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Everything posted by buttels

  1. Should be downstairs in the far box. Stop on over.
  2. Tonight's game with Dixie Heights hosting Cooper will be our final Football game broadcast. Since our first game when Walton opened their program against Scott back in 2008, we have seen so many great games and players that played their hearts out on the field. We want to thank all of those players and coaches for those memories. We're taking our coverage in a different direction next year and starting the Tri State Internet Sports Scoreboard Show. This way we can pub all of the weeks games and with the emergence of Twitter, give a great account of each game as it happens. ALL North Central and Northern Kentucky. I know there is another scoreboard show on the air now, but not to take anything away from Dan Clasgens, they don't really do Northern Kentucky any justice. Along with the game accounts, we'll be talking to players and coaches after their games to hear first hand, how the week's game went. In addition, we'll bring back parts of our old weekly show and talk to other sports folks as well to talk about the other fall sports going on at that time. We thank everyone who has either watched or listened to our games. It's been a blast.
  3. Here is the list: 6:00pm Devin Duvall Owen County 6:20pm Jon Jones Gallatin County 6:40pm Johnny Leep Trimble County 8:00pm Henry County Players We will be broadcasting the show on IHigh. Here is the link: 2014 NCKC Conference Basketball Preview Show
  4. Here is the Girls list for the show: 7:00pm Bob Osborne Owen-Girls 7:20pm Holly Roberts Gallatin Girls 7:40pm Mark Clinkenbeard Walton-Girls We will be broadcasting the show on IHigh. Here is the link: 2014 NCKC Basketball Preview Show
  5. Tri State Internet Sports Radio will be broadcasting the game from Dixie on Thursday night. This game marks the final football game broadcast for Tri State Internet Sports Radio. We will be taking things in a different direction come next fall. Broadcast Link
  6. Just heard from Coach Tony Perkins at Holmes. He will be there to round out the Wednesday night show.
  7. Nothing from any one of them. Coach Listerman used to come, but nothing this year.
  8. This year will be the 2nd annual NCKC Basketball Preview show LIVE from the Smith House in Owenton. This will be a combined Girls and Boys Preview Show. The show will be Monday, November 3rd, starting at 6pm. I'll post the link to the broadcast and the lineup shortly.
  9. This year will be the 2nd annual NCKC Basketball Preview show LIVE from the Smith House in Owenton. This will be a combined Girls and Boys Preview Show. The show will be Monday, November 3rd, starting at 6pm. I'll post the link to the broadcast and the lineup shortly.
  10. Here's the schedule: November 11th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Grant Brannen Walton-Verona 6:20pm Kevin Listerman Highlands 6:40pm Players Boone County 7:00pm Brad Carr Scott 7:20pm Jim Hicks Conner 7:40pm Rod Snapp Newport 8:00pm Brandon Grammer Grant County 8:20pm Billy Rogg Dayton November 12th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Ken Chevalier Dixie Heights 6:20pm Howard Brownstein Silver Grove 6:40pm Mike Key Lloyd Memorial 7:00pm Tim Sullivan Cooper 7:20pm Randy Wofford Ludlow 7:40pm Trent Steiner Simon Kenton 8:00pm Dave Faust St. Henry 8:20pm David McFarland Ryle 8:40pm Jim Hicks Bellevue I'll post the broadcast link later this week. Still trying to figure which we'll be using. Should be a great night of basketball.
  11. Waiting on one more confirmation to post listing of folks coming.
  12. All online. You can listen at Tri State Internet Sports Radio. We'll have video also, but will have to choose our provider for this year. More to come this week.
  13. For Girls will be opening night 12/1. Lloyd vs. Newport
  14. Somebody's got the cut and paste feature down :wave: j/k
  15. Updated list: November 4th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Jamie Walz-Richey Highlands 6:20pm Jeff Stowers Simon Kenton 6:40pm Kevin Wiehe Silver Grove 7:00pm Tara Smith Dixie 7:20pm Josh Feldman Brossart 7:40pm Shawn West Grant County 8:00pm Wyatt Foust Notre Dame 8:20pm Karra Jackson Ryle 8:40pm Vikki Wofford Ludlow 9:00PM Bev Smith Dayton 9:20pm Mia Cooper Heritage Academy November 5th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Nicole Levandusky Cooper 6:20pm Ann Merkley Calvary Christian 6:40pm Tyler Teke Lloyd 7:00pm George Stoll NCC 7:20pm Kes Murphy Holy Cross 7:40pm Aaron Stamm Conner 8:00pm Brian Coburn Villa Madonna 8:20pm Tommy Sorrell Bellevue 8:40pm Rhonda Klette Scott 9:00pm Nell Fookes Boone County 9:20pm Paul Sturgeon St. Henry
  16. NCC and Ryle have switched times. Ryle will be on 8:20 on Tuesday the 4th. NCC will be on at 7pm on Wednesday.
  17. I did hear from Coach Perkins, but have not heard if we will be coming yet.
  18. Still working on confirmations for the boys. Should have it by first of next week.
  19. Here is the schedule of folks and when they are coming out to the show. November 4th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Jamie Walz-Richey Highlands 6:20pm Jeff Stowers Simon Kenton 6:40pm Kevin Wiehe Silver Grove 7:00pm Tara Smith Dixie 7:20pm Josh Feldman Brossart 7:40pm Shawn West Grant County 8:00pm Wyatt Foust Notre Dame 8:20pm George Stoll NCC 8:40pm Vikki Wofford Ludlow 9:00PM Bev Smith Dayton 9:20pm Mia Cooper Heritage Academy November 5th Time Slot Coach School 6:00pm Nicole Levandusky Cooper 6:20pm Ann Merkley Calvary Christian 6:40pm Tyler Teke Lloyd 7:00pm Karra Jackson Ryle 7:20pm Kes Murphy Holy Cross 7:40pm Aaron Stamm Conner 8:00pm Brian Coburn Villa Madonna 8:20pm Tommy Sorrell Bellevue 8:40pm Rhonda Klette Scott 9:00pm Nell Fookes Boone County Should be a great night of basketball talk. I'll be posting the link coming up. Deciding which provider to use currently.
  20. Hunter Lawson is his name. He is also their kicker. Low motor and will bullrush through the line.
  21. OK, Enrollment question then. Are they on the same fence as Brossart? Would they jump down to 1A?
  22. I have read the threads about Dave Wirth at Covington Catholic, but does anyone think a change needs to come to Holy Cross? Going 6-24 since winning the State Title in 2011 and only defeating Bishop Brossart in the past 2 years makes me think something needs to change. We see them in the first round of the playoffs against our District champs. What gives in Latonia?
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