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Posts posted by Vangelis

  1. Season starts tomorrow for Highlands vs. CovCath at 5:00 in Park Hills. Hopefully the heat will not be too bad. I'm sure that Dale would let CovCath come over to Ft. Thomas to play later, say 7:30 when it's not too hot. Heck, they could even turn on the lights.:D


    What other schools start tomorrow?


    Actually the AD at Cov Cath has confirmed that the Highlands v Cov Cath game is at 5:30 PM, not 5:00 PM.

  2. I find those against making contact with helmet's rediculous to a certain extent. This is football not soccer or tidly winks. I played football for 21 years and I hit with my helmet on almost every play. The only time I didn't was when the guy I was blocking or running at didn't care to have a headache. When I was a kid I was taught how to use my equipment properly. I was also taught how not to use it.


    I understand why there are rules against using your helmet as a weapon, but to call a penalty the way it is being described will ruin the game IMO. As a full back I lived for contact and more times than not found it. I never became injured, or injured someone else permanently by hitting properly with my helmet. I've seen people get hurt bouncing off of thighs and such way more often by not using their equipment properly. Football is not a contact sport, it is a collision sport. If the goal is to take away the collisions than give the kids flags Nancy.:D


    Consider yourself lucky!

  3. By the way, in my final game as a highschool football player (in the early '80s) I was flagged for Butt Blocking and summarily ejected from the game.


    I was taught to block and tackle by ramming my forehead into my opponent and I was pretty good at it. I am also probably lucky that I'm not paralyzed myself.



    Gee Offside, I thought that you played the tuba in the band???? ;) Seriously, I don't think that it is going to be as big an issue as some people might think. It has "always" (at least as long as I have been officiating) been illegal to lead with the helmet or use the helmet to butt block, face tackle or spear another player. In my opinion, some preventative officiating with the coaches and players before and during the game will go a long way to making sure that this does not get out of control. Officials have to be more aware of the foul now. There may be more illegal helmet contact fouls called this year, but I don't think that it will be too outrageous. I know that during the 2 games that I officiated this past weekend, we called 1 illegal helmet foul.

  4. I have a call going into one of the GCHS coaches to see what the story is. Buttels you may want to check w/ Jones-Z to see we has to say. I know in a convo we had this summer, he wanted to play on Friday nights. The way it is suppossed to be. Either way we still get to enjoy the greatest sport around!


    It's my understanding that the school is going to rent some portable lights from the Ky Speedway in Sparta. If that is true, then the games should start at 7:00-7:30 rather than 5:30. I wish them luck.

  5. Actually, I believe the schedule looks like this.


    Friday Aug. 24 at Belfry High School

    East Ridge vs Phelps 6:00 PM

    Belfry vs Corbin 8:00 PM


    Saturday Aug. 25 at Pikeville High School

    Pike County Central vs Shelby Valley 6:00 PM

    Pikeville vs Louisville Holy Cross 8:00 PM


    I'll be there both nights. I'm really looking forward to attending the 2007 PCB. It looks like there are some good match-ups this year. Are there any good golf courses near Pikeville where me and my mates can get in a round of golf on Saturday morning?

  6. Just to build off the thread from NKY thread of officials going, what in the world has happened to the officials from the 14th region. I know we cover a lot of games for them, we work more games in that region than they cover all year long.


    Any thoughts?


    Anyone care?


    What schools are in the 14th?

    Perry, Hazard, Letcher, Leslie, Knott, Powell, Breathitt, Estill?, Did I miss anyone?


    What region do you normally cover?

