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Posts posted by UKPat02

  1. Actually, we're all having quite a huge laugh at you Obama apologists, oh this is going to be soooo much fun the next four years. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



    Is it just me or is that a terrible attitude? Like him or not, he's your president. You should be praying for his success and not hoping he flounders just you you can say "told ya so".

  2. The bashing of O is about 10% that W has took. Heck, the Dems would not even give W credit for a win in 2000. THey spent the first 4 years yelling thief.


    But you're comparing 8 years of W bashing with 6 months of Obama bashing. If it's already at 10%, by the end of Obama's second term, he will have taken 160% more than Bush did, and perhaps for no good reason. At least the Dems had sufficient reason. :D

  3. http://townhall.com/columnists/DickMorrisandEileenMcGann/2008/11/23/hillary_nomination_would_be_an_obama-nation



    This appointment represents the capstone of betrayal of Obama's promise to be the "change we can believe in."


    No longer, apparently, does he distrust Hillary's "judgment," as he did during the debates when he denounced her vote on the Iraq War resolution. Now, all is forgiven.


    Neither Clinton nor Obama has spent five minutes conducting any aspect of foreign policy in the past. Neither has ever negotiated anything or dealt with diplomatic issues. It is the blonde leading the blind.


    Obama in the midst of an Administration which, while he appointed it, is not his own. Rather he has now created a government staffed by Clinton people, headed by Clinton appointees, and dominated by Hillary herself.


    Obama had all the options in the world and chose to fence himself in by appointing Hillary as Secretary of States, Clinton cabinet member Bill Richardson for Commerce, Clinton staffer Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff, Clinton buddy (and top lobbyist) Tom Daschle to HHS, and Bill's Deputy Attorney General, Eric Holder, to Justice.


    If Obama needed any warning about how Hillary will play the game, he need only look at how she handled her appointment. She forced Obama to see her by publicly complaining that she had not heard from him. When he raised the possibility of her appointment to State, she then leaked word that it was in the works. Even the announcement of her appointment was not made by Obama but leaked by Hillary's "confidantes."


    Hillary will be a loose cannon as Secretary of State, vindicating her own agenda rather than that of the president and burnishing her own image at every turn.


    That's playing pretty fast and loose with facts. Especially considering Hillary hasn't even been appointed yet.

  4. This thread makes me laugh. Obama will never be good enough for some of you. As some have stated before, if Obama was laying low right now, there would be voices crying out because he wasn't taking the job seriously enough or wasn't properly preparing. :lol:


    Personally it makes me feel good to have a president "chomping at the bit" to get into office and get to work.


    I will say, though, that if we weren't in the current economic situation we would be seeing less of Obama. But people are demanding answers, Wall Street is demanding answers and the world is demanding answers as to what to expect. Obama is just doing his job at this point.

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