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Posts posted by TOPPERDAD

  1. No of no kid from Lee transfering,one from Owsley did to Breathitt. He is a Jr.,but he has not been praticing. I do know that for sure. I am at their pratices,awaiting judge ruling,should and could be only one that gets too play this year.

    I would like see all three get to play,shame they wont. Thats not saying I agree with their changing of schools tho,I cant see how its helped two of them at all, but thats my opinion.

  2. Now Hazard will be in the thick of winning this 14th region,Coach Al Holland will have them in the mix,as for PCC i really dont think they are in top three teams at all so there you have my take.

    Breathitt should be able to have a good team loosing Noble and Salyers will hurt this 10th grade class but should have little to do with us winning this year.

    we still have good group of upper classmen in Travis Smith and Justin Hollon,mix in Channing Fugate (10th Grade) and DaKota Ritchie (10th Grade) and Jade Haddix (10 Grade) and Aaron Combs and (Maybe/Hopefully) Colby Fugate we should be one of top teams in region, but must remember most are still in football so first few games will be played without their best team on floor so dont give up on these Bobcats too quick,cause we will be there in the end.

    Jackson City isnt far off BUT can you win with just one player,and yes he is a PLAYER,I really see no help,maybe Zack Gayheart comes on and helps a lot,

    But Good Luck Tigers.

    Riverside maybe dont want do that ,so we have to let them play where thay want to play,should be a better team,Coach Turner will work them hard and that means a lot.

  3. Hazard is good enough to win this game on the road,and i am pulling for them to win it all,and they do have a shot at it. So bring home the State Championship back to the mountains ,Coach Dixon is a good young Coach with lots of talent. Good Luck Bulldogs.

  4. Can we say that Breathitt Co. is just a passing team,I really think we are about 50/50 here in last 4-5 games ,and Channing Fugate will and is as good 10 grader as they are in state. Belfry will have to respect our running game and then will have our passing game to respect.

    Now Belfry has to be favorite but by no way will they beat us in the huge #'s i have heard, i say we will have to play really well but we can and have done that this season,looks like another "GREAT" game ,and where else could you not want to play your best ,with a chance to go to the Pizza House,and i do believe that ever who wins this game is your 3-A State Champs winner. So lets bring it back too the Hills of Eastern Ky,be it Breathitt Co.Or Belfry I will be there cheering for either one and Good Luck!!!!

  5. Wouldn't you have too say Breathitt Co. has a some what good ground game ,and not just a passing team,Channing Fugate is just a 10th grader and has to be a threat ever tme he touches the ball,Now we do pass the ball to many recievers and i do believe you might say we are a much better passing team ,but in no way could you say we are that only.

  6. I really think most fans at Breathitt County High School knows where Belfry is,and i am sure of that.You will see that, and I will say we found our way there in 2002 to Viperman and the Cam is so much better place to play,I personally have been there and its the best place in state to play football. In my opinion Breathitt Co. will have to play thier best game of season to stay in the game ,one thing will be said is that Breathitt will smack you in mouth,and can pass the ball,run the ball so you also have to play them or they can and will beat you.

  7. I have to say that Russell is a class act, Players and coaches came and gave congrats to Bobcats, Not many places you go and win that happens. Two good teams and programs. Well played and few turn overs could have been totally differant score,One thing BOTH teams hit and hit HARD tonite,Now i think we can rest case about Breathitt Co. NOT playing NO ONE,cause i do believe they past the test,cause Russell is Good team.

    Way to Go Bobcats...Beat Belfrey.....I must say the ride home was enjoyable with this WIN!!! What about the Crowd from Breathitt Co. we had almost as many there as Russell.

  8. The Breathitt Co.Bobcats had an early morning pratice (9 to 11:30)and lots football fans greeted them, on cool morning after about 2 1/2 hour it was off too eat turkey and give thanks for such a great season, lots Breathitt Co.Bobcat fans will be going to Russell to support The Breathitt Co. Bobcats and their coaching staff. Go Bobcats!!!

  9. Jeepman, that's what is all about these young athletes bring us so much joy to watch, cause we know someone is going to loose, and i do believe these two programs(Russell and Breathitt Co.) and Belfrey are top of the line programs in mountains, we none of us want to loose but i will support any of East teams if they go to State for Championship in 3-A, as i say i am always for our mountain teams. We do look forward to being at this fine school (Russell) for an exciting game. See you there.

  10. Jeepman, you have to say that was a great game, Russell played well, Justin Haddix had his worse first half of season, but Breathitt Co.Bobcats never let up and came back and a missed field goal was the differance.Russell had maybe the best kicker in state and i don't think had missed an extra point all year ,till then.

    When teams win Championships usually there is a little luck involved in it also, talent is important but luck has its part of the season also.

