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Posts posted by DMZ76

  1. Zach Lother used to be a good hardballer. Grubbs needs to hit the weights, start some sprints, and take some JR day visits and do the FB camps. He's got D1 size and talent but needs to get his name out there. With no offers to date, he should start making calls/visits to the schools he wants!

  2. It is stuff like this that I think has Willie doubting whether he wants to coach or not next year. You have made comments all year regarding the fact that no seniors were on the team this year. I will ask you how many tried out? What senior that did not play could have helped this team? If a senior really wanted to play then they should have come to practice and made the coach cut them. There are some people that I know personally that did just that when they played. Perhaps if some of the football players that played all summer would have come out then things would be different. I will ask you as the parent of a football player, why do more football players not try out for the basketball team each year? Where was Daniel Gold this year? Where was Austin Collinsworth? I think that these are questions that need to be answered. I have a son that currently plays all three sports and I am going to do my darnedest to encourage him to play all three in high school because you only get to do it once.


    Hey Jack...I was just pointing out that whomever is coach next year is going to have a very difficult situation to handle. I have purposely stayed away from commenting on the roster due to I know it's Willie's hot button. More FB players would go out if they thought they had a decent shot at some PT. Danny Gold and AC probably saw how Jake Turner and Tony G. were treated last year. And knowing that the first 6-7 spots on varsity were "locks" and were going to be the same the following season...well they are smart boys and can read the handwriting. You have to encourage and develop the kids all year long. As for what SR. could have helped, Jake Turner for leadership and Tony G. for toughness/rebounding. I liked this team this year. They played great...just came up a bit short. And they should be in the finals next year since everyone comes back. 10 seniors will create a log jam for developing underclassmen...7 is even a bunch. Funny how Coach Shields adapted and flourished at the "FB school". Didn't he came from a small, Catholic "basketball school", too? :ohbrother:

  3. I was right behind the basket... Virtually the same spot I was in for the Ryle game. The foul on Pittman vs. Ryle should have been an Intentional. The foul NCC gave up was most certainly not an Intentional. I felt bad for NCC at that moment and I'm a Holmes alum.


    Were they the same refs? Make-up call...days later? I wasn't there (unfortunately). My son told me it was a whale of a game, though. I said earlier in the year that Holmes gets calls that other teams don't...ala "Jordan Rules". Looks like it continues. Good luck to the Dawgs! Kudos to NCC for an outstanding season. Good Luck to their Seniors! Now one game for the "Trip to Rupp"!!!

  4. When you factor in the economy and what a college scholly is worth in $$. Why wouldn't you hold your kid back to get an advantage. They possibly won't play against "their same age" until late HS...or college. I know of a FB player, SR., won't turn 18 until the week prior to graduation, earned all-state honors. Was competing in camps against kids/MEN that had to be nearly 19. Tell me that almost 2 year differential doesn't make a difference.

  5. Pretty deep team. Usaully 9-10 deep but at times they can go 11. If I had to guess I would say my list below is in order of minutes, bolded players are seniors.














    So will St. Henry run...to offset size disadvantage. Or slow the game to a crawl and look to be close at the end and steal one?

  6. Don't get too down on the Birds for a 20+ point loss to NCC. Better then than now! NCC had a "perfect storm" of 3-point shooting. Hats off to them and good luck in the tourney. St. Henry will have to replicate such shooting to stay with the Birds. I look for the perimeter defense to be more aggressive and all Birds bashing the boards. Elmer is a "wily wascal" but Willie will have the Birds "full attention" this week! Highlands by 7.

  7. You will notice though that during the game, the boys never let the girls sit in their section, and if one poor girl did try, she would be told to leave, as girls can't cheer!


    At CovCath I think a lot of it is Coach L and back in my day Mote. Coach L and Mote would go through the school and talk up the games to the students body, telling them how important it was to have the students there cheering the players on and more importantly the next day thanking the kids for showing up and cheering. Even before the first game is played during the Blue and White scrimmage the seniors are teaching the "first year seniors in training" (freshmen everywhere else) how to cheer. It has been a long and fun tradition at CovCath, that is the Student Cheering section....


    That's exactly what Coach Ken Shields did at Highlands. You better believe that it makes a HUGE difference!

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