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Everything posted by pctens

  1. Heres a question about the the state of Jackson county's program. How many freshman games have they played this year and how many freshman games have they won in the last three years. I am not taking up for them but from what I hear they can't get enough players to have a freshman team. I also heard that they have just one one freshman game in the last three years. So, has anybody ever thought that the reason they draw is that they have looked down the road and seen the future to not look that bright and decided to do the best thing for there kids and not worry about what everybody else thought about them. Just a thought! There KHSAA roster shows them to have 9 seniors, 2 juniors, 2 sophmores, 3 freshman. They would've had 10 seniors but one of them went down with a knee before the season started and is out for the year.
  2. I don't understand how you can somewhat understand Red Bird and Oneida's position and not Jackson County's. If they seeded for 20 years 18 of those years would have Jackson county being the 3rd place team or lower and the rest they might actually make it to 1st or second. So, they are in the same boat as Red Bird and Oneida.
  3. CLay dis play well and Jackson did not. I thought that JCHS did a good job with crowd control. It was Clay's coach who didn't do a good job representing Clay Co. And I am a non-biased fan of basketball. Both teams played hard Jackson just made poor decision with the basketball late in the game.
  4. I think I stateed that crawford isnt healthy and because of this and his bulkiness he is not in the top ten to me right now. When he is healthy he is oneof the top 3 players in the region.
  5. After seeing the Pineville - Red BIrd Game tonight Strange has to be moved up a spot in my list. It is now: 1. Brumback, Jackson County 2. Miller, Knox Central 3. Johnson, Cumberalnd 4. Strange, Pineville 5, Seidel, North Laurel 6. Wilson, Corbin 7. Hobbs, Clay 8. Johnson, Corbin 9. Day, Pineville 10. St John, South Laurel Yes, Day did drop a spot after I seen him play. Although he has been injured I still think he is nowhere near the player at his position that Brumback and Johnson are. I am going to try and watch the Bell and clay game and my ratings might change after seeing the kid from bell play. St John just make the top ten because he is so big not for his skills.
  6. I have seen almost every team in the 13th play. The only teams I haven't ween are Red Bird, Williamsburg, Pineville, Bell, Harlan, and Evarts. After seeing these teams and looking at box scores, there is no doubt who is the most dominant player in the region to me. That is the brumback kid from Jackson County. Here is my list though. 1. Brumback, jackson 2. Miller, knox central 3. Johnson, cumberland 4. Seidel, north laurel 5. Strange, pineville 6. Wilson, corbin 7. Hobbs, clay 8. Day, pineville 9. Johnson, corbin 10. St. John, south laurel There are other players that could be in there to but I have just not seen them play enough. Like the kid from bell and the point gaurd and big man from middlesboro. Ther is a shooting gaurd from south laurel that county. This brings me to crawford from corbin. Last year he was a top 3 player in the region. This year he is not healthy and hasn't played much. I seen him play 3 games this year and he just isn't the player he was last year. I feel like he has gotten to big body wise to play his style of game. He was a slasher that could get to the basket and score at will last year. This year he looks like he has a hard time moving because he has beefed up so much. He has resorted to the post up game and to me that is not his best attribute. So, I can't put him in my top ten yet.
  7. Hard fought game by both teams. Jackson Co. went 10 for 20 from the FT line.
  8. Corbin did wwin there first round game but Jackson county actually brought home the fourth place trophy. You can get the cumberland falls program and look at the bracket and the loser of the third place game gets fifth place and the team that wins there last two games of an eight team tournament gets fourth place. Actually, Les you are wrong in this case.
  9. I agree with the rankings for the most part. There is however one false statement in Les' rankings. Corbin did not bring home the fourth place trophy at the cumberland falls. Jackson Co. placed fourth going 2-1 while corbin went 1-2.
  10. Nick Brumback had 21 pts and 9 rebounds in this game. Jackson county was in control of this game from start to finish. North made a run late in the fourth to cut it two. Then Brumback got a steal and was in the open floor by himself and dalton comefrom behind to try to block his shot and Brumback dunked all over him and got fouled. Dalton was posterized. I am working on trying to get the dunk put on youtube.
  11. The best 2 inside players in the region are by far are Nick Brumback and Desmond Johnson.
  12. Corbin, Bell, South Laurel, Cumberland Bell, South Laurel South Laurel Jordan Hammonds
  13. its simple why jackson co. doesn't want to seed. The reason is that 95% of the time they are going to be the #2 or #3 seed which means they are going to have to play clay or north laurel every year. Which is a tough first round game every year. Why wouldn't they want a chance to play one of the other two teams in the district. Which would give them a better chance at going to the region more often. I wish everyone would just qiut talking about how it would be better for the region if the 49th seeded making the region matchups better. I think JC is doing what everybody else should do and think about what is best for the kids of their county. This gives JC a better chance of getting to region and is more logical to me. If the 49th would have seeded this year the only change would have been clay would've played the winner of OBI and Red Bird and JC would've still played North. Bottom line is seeding is not better for OBI and Red bird ans the only advantage JC would have would be the years that they would be the #1 seed, which doesn't happen very often.
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