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Posts posted by DEWEY47

  1. What 4A team was better? Their record is certainly as good if not better than any of the other teams and their defense is incredible. Good defense, plus Gray and Murray makes them very good. I haven't seen anyone in 4A out of NKY better since 94'.


    Doesn't matter what I say we will never know But in 2004 one NKY 4A team went undefeated, in the reg. season another beat Trinity at Trinity holding them to 10 points when they scored 34 points or more in all but 2 games prior to that (sounds like a good Defense) and finally A different team beat them Both and win the region. 2004 was a good year in NKY 4A and I am not sure this Ryle team is as good as any of those teams.

    ... But with that said it doesn't matter they don't have to be they just have to be better than Trinity on Thursday and they will be State Champs and no NKY 4A team has ever done that.

  2. I got sick of reading the "Ryle is no Big III" and "Ryle by 21" because that's all garbage. This is the best 4A team from Northern KY since Boone 94'. That team didn't pass at all period and this team does. Ryle is big, fast, very tough, and has about 6 kids that just make plays. Then they have Murray who is phenomenal. They also have a very good coaching staff and they're on a roll. They lost to Este without their QB and lost to a pretty good Boone team. They aren't going to be "more physical" they are going to go out and play their game. They may make some adjustments but recently the defense has been lock down and I don't expect that to change.


    Ryle is a good football team but they are not the best NKY 4A team since 94 Boone. They have made farther because of the system this would have been a 2nd round game if they used last years system. I think this Ryle team is good But you can't discount other teams from NKY 4A that had to play Lou. schools earlier than the Finals. Good Luck to Ryle you will need it


    Ryle better hope they don't have to throw the ball to win this game, they have an efficient but far from a decent passing game


    With all that said good luck Ryle, The last time Trinity lost a Playoff game someone in your district beat them.

  3. I am not a Beechwood guy but if 3point shooter and quickslick are coaches there I think they should fight for their kids. I was not at the game so i will not comment on the game, but I think the definition of being classless is attacking someone in a situation in which you have no stake and you are just glad someone else is down like you are. I think th Beechwood program is one of the classiest in the state, and jealousy has reared it's ugly head in this thread.


    Good Luck NCC and great season Beechwood.

  4. As you know stats can be very misleading, Campbell has played in a very weak district and feasted on lesser competition. If they were playing against St. X, Highlands twice, Elder and Waterson there numbers would not be close. But yes they have had a very nice year



    They played two similar opponents how do those stats compare. I know Griffin had 299 yards against Boone how many did Cov. Cath's Duo have, and what about Dixie Heights what were the numbers like against them?


    How can you call a district weak your district had 4 teams and you were a lock for the playoffs. Not to mention the margin of victory against the other 2(not counting Highlands) was quite a bit.


    With that said I think Bovard is probably better, but the numbers say differently.

  5. Sandman has arisen. The same Sandman that called for Simon Kenton over Ryle in a close one. My how bad he sounds. Dixie wanted more than anything to host the playoff rematch. Who are you kidding? Last week was not a real game - I guess that's the party line this week???? Or, was it that Sorrell did not try to shut down the Raiders last week (375 yards T.O. for Ryle). Nice try, Sandman. The Raiders welcome Dixie to our house again.


    This is not fantasy football you do not get points for yardage they held a good ryle offense to 16 points. That is all that matters how many points you give up not how many yards.

  6. It has alot to do with open enrollment.(sure) I agree, but Scott is charging a football fee of 300.00 to play at Scott. I think is a joke. That is not helping to keep kids there.



    If this is true which I doubt no one who supports Scott can blame open enrollment for their loss of athletes, I don't think there is another school in their school district that charges anywhere near that. If i was a parent I would say I could pay $300, and watch my son's team loose or send them to another school pay alot less and have them competeing in the playoffs tough choice there. If this is true thank god for open enrollment in Kenton County other wise wonder what they would charge

  7. I think the only way it can't happen is if Dixie looses to Campbell and beats Ryle, Campbell wins out and Boone wins out. That would be Campbell 1 Boone 2 Dixie 3 Ryle 4. Basically any one can get the 1st seed except Dixie, but Dixie could finish anywhere from 2 to out completely of the playoffs. Got to love NKY 4A. Why didn't Conner just run the table and make it easy like the good ole days.

  8. The Block in the Back rule was changed in 2002, and the following description is taken directly from the NFHS and KHSAA rules clinic documentation.


    BLOCK IN THE BACK (2-5): This change clarifies the

    definitions for clipping and blocking in the back. The primary

    change states that clipping occurs at or below the waist,

    from the back of the opponent and is a 15-yard foul and

    that a block inside the shoulders, below the neck and above

    the waist shall be considered a block in the back and a 10-

    yard foul. In various nationwide surveys, officials have been

    reluctant to call clipping fouls for contact above the waist,

    due in part because of the perceived severity of the penalty.

    This change also clarifies that the back is the area between

    the arms (but not including the shoulders) and above the

    waist and below the neck. Nothing about this provision

    implies or states that excessive contact above the waist

    could not be called a personal foul and therefore be

    enforced with a 15-yard penalty.


    Officials are taught that you need to see the entire action in order to properly rule on it.


