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Posts posted by UKMustangFan

  1. Anyone have any idea what occurred at the very end of the game to cause Mike Davis to start yelling at the fans behind the Detroit bench and scorers table?


    The last 25-30 seconds of the game he was turned towards the stands yelling.


    He's still a giant horse's rear.


    His kid is decent, but is it really an accomplishment to score so many points when you shoot the ball 25-30 times a night?

  2. That’s rich coming from a guy that would ship a teammate out of town in a heartbeat.


    Yep. LeBron is the absolute worst.


    Got quite the chuckle out of Pacer fans chanting "LeBron's gonna trade you" when the youngsters were shooting FTs. :lol2:


    They only lost that game by 43, but don't worry LeBron was sure to point out he scored his 32,000th career point after the game.

  3. I assume because crime reporting tends to draw viewers as well as be less labor-intensive and thus cheaper for stations to produce, but I've never been a news producer so I don't really know.


    My thought is if people in the city cared about what was going on at City Hall, it'd be covered. They don't, so they don't.


    Media is, just like everything else, about making money. They cover what brings in the eyeballs/$$.


    Local television news in Cincinnati has thus far proved to me to be pretty similar to Louisville: not a lot going on from day to day. They're good at reporting on crime, less good about covering city hall.


    Why do you think that is?

  5. Poor LeBron....:lol2:


    Dude made a big fuss last night about the Mavs trading Harrison Barnes in the middle of a game he was playing in without him knowing he was traded.


    It's since come out that Barnes was made aware that the Mavs were deep in trade discussions with the Kings and Hornets and was given the option to sit out due to a pending deal. He opted to play, knowing he could be traded at any moment.

  6. I shake my head whenever I see the "cancer in the clubhouse" comment about someone on a sports team. I don't get it with them. If I were a "cancer in the workplace", I would be reprimanded and/or shown the door.


    Major difference is these guys have multimillion dollar deals over multiple years and the $$ is 100% guaranteed. So if you caused issues at your work, you'd be shown the door and that'd be that. If a team gets rid of a "cancer", they're still on the hook for millions upon millions of dollars.


    One thing people really hate doing is paying lots of money for people to not work for them.

  7. I agree there are many pressing issues, and I believe population is one of them. It is not a quick fix either, and when it hits us in the face, it will be too late.


    And when it happens none of us will be here. I'm not wasting time worrying about something that isn't going to have any impact on my family or I for multiple more generations.

  8. Boom!


    Jules is a stud. I love watching that dude.


    Sony is going to be a great RB.


    If that was Gronks last game, and I have a feeling it was, what a hell of a way to go out.


    Defense was flat out unbelievable.


    Gost was money when it mattered.


    Worst game I’ve ever seen from Brady. Still managed to show out when it mattered most. GOAT.

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