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Posts posted by DEWEY47

  1. Are the injuries at home or away predominantly. I've noticed quite a few more kids than usual on the sidelines using crutches this year. I'm just curious if the new turf playing a part in any of these injuries?


    I asked someone that question about the varsity and they told me 2 of the knee injuries occured on the Basketball court, and one was the result of a contact injury. So inless they turfed the B-ball court I would say no.

  2. Where will the bus be parked tonight? BTW- heard its Dixie's Homecoming. What !!!! vs. Highlands YIKES


    I agree.


    I am as BIG a Dixie Heights fan as anyone but I do not believe that playing at Dixie will be what makes the difference. After all it is something like 1 win vs Highlands at Dixie and 0 wins against Highlands at Highlands in the last 30 years.


    The key for the Colonels is confidence and never loosing confidence in themselves. Watching Dixie play Highlands in the past, it seems like they get down early and say here we go again, and things fall apart. Dixie has to with stand the 1st blow and fight back, they can win tonight, but it will not be easy. They just have to make sure it is not easy for the Birds.


    Good luck to both teams come out of this one healthy and lock horns again. The next time they meet, it will likely decide if one team gets their 17th? state title or if the other can get their 1st.

  3. I think Marty is stepping into the roll of the vocal leader on offense. I've been very impressed with his demeanor on the field. You can see him helping the younger guys, whether it be giving them a hand up off the ground or pointing something out after a play. He's really stepped up his leadership role. And he's yelling a lot more in a positive manner. IMO, with the type of offense they're running, the QB has to be the leader on the offensive side of the ball. He doesn't need to be a screamer to hype everyone up, but he needs to be loud and heard. I just haven't seen that yet this year. Granted, I'm not out their on the field to listen what he is saying, but his demeanor doesn't display it IMO.


    BTW, I hope local12 archives their webcasts. And I hope I can find it before I see a score or headline on their site. I've got a wedding tonight, so I won't be able to attend the game. :cry:



    Must not be a fellow colonel they would no better then to get married on CCH week. :D


    We will cheer a little for you.


    Go Dixie

  4. Dale was asked about the success of last year's team. He replied," I'll know in about 10-15 years"


    See a man that talks about seasons as either winning the state championship or not. Gets that the success of his teams is about what kind of men they will become.


    BTW This is the 1st Daleism that I have ever liked. Then again I haven't heard many.

  5. When it comes to having your kids have a quality person to look up to and play under such as Tom, Bill Vaughn, Dave Sorrell, Todd Newton, Steve Preston, Stan Spritzky and the rest of the fine coaches at Dixie I think that any strategic definciency that the coaching staff offers is easily overlooked.

    I have had two sons play for Tom and three total to go thru school there. I will never fault him for believing in his players. Sometimes it cost him, but most of the time it's worth it. If I had it to do over again,(and I wish I did), I would send them right back to him!


    It drives alot of people crazy (me included) that his teams rarely start out of the gate quickly, but that isn't important anymore in a five team NKY 5A district. CCH, HHS, and Dixie know that each year them and either Holmes or Scott will be in the playoffs. No matter what, two of the three will have to play twice with the winner having better than even odds at winning state.


    At least someone gets it.


    Some may measure a great head Coach by the number of trophies in the case, but that is only part of the story. A great head coach teaches their players how to be better men.


    I'm sure Spritzky forgot more football than some people on here will ever know.

  6. Not that I expect this to happen, but I remember starting 0-4 and then winning a state championship. That probably will not happen this year, but the reason that you play a tough schedule is to prepare yourself for the post season. CCH will get better with every game and if nothing else they will let Coach Brossart settle in and get valuable experience along the way.:jump:


    If they start 0-4 and They will not!!! They will not make the playoffs with the new schedule set up. Because an 0-4 start means 0-2 in their district with losses to Dixie, and Scott, with Holmes and Highlands left to play.


    I will predict IF CCH starts 0-4 they will go 0-10. But this will not happen they will finish 2 or 3 in their district and be a tough opponent in the Playoffs.

  7. Spritzky is a great head coach and person. However, I just think he lacks in the offensive department. And I think I got some agreement from the SK fans last week. :D However, he may change things up once district play starts like he did last year. With that said, I think this will be a low scoring affair that could really go either way. Unfortunately neither of us can be there to root on our Colonels. :irked:


    There is no making you happy.


    Last week you wanted more running, they had 2 100 yard rushers, and Marty and Conner carried the ball 35 times combined. (Enquier Web site)


    You must like Boone Co. Style Offense, Me I like the spread attack, it is fun to watch. To each their own Simon fans agreed with you I guess they liked, Simon's offense better, Me I will take 26 points and a WIN. Heck I will take a 3-0 WIN.


    Go Red Colonels

  8. Holmes used to design their punt with Duran Jefferson, where he would run toward the line and if you came to tackle him he would punt and you would get a roughing call. I don't know for sure but I believe the ruling is if they are in the act of kicking they are a punter and you can not hit them.

  9. Really? Where is it at? They sure haven't shown it yet this year...Until I see anything at all from the Dayton offense, I am going to hold back in saying how great this Dayton team is like some people are saying...I still dont think this Dayton team is as good as last years team, them losing their QB from last year is what is really going to hold them back. If they had him still then I think we would see a really good game against Beechwood, but they dont so we wont IMO..


    They have been hiding it behind the preposition:laugh: :laugh:

  10. If the bolded part is the way the supporters of Proposal 2 feel, can we once and for all then stop the thus hypocritical statements that participation in athletics is a very important part of the educational process? Either its a very important part (and thus taking away a year of participation in games is a very big thing), or its not a very big thing and all the comments about athletics being important is just a bunch of trash.