    So I was wrong it doesn't say directly in the back it just describes the area that it is directly in the back and excludes the shoulders, No where does it say anything about what side your head is on like many people think. To me by the rule you can hit a player in the shoulder with your head on the back side and it is not a block in the back.

  9. I think the refs in NKY do a good job, However I think most refs need to read the Block in the back rule. It says it has to be right in the back and they need to see the whole act or not call anything. On Kick returns and Punt returns it seems like they have their hand on their flag waiting to see if anyone falls down.

  10. Why?


    And, why should St. X, Trinity, and Male all have to beat on each other by round three this year?


    It makes little sense to me. Football already has FOUR champions, why not let the best teams stick around until somebody else in their class can beat them?


    For the same reason that for years Highlands and Cov. Cath would eliminate one another in 3A by round Three. They never cared that they may be the best 2 teams in the state.

  11. Did Dixie take the week off from practicing? (I heard yes, but can't confirm.) QUOTE]


    I can't say that this isn't true but that would be a bold move for a team that is 0-3 and in a down year as posters on here have said. I say no way it is true probably hype someone at Scott is using to motivate the Eagles.


    Fisky beat me to the punch

  12. This will be a great game. If it were not Dixie's first home game in their new stadium I would say Scott wins this one pretty handily. As it is I will say Scott still spoils the Dixies party by 1.


    Although Scott has been thumped by Dixie the past couple of years, I think Scott has a chance to win this game because 1) Like someone else said, new facilities and its Dixie's first home game 2) Scott should be 3-0 but late turnovers have been devastating. I think Scott will turn things around this time, therefore:


    Scott 24

    Dixie 21



    Scott by 14


    Scott always gets the jokes thrown at them in nky, everyone is use to it Dixie is down a little from past years thats why you have people picking Scott over them. Scott is a better team then everyone gives them credit for but until they beat a team like Dixie they will get no credit. Its going to be a better game then everyone thinks but oh well got another week to wait to see.


    The Mold they had at Scott last year must have really affected some people.

  13. And yes, I am so glad that with your public education that I helped pay for, you caught a mistake that I made... Thank you...



    Should I be mad that as someone who attends a catholic church and donates to the catholic school, that I help pay for kids education on top of the tax dollars I pay. No that is the American way pay now to help leave this world better off.


    Do you call Thomas Moore the Rebels? If so I apologize but I for one think Little Colonels is outdated as they were named after a Basketball team that has been gone a long time. I also hope they keep or at least rededicate the Flag pole, it wouldn't be the same to go to Dixie and see a memorial to such a great American.(I didn't know him but all stories I here tell me how great of a person he was also) Oldguy sorry but I always hear you harp on Dixie so decided to step to their defense, and when I saw your mistake I went after it being a defender of Public schools.

  14. By the way, it's the

    "Little Colonels" who wear Red.


    One day when the Little Colonels grow up, maybe they too can wear Blue, like the real Colonels from CovCath do......



    BTW CovCath has played Dixie 31 times and has won 25 of those games.......for a .806% winning pertcentage.


    Hey old guy I always read your comment about the "Little Colonels" they haven't called themselves that in probably 30 years. The way you hang on to that makes me believe you were probably picked on by a Red Colonel. I know you hang on to the (ancient) past but.....


    Dixie has won 3 out of the last 4 meetings for a .75 winning percentage by the way a .806% isn't real good .806 winning percentage is what you probably meant. I picked that up with a public school education.

  15. "The whole six-class thing is a joke," Spritzky said. "I've been in total disagreement with the KHSAA on this from the very beginning."


    Spritzky said local coaches sent a letter to the KHSAA objecting to the six-class system when it was first proposed last summer.


    From the KYPOST


    Really sounds like he was complaining about enrollment issues. I have heard no one make excuses Beechwood drilled Dixie plain and simple, HC beat Holmes

    4A schools are in a loose loose situation when they play a NCC or Beechwood, you win and they say you should win because you have more boys, you loose and they say how can the number of boys matters. I would rather play quality teams and try to get ready for the District and Playoffs.

  16. To say that the way to beat T and X is to work harder is crazy, NCC which was a state champion could practice 20 hours a day and they would not have beaten T or X, so they work hard enough to win state but they did not have enough talent to beat T or X (This is meant as no disrespect to NCC). It is not a how hard you work thing or a public private thing it is a talent thing. Big Colonel did CCH finally learn to work harder than Beechwood, No they had more talent.


    Andigidy, It is easy to say Stae is won by hard work alone but I believe if you would have went to Ballard you probably would have worked hard and not won a championship.

  17. and sometimes you can work as hard as you want or can but if you don't have enough Jimmy's and Joe's you still will come up short,. I think that work harder line is B.S. not saying these teams that win both public and private don't work hard and deserve to win but working hard does not make you state champion talent and hard work does.

  18. Personally I think people should jsut quite crying and play football.... I dont think that the privates should be seperated.... The privates winning every year should be movtivation for the kids and the coaching staffs of the public schools to work harder... You cannot call yourself a state champion unless you have beaten the best and by seperating the privates into their own class no school has the right to call themselves the best cause they have not played and beaten the best!!![/quote



    So why can is it okay for NCC, Russel, or Lex Cath, Or Trinity to call themselves State Champions they didn't have to beat one another?

    This is not about Public/Private it is about enrollment numbers. NCC did not have to beat Trinity to be a state champion so does that make there championship watered down or mean less?

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