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  1. This may be off topic but I felt this is a good place to relate the events of a basketball game between two very fine schools and athletic programs. This was a hard played game and the winner earned the victory. A friend of mine once said “as long as there are tests in school there will be prayer in schools”. It is nice to see a school system that will still allow prayer before a sports event as was witnessed before the game with Shelby Valley at Raceland on Saturday. I was told of a mom that purposely, at half time, came from the Shelby Valley side of the gym to thank the gentleman for offering up a prayer for the safety of the players; as well as for traveling to and from the game. This prayer happened just before the singing of the National Anthem. We as a country may be getting away from why God Blessed America and the honor that this country has stood for. When our schools can give our young people a respect for God and country, a well grounded education and an opportunity to participate in a respectable sporting event, then we will have won a great victory as a nation.
  2. I agree with you 100% and I might add that I am guilty of yelling at the Official on occasion (I have never been abusive, just difference of opinion on a call) and have immediately regretted it. It is a fact that these folks do not officiate for the money, they are out there for the love of the kids and the game. I for one apologize and only wish there were some way to make up for the past but that can't happen, so I will do my best to uphold these individuals in the future. Thank you for opening this topic.
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