  11. Its "GREAT" to be one of the teams thats making it ,and pratice is part of the game. We all should give thanks for all the young athletes that has performed so great this year. As a fan i know we have so much to be thankful for and if we get the chance to play on the Pizza field ,thats makes it so much better,and really when summer pratice starts the Coaches and Players have that in mind,playing in Louisville at pizza stadium,so Thanksgiving pratice is great.

  12. I would say about 4-5 hundred fans maybe more hopefully from Jackson/Breathitt county will be there,Breathitt Co.Bobcats have a good following and at most away games we have as many as the home team does,take even at LCA (lexington)we had as many on visitors side as they did on home side,and yes i do believe the way the play-off was this year playing within the district hurt ,cause we really had to win district twice,and am i that bad wrong.

    Breathitt Co.Bobcats are a 3rd/4th quarter team also,i do believe they are in better shape than most teams so they have been know to prove that i must say,if you have watch this team,by end of third quarter we are just getting fresh/catching our wind and the other teams are tired so Coach has them in tip top shape,by hard pratices,lots of routes on air and few subs that can relieve others. See you there ,TOPPERDAD will be there.

  13. You must also remember Breathitt Co.is still a New kid on block when it comes to football as to some schools,we didnt start till early 70's (73-74)and to have 3 State Championships,you to have to say Thats "GREAT",and What about their Coach Mike Holcomb should win" Coach of Year "for sure, i know i would place my vote for him in Class 3-A.

  14. I just think this will be a lot better game than we are letting on, Coach Jay Cobb will have his team ready to play Belfry.

    With one of the states best players in John Cole it will be very interesting if the cream of this years crop of players done shine. I have seen him play and he is the real deal, so sad our state didn't see fit to get him.

    Just another blunder in our university's way of letting the best athlete's in state get away.

    I do think Belfry may be the better team but am just as sure its going to be much closer than we think.

  15. As we all talk about each of these teams they have both Russell and Breathitt have had good seasons, Breathitt may have played a little bit easier schedule,but to tell the truth some of the teams they use to play wouldn't put them on their schedule,so it no fault of coach Mike Holcomb,they knew we was going to have a good team,and i must say we will be good for next few years,could have as good back field as we have had in a while,with Channing Fugate ,and Chris Spicer as running backs and Jade Haddix as QB,should be exciting to watch, Quick and should see some options run next year out of lots differant sets, But on to this years season we hope that both teams (Russell and Breathitt Co.)play well and have fun and can play with good sportsmanship,and may the best team win i really do believe Breathitt Co.should win this game as i do think we have the better of the two teams but its not played on here, but on field, so we will have to see which one wins friday night under the cool evening lights at Russell so good luck Breathitt Co.Bobcats, see you there.

  16. I must say that being a fan of the Breathitt Co. Bobcats we do expect to WIN when our Bobcats takes the field (kinda way Coach Holcomb and Chapman and staff wants it),we are kinda spoiled but its a great way to feel as far a "hate and jealous" we dont have room for stuff like that in our life cause as i say we are FAN of the game and someone wins and someone looses,gotta be able to except a loss ever now and then if you play the game, but we all like too win more than loose.

  17. Russell will have to keep Breathitt's Offense off the field, if they can't do that it could get ugly.

    Breathitt has not really played a good ball control team as of yet,and Russell and Belfery are two good teams,and they will really test Coach John Chapmans defense but you had better believe he is one of the states best defensive coach but he will have his young talented players ready for the test at hand.

    Its like most say ball control against Coach Mike Holcomb wide open offense and we do have a good running game also,so guess we will see who wins,i am going to say Breathitt Co. 35 Russell 14 could be more.

  18. I have heard all three kids have been ruled ineligible to play for the three differant schools (JCS,Owlsley Co.,and Breathitt Co.)they went too. Does this mean they will sit out a year, my guess is YES,and they will play next year,i just wish they all three could play for their schools, its a shame they can't.

  19. I always follow the local mountain teams all way to state finals if they make it No matter who it is and with that being said, if any local mountain kids are good enough to make college teams i always want see where they go, because its all about the young high school athletes and where they will go to continue their education.

    Around here in Breathitt Co. if we loose our kids go straight in to the Basketball arena next day if they are healthy and can run the floor no later than week, cause if they go far in play-offs they are all ready behind.

    But being a fan of most high school sports seems as u can't wait for one to end and the other to begin, so i hope we have three more games to watch the Breathitt Co. Bobcats on Football field and i do think we will be doing just that, and then its off to the basketball courts. Go Bobcats

  20. Do we all really think there is not going to be any surprises in this years play-off games, I really think there will be, but on paper the first two rounds have and will be just as expected, i don't see any surprises in first two rounds. Then the real games should start everyone is not saying much about Somerset Football team, but let me tell you they are a good team, can they beat Belfry (maybe), and Yes, Breathitt Co. should beat Russell or Mason, and i say they will, so really it could be Breathitt Co. and Somerset in finals wouldn't that be a Good game.(surprise)

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