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Posts posted by Tiger2023

  1. X folks you have had your fun now join the rest of us in reality. Lou X wins one game and gets the high national ranking. How did you get the high ranking by beating a team that has earned the hardware for the last six years and been playing the national teams to get the good exposure on a national level. Nice win on Sept 28th and glad to see the tigers doing well in the polls but remember who got you there. Hope to see you in Dec.


    Looks like seeing X on a silly national poll has struck a jealous nerve with you.


    We look forward to Dec.


    Go Tigers

  2. How can a kid that lives in Franklin County's east side go to Trinity? Is that legal? I thought that Franklin County was in the arch-diocese of Lexington which means if he was going to go to a Catholic school he must go to Lexington Catholic.


    That is a long drive, gotta admire that carpool driver.


    I wonder who has X's longest drive.


    You have to admire that dedication.

  3. And yet another explanation of the spontaneous, student section inspired, motivational tool, this year's theme of overcoming, it was only kids umbrella prop.


    This is getting good. Any other explanations about the umbrella? :lol:


    CentreRocks in a landslide!!!!


    Next election in December...

  4. Much like UK fans were accused last year of Obsessive Cards Disorder I feel some Trinity fans have a BAD case Obsessive Glaser Disorder.....


    Yes, I believe the umbrella was a bit odd. However, in NO way do I believe that was classless or anything of the sort. I happen to see the umbrella come from the student section, not from Glaser and I saw him lay it down. I am not sure where the broom came from but that has been a symbol used in all sports by many teams over the years. As someone mentioned the Trinity players left quicker than a fire drill and nothing was done in front of them.


    In short, to say any of the post game celebrations were classless is pure OGD. It was kids having fun and enjoying one small victory in their young lives.


    Go Tigers.

    #1 in State for now....hopefully we can say the same in December.

  5. Who can Trinity and X fans copmplain to about the SLOW!!!! way we are herded into the PJ stadium??? I left my tailgate at 7:20 and almost missed kickoff. They have got to have more people checking bags and such. The gate I went in (corner of Floyd and Central) had about a 10 foot area to get through and it could have gotten ugly.


    It seemed to me the gate had 2 other gates that were closed. :confused::confused::confused:


    Great win and I look forward to round 2.

  6. I hope the Saint Xavier coaches have more control over their players should the varsity Tigers win tonight. The last time Saint Xavier pulled the regular season sweep, I thought allowing the players to run around the field with brooms was done in very bad taste. This rivalry should be above those types of childish antics. They should celebrate, but do it with class.


    Hopefully this will not be an issue tonight. :D


    I agree the brooms might have been a little much and we all know Trinity coaches have total control over all players. :rolleyes:


    They are all just kids give them a break, both sides included.


    Go Tigers

  7. I do appreciate the attention and weight you must give my posts. In order to know my trends, tendencies and patterns to thus make the above comment and consider it accurate, you must be quite the fan of mine. I suppose I should be honored. :banana:


    That said...


    There is a word that was mentioned in this thread, not sure if you saw it or not. I will spell it out for you in such a way that you can understand S-A-R-C-A-S-M. Which is common within the back and forth banter that occurs between T and X fans regularly here on BGP.


    To be specific:



    1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

    2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm



    Good-natured and usually witty and animated joking.


    I know they cover this better than that at St.X. :thumb:



    Where's ol' Ox when you need him? I know he has a sense of humor. :dancingpa



    Nice Defense of your post but I am not buying it!


    Maybe from Danza or Rockmom but NOT you.


    Go Tigers

  8. Well the premier football power in Kentucky deserves topbilling of course. After all with our state best 17 titles (since 1968), state record 50 game winning streak along with the distinction of a top 4 finish in 2002, participating in quite possibly the best football game ever played in KY in our 59-56 victory over Male in 2002, being the only KY school to ever defeat an Ohio DI champ (by 24 points) the same year they won their title...oh and taking out an unbeaten St.X team 14-6 in the 2005 title game after being embarrassed by them 48-16 in the regular season; you'd think we'd earned it by now. Just wanting to give credit where credit is due. :D



    Everyone has been so nice so far with very little bragging and so on. Nice/typical of you to get it started.


    Go Tigers

  9. You're probably right. Jody influenced Jason to pick the Tigers (and Jason listened) so that the Rocks would feel slighted and be more motivated for this game. :lol:


    Sounds good to me. :rolleyes:


    It was nothing more than a joke don't try to spin it into anything more...