    Me, I believe that participation in athletics is very important in the educational process; not something we should take away willy nilly. The next time I hear someone tell me athletics is a privilege, not a right, I'm going to puke. If getting a public education is a right, and participation in athletics is a very important part of that education, then why isn't the ability to participate in athletics a right? Any one? Bueller? Bueller? Any one?


    With that said then all sports should have no cut policy. Because when you cut a kid you are taking away their right to an education.


    I feel Prop 2 was stupid and I am glad it was voted down but I believe Participation in Interscholastic athletics is a privledge.

  11. Ask Dixie's DB's if Elliott runs a legite 4.4!!


    They probably would not know as a previous poster said they have not seen a 4.4. They would probably say he's fast.


    I read yesterday that Dion Sanders ran a 4.29, so when you here about High School kids running a 4.4 or lower it is hard to believe.

  12. The private schools followed Title IX before there was a Title IX because it was the right thing to do . Girls sports in many private schools have a great tradition going back years . They did not have to be persuaded to do what is right and fair .


    I find this hard to believe based on the age of Title IX. That would mean for nearly 30 years Private schools have treated Girls Basketball at the same reguard as Boy's Basketball, Football what ever sport. Example Playing Primetime games. They may have been fair but I doubt they were following Title IX

  13. LN, I will agree Dixie shouldn't have lost Sat.


    But with that said they are light years ahead of where they were last year and the year before after the 1st 2 weeks. They need to keep working hard and they will be fine. They have a tough stretch coming up with SK, CCH, and Highlands, if they continue to improve they should go at least 2-1 and hopefully 3-0 in that stretch, anything worse, and well I am not ready to go there yet.


    Good luck to your Birds this week.

  14. My concern is the mistakes that were made were mistakes that a 3 year starter should not make (taking sacks, intentional grounding, int, etc). QUOTE]


    Some of those plays he didn't have a choice but to take a sack, they were on him before he caught the snap. I agree he has to play like a three year starter but I thought Saturday was a whole lot better than Last year.


    The Grounding call was questionable Moloney was in the area. That crew was bad on Saturday.


    Saturday if they don't miss tackles on the Elliot TD. They beat a very good Football team. It is like they got beat 35-9. The season is not a loss because of 1 loss

  15. It didn't work last year, and I don't see it working this year. They don't have the personnel again to make it work. The receivers cannot create separation. Bricking is still making the same mistakes he made last year. IMO, an 80-20 mix of pass-run will not work with this team. Granted, it's only game 1, but it's still the same core players. I may eat crow later down the road, but I'll stick with my opinion that the offense needs to change. Whether it be reverting to last year's unbalanced line, or just switching up some to run some plays under center.


    The kid made one mistake cut him a break. They will be fine, I am would say they ran the ball almost as much as they threw the ball on Saturday. I will see what I can find out.


    When did they run an unbalanced Line? Against Ryle last year they were in spread most of the game and that was the last game of the season.


    By the way Dixie Wins.

  16. If Dixie gets out of the spread offense, and gets back under center like they did the last half of last year, then Dixie wins big. If they run the same offense and shout the plays out like they did Saturday, then it's going to be a close game.


    That is a good idea work all summer on an Offense loose 1 game and throw it out the window. That is why I am glad you are not the Coach of my alumi.


    Dixie will be fine they adjusted the play calling in the second half they grouped together instead of yelling out the plays.

  17. The problem is they don't peak at the beginning of the year or at the end.....:rolleyes: They can keep doing what they're doing and keep the same result. I personally could care less....By the way I know all of the Spritzkys. :D Beechwood is a better team...:thumb:


    I will say this Dixie has started te last 6 seasons 0-1 according to the Khsaa scoreboard, but they have played a quality opponent each of those years, (Elder, Highlands , and Beechwood) only in 05, and 06 did they fall to 0-2.


    So maybe they should schedule a patsy in week 1 and everyone would get off their back. They will be fine.

  18. dewey47 give play calling a little credit, to put a ball in the air with little time left, against a defense that is pushing your cooked O line around, I repeat "BONEHEAD"


    5 minutes and a three point lead I think it is reasonable to think a 3 year starter will make a smart play. I do not fault a coach for believing in his players.

    I don't want to bash the QB he played well except for that 1 bad pass, and he will be fine this year. Beechwood took advantages of Dixie's mistake where Dixie did not do the same.


    Good luck to both teams

  19. congrats to Beechwood! Someone tell the Dixie coach two a days do pay off. Thought the Bwood "D" played an exceptional game, Slusher was impressive, Bessey and Mainello shut down the ends when needed. Sr. Chris Hoffman, despite injury played the game with heart. Elliot has to come to terms with his run and shoot style of passing needs work, looked good on pocket throws. Bankamper ran hard but lost a couple of balls This team is where it needs to be to achieve its lofty goals. Dixie, Boys take your coach out and flog him, he lost this game, not you. What a bonehead call on that late interception! And to field a team with that little stamina is an insult to the proud heritage that the Dixie teams have earned, Shame on you.

    Hagerty, M:dancingpa aloney and the qb, great job

    I agree if he told his QB to throw an INT.

    Play calls are only part of the game, Execution is the most important.

  20. No team will score 45 on Highlands for the next 5 years. Mark me down for that.


    You have to say it is possible with the schedule they play. If they played a schedule of only NKY teams I would agree and say teams may not score 30 on Highlands as that doesn't happen often if ever by NKY teams against Highlands.


    Just to stay on the thread I say Highlands Rolls over Ryle.

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