underminding what the game is all about,just my opinion, it kinda makes the kids un-coachable with them thinking they are super stars and really they are just a solid player at best,what do you think am i that far out in under the basket on this, i would like to know what others think on our players, I do think we have several quality players but when a kid thinks and is told they are D-1 players and then they realize they are not then that is a huge let-down for them and their parents,and so tough on the coaches.......

  6. The Bobcats did what most thought,and Wolfe could not stop them,The bench played a huge part in helping with their quoick guards,at one time i believe they had 5 guards on floor trying to keep the bocats from stopiing them running the floor but they did and did the Hayes Kid have a Game ,WoW,he is getting better each game,I like the way The Bobcats passed the ball and PLAYED as a TEAM,that is what will win the 14th ,wait and see Team work is where WINS come from,not ME!!!!!Good Luck Bobcats!!!!

  7. I really think the Breathitt Bobcats has a leg up on the teams they have been playing very well as of late,The game against Wolfe Co. show all US Breathitt Co. Fans that they can play TEAM Basketball,and have a shot at the Rupp Floor,Good Luck All The teams in 14th ,we are going ta have a Grand ole time watching the mountian teams play at RUPP!!!!

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