    Enjoy the week.

  10. I think we all know the Rocks have to be the favored regardless of LIT or national polls. I feel that the Tigers must stop the run and not be put in third and long to have a solid chance to win.


    I have not seen Trinity but have been very impressed with our team speed on the defensive side. We must pressure Stein and make it tought for him to see down field.


    We did run a few of the similiar formations and passing plays against Manual that helped us in the win big a few years ago. I am sure how effective they will be this time but can make it interesting.


    Go Tigers

  11. Kinda surprised by this. I know that games with out of state foes do not count in the Lit rating. I think Trinity, having won 5 out of the last 6 championships is the No. 1 team until someone in KY can beat them. One can come up with all kinds of statistics, but the one that counts is the one at the end of the season. The Rocks have a pretty strong record in that department. Seems that the Rock supporters should lobby Jody to reconsider this first LIT rating..... Seems as if the wrong button was pushed or the wrong data was input.......




    Correct me if I am wrong but LIT ratings are a math formula and not a poll. I feel everyone would still put T ahead of us unless we beat them in 2 weeks.


    Go Tigers

  12. 1992 through 2006


    State Titles (* denotes vs T/X)

    T (6): 06, 05*, 03*, 02, 01, 94

    X (5): 04, 99, 97*, 95, 92


    Runner up:

    T (2): 00, 97*

    X (2): 05*, 03*


    Head to Head games:

    X: 10 wins

    T: 8 wins

    Record/Winning % (all games):

    X: 172-32 84%

    T: 166-40 81%

    Record/Winning % (in state):

    X 171-30 85%

    T 162-30 84%

    Points Scored/Against:

    T: 6714/2492

    X: 6363/2223

    All State Players

    X (47): 19 1st, 12 2nd, 16 3rd

    T (40): 20 1st, 9 2nd, 11 3rd


    Out of State Wins:

    T (4): Franklin (IN) 99, Elder 02, MBA 04, Chaminade (OH) 04

    X (1): Moeller 03


    Out of State Loses:

    T (10): Ben Davis (94, 95), Moeller (97), Cincy St. X (97, 98, 03), Elder (98), MBA (03, 05, 06)

    X (2): Cincy St. X (97), Moeller (04)




    This data makes it look very close over the 15yrs. Hard to argue either side has the upper hand.

  13. I happened to catch the second half of the Trinity vs. BG game on the Trinity radio network and I'm not sure I have ever heard such wining and crying for holding calls..... Seriously, guys give it a rest. Your not going to get EVERY CALL. EVEN at Home...... Just really got tired of hearing about all the "missed" holding calls and not the play.....


    Anyone else have a similar perspective???



    It was just hard to understand what happened on the play b/c 3 or 4 plays they were focussed on the non holding calls. I am OK with some complaining but do it after the play so we can hear what is going on.


    Sounded like a good high school game.

  14. I would be very proud if I were a Ballard fan/player; great effort. That QB had a nice arm and played a solid game.

    We have a TON of work to do. Can we PLEASE stop the roll out passing and dive plays with no hope of a pull then pitch?


    Go Tigers, Keep Working Hard!

  15. In 1984 (Class of 85) X lost to a Joey Hamilton led team in the Jefferson County 4A Championship by 2 or 3. Hamilton scored late on a 4th and goal swing pass. The score should have been tied but X had given up a saftey earlier on an errant punt snap and then tried to go for 2 later to make it up and was stopped. Ballard went on to play Christian County for the state title, I think, and lost. X got to Ballard by beating Trinity's trio of Murray, Gardner and Pfeiffer 20-0. That X class of 85 had never beaten the 85 class of Trinity ever (2 losses as Frosh, 2 losses as JV, 2 losses as juniors, 1 loss as seniors), 7 total losses to that very talented bunch of Rocks. The next year I believe is when Trinity beat Higgs/Owensboro for the title.


    Thanks for info, I did not realize that was the year of the upset. I think that upset even tops the state game from 2 yrs ago as far as the talent Trinity had, 2 NFL players.

  16. I have some maroon gear, as I strapped it up for them once...but seriously I may have be wearing Trinity gear AND cheering for X, that should certainly be enough.


    If you do sit on the visitors side I would like and honest opinion of the sight lines. For example can you see the game from all rows over the players.

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