  7. Not much of a fan of Star Wars, really. Used to take lunch money from those kids.


    offside :cool:


    I kind of feel the same way about Harry Potter fans. When I was much, much younger, I used bully Boy Scouts. They were easy pickins! I'm just glad that you didn't beat up football players who also played in the band!!! :creepy:

  8. "Nefarious conspiracy?" That's really impressive! Did you go to a private school? ;) Seriously, Yoda of the Gridiron is absolutely correct. While there are numerous college and professional football officials throughout the state, many of whom still attempt to work high school games when possible, there are many more excellent "high school" officials who really enjoy the high school game and have no desire to pursue college and professional officiating. A number of those officials could easily succeed at the higher levels if they wanted to, but most choose not to do so. They enjoy the high school game too much to leave. They are dedicated and passionate. Trust me, even though there has been some turnover of officials in northern ky, there are still a large number of great high school officials that you'll see on the field this year and for the indefinite future. :thumb:

  9. There are a few Northern Ky refs that officiate college football, and still work varsity, JV, freshman, and other levels of football in this region. If I am not mistaken, those are the same guys who also train the younger officials and are basically the backbone of the northern ky association. As with any officiating group, you will always have some officials who move on to higher levels of officiating. More than likely, those officials will stay involved with the local high school group. Saturday JV games has nothing to do with the recent changes. I know for a fact that one white hat is going to work for the OVC, but he'll still work varsity games during his off weeks. Another R moved out of state to VA, and another retired after 30+ years. There are probably 10+ officials in northern ky that work for various D-III, NAIA, and D-IAA college conferences.

  10. They don't have to be grey in highschool, that's an NCAA rule. But they do have to have the NF/NCAA compliance label (which probably explains why most legal gloves on the market are grey).





    That's good to know! I better write that one down for the upcoming season. Thanks for your pearls of wisdom Yoda of the gridiron! :jump:

  11. Re-draw has been completed. Now Highlands plays Dayton, Newport plays NCC, and that winner gets Bellevue. The whole problem apparently stems from a disorganized draw whereby the individual in charge tried to "fly by the seat of his pants" instead of take the time to do it right......and before the bashing begins, be certain the one in charge was NOT THE COACHING STAFF, GIRLS OR BOYS!!!!!!!


    That's what happens when you have an AD who only wants to work on a part-time basis. From what I hear from my sources in Dayton, he is the one at fault. Too bad! Dayton is really trying to make this good tournament. :mad:

  12. I thought the officiating was decent at best. I saw an obvious block in the back on Danville's long touchdown run right before half on #65 for NewCath right in front of the official, as well as the 3rd quarter TD pass for Danville in the 3rd Quarter when the player was clearly out of bounds. I know being a ref isn't easy, but if you get to the Finals you better be pretty darn good. I may be mistaken but doesn't the line judge have the recievers feet and the back judge the catch on a pass to the side of the endzone like that?


    Maybe Coach Harp did an excellent job of getting in his head.


    IMO, it was clearly a block in the side, not a block in the back. For there to be a block in the back, the initial contact must be in the opponent's back, inside the shoulders, below the helmet and above the waist. Basically, in the numbers. A block in the side does not constitute a block in the back. Nor is it considered clipping. It makes no difference where the blocker's head is located either. With regard to the catch in the end zone, I will defer to the judgment of the official who made the call. He had to make that call in a split second. That's the human element that we have to deal with in a game. High school games do not have the benefit of instant replay.

  13. I thought their was a rule on fumbling in the endzone, if a player fumbles into the endzone that same player has to recover it before its considered a touchdown. Maybe I am wrong but someone mentioned a rule like that.


    In the college ranks it is known as the "Fourth Down Fumble Rule." There is no such rule in high school. The NCAA rule states that "When on fourth down, before a change of team possession, a Team A fumble is recovered in advance of the fumble by a Team A player other than the fumbler, the ball is dead and returned to the spot of the fumble. If the fumble is recovered behind the spot of the fumble by a Team A player other than the Team A fumbler, the ball is dead at that spot." That also applies on PATs.

  14. First of all, great game by both teams. I am always going to pull for a local team and have become quite the Russell fan in the past few years with their deep playoff runs. I have one question about the game.


    On Mercer's first score, they went for it on 4th down, and scored off of a recovered fumble in the endzone. Am I wrong by saying that the score shouldn't have been granted? I thought on forth down the only person offense eligible to advance a fumble was the person who fumbled?


    Anyway, that was it.


    I want to congratulate both teams on a great game and great seasons. The game was fun to listen to.




    That's the college rule, not high school. :rolleyes:

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