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Posts posted by LeeCoBobcatFan

  1. Because of injuries we have not been able to see the true Billy G as a coach. Let him have a full roster of the players presently at UK and I think the results are different.


    I am not fond of the rumors that are circulating on his off-the-court activities but on-the-court there is no fair evidence to make a determination that the guy cannot coach.


    I think statements to that effect are not fair.


    I agree with your entire assessment; and hopefully the off court rumors are less valid than I think they are :cry:

  2. How are you a Kentucky fan? Any where else winning 22-26 games a year is kind of good. UK fans expect 30 wins a year and a NC at least every other two. And it amazes me how you can say Tubby put UK fans through torture for 10 years :rolleyes:


    Billy G is under the same pressure Tubby was under. I find it funny how Tubby goes 22-13 or whatever it was and they want him out. I bet a lot of UK fans want ole Tubby back, because I know I sure would.


    Billy G may be under MORE pressure than Tubby, because the Wildcat faithful are HUNGRY.


    I'm not a big Billy G fan, I didn't think he had proven himself yet, he wasn't my choice for coach, and so far, I have not been impressed. He needs to teach his players to stop the dribble penetration, learn to play a 2-3 zone, and pound the ball inside.


    However, I definately do not want Tubby back. I can see why those who were not UK fans would want Tubby back, though. Simply put, Tubby went downhill. He started at the top, and settled in the middle of the pack. Tubby is the perfect coach of Minnesota, where winning 20 games will be a godsend. I wish him the best, but I'm glad he's gone, and I hope he's happy without the pressure. He's a nice chap, but just not my kind of coach and I didn't enjoy watching his type of play.


    Unfortunately, I don't feel fair in calling for the man's head just yet though. He's had to deal with new players, a new situation, and a ton of injuries. I'm reserving judgment, but if Billy G. doesn't improve in a year or two, I say out the door. Let's not let a bad situation get worse and fester for 10 years but give the dude a chance too. It's a little early to be cuttin' and running.


    I always remember my favorite team when Pitino was coach was the team that went 13-19 the first year Pitino was there. UK lost by a small margin to number 1 NC that year and after the game Pitino was asked if he was pleased with his team's effort. He said something to the effect of "No I'm never pleased with a loss". BIlly G reminded me of that last night on his radio show when a self-described "passionate" UK fan called in and told him they were not disappointed in him and wanted him to keep plugging away. He said....if you aren't disappointed, then I question if you are as passionate a fan as you say you are. I'm disappointed and I'm not offended by anyone who is disappointed,"... and then went on to talk up the next game.



    Let's not forget Pitino failed to win 20 games his first season as UL's coach and look at the caliber of play he is getting from his players now.


    That's my two cents.

  3. GREAT GAME AND WIN!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! Anyone remember the hit that Dickie Lyons put on the safety from LSU??? MAN!!! That made my teeth hurt from here in Louisa. LOL


    He lifted the LSU safety 2 feet in the air. Man. That poor dude will be feeling it tomorrow, if he isn't arleady.

  4. WOW! I said on my predicition that I didn't think UK would win and if they did I would admit how stupid I am. Well, I'm a moron. GO UK! :dancingpa


    It turned out to be a good thing for the run game that Dixon got yanked after fumbling again. Locke has really got some heart :fight:




    Locke should teach a class on how to protect the ball. :ylsuper:

  5. Trey Congelton from Owsley County will be playing for Coach Lane next year, same color just different location. My understand is he gets a partialy scholarship, considering they are D3 and don't give scholarships, I believe it is academic and he also will recieve some others because fo test scores and so on.


    Let me be the 1st to congrat and wish goodluck to Trey on the signing to play at the college level and wish him the best of luck coming from an old friend and fan.:D :thumb:



    Congratulations to Trey!!!! A good addition to the Transy team!!!! This gives me a bigger reason to attend some more of my alma mater's games!!!

  6. Powell's Romans has 2 points at halftime and theteam shot 25%.


    I will go out on a limb and predict Romans turns on in the second half....but Powell is going to have to shoot a much better % or they are doomed.

    In the 56th tournament they couldn't miss. According to the radio announcers they've missed several shots in close. What's with that????

    Hey Powell, pretend you are playing either Lee, Estill, or Owsley....and you win this game. It's all about psychology.:D

    :thumb: :thumb:


    Too true, about pretending to be in the 56th. Thanks for the updates, Professor. It really is great for those of us who can't get radio signal inside their homes. :madman:

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