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Posts posted by BoondockSaint

  1. Let me know when you've read all my posts.


    It's clear that I said I don't think the government should be involved.

    I apologize, I got caught up in the repetitive nature of this thread. So the government shouldn't interfere in this matter, but people should not exercise their right to operate their own companies as they see fit within the law? I'm caught up now.

  2. You people just don't get it. It amazes me that this whole thing has gone totally over your heads. The guy is on a humanitarian trip. Some people question his motives (wrongly in my opinion) and how does this humanitarian handle it? By wishing death on them, "screaming from rectal cancer" (in his own words) to be exact. I ask you, what's humanitarian about that? Again I ask you, what's human about that?

    Funny to me how the majority of you (people by the way that usually condemn such deplorable, hateful, ignoble behavior) are willing to act as if it's no big deal because hey, after all, he's just an actor.

    Even funnier to me is how many of you want to try to spin it on to me because of PC. This is beyond PC folks, and for the record I think he has every right to say it. I never once said he had no right to speak his mind. My conscious, however, will not allow me to just give him a pass as you all want to do just because he has freedom of speech or you like his acting. I also have freedom of speech, I choose, in this case, to point out how vile, base and despicable it is to wish such an appalling thing on other human beings simply because they questioned his motives. This guy is no humanitarian.

    I've never claimed to believe that he was a humanitarian or some special guy. Either way, that really has nothing to do with my point.

  3. I really find it hard to believe that you have such in issue with this RTS considering you seem to so often be the sensitive police on this website. Should he have said it? Absolutely not. Do I really think that he would be dancing in the streets if they all got rectal cancer? No I don't. He's an actor, who really cares what he said or why he said it. He could hold a press conference saying that he truly hopes I get mauled by a bear tomorrow with Creed being blared in the background while it happened and I have to say that it would probably bring a smile to my face.

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