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Posts posted by hvb

  1. Intersting about the AD. I wonder why?


    Bwood pulled up 5th, 7th and 8th graders in order to fill their 9th grade team. They have 4 true freshman on that squad the rest are 5th, 7th and 8th grade.... So in theory, they could pull down 2 studs that play up on JV and Varsity to play freshman games?? IMO,that isn't fair to the opponent.


    Again, if you don't have the numbers, I really do not know why teams are fielded?


    Someone help me understand the logic behind fielding more teams than you are capable of, and maybe I can understand it more???



    I know a lot of public schools do that and I think its great for the younger players. I only see a couple problems arising...


    If your high school coach also coaches club ball...they cannot coach anyone from your high school...so if you have girls from 6th-12th grade..that limits greatly what your high school coach can coach in the off season. Yes, they can go to other states to coach, etc but with so many girls travelling to play for other clubs, that's almost not safe anymore either.


    And catholic/private high schools do not have the middle school to pull from...they have several feeder schools. While I think that it is still allowed...it just doesn't happen as often as public schools.


    I know that Highlands only has 2 true freshman on their freshman team but pulling middle schoolers up has allowed them to keep all 3 teams seperate...at least noone has played up/down that I've seen this season.

  2. I know that when I played....our athletic director did not give the coach a choice. They were to have a freshman, jv, and varsity team...no questions asked. Find the players and field the teams.


    Mind you...I do think that all 3 levels is a bit much. If a freshman is talented enough for varsity but the program needs number for freshman, let them play freshman and varsity. No need to play JV as well.

  3. Yes...some schools just don't have the numbers to fill 3 teams...but rather than cut a bunch of players to form only 2 teams...they let freshman play on both the freshman team and possibly JV or Varisty depending on talent level. Or a school may have a large number of freshman and small number of sophomores and juniors and may need people to play on both JV and Varsity to be able to field both teams. Smaller schools and schools not typically known for volleyball have tougher times filling a roster.

  4. There are many subjective calls which may account for the "missed calls"

    All refs ref a little different...true there are not many excellent refs in NKY....I know of many coaches that let our a sigh of relief when they see one of the few walk through the door. The reffing situation is just another reason that any team can win on any given night. I do believe they earn their money though....its a long night, watching many many small details...each year watching for more with rule changes.

  5. 1. NDA-ought to be back on top this year

    2. St. Henry-Niemer will be very strong but they did lost a lot of talent

    3. NCC-very strong younger players, should be a strong team for a couple years now

    4. Ryle-Coach Tanner always does a good job with what talent she has

    5. Campbell-IF McElveen is healthy and they have a defensive player to replace last year's Libero

    6. Beechwood-Snyder also unstoppable, underclassmen key to their success

    7. Highlands-with 5 seniors wanting to return to state, should play tough all season

    8. Conner-Behind Wells and their middles, should have a nice consistent season

    9. Simon Kenton-Sk is tough every year

    10. Holy Cross-talent and a good coach should equal success

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