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Posts posted by pigman

  1. I just talked to my son day before yesterday, and he was telling me some rockets had been shot into the base, and had missed their target. He and his men went to check it out and found out a newbie had been so scared by the attack that he turned and ran into the outside of a building breaking his leg. As he and his men continued to look around several were telling them to find cover. He told them it was over that's all they had at this point, and he was right. I think for the most part the veterans are better equipped mentally to handle it. While I'm not happy in his 6 years this is his second tour of Iraq, Afganastan once and Korea once. He actually volunteered for this assignment. I agree we need to take better care of them when they come home. He volunteered for the Army and most of the time really likes it. I would much rather have people serving this country that want to, than a bunch of draftees who are only ther because they have to be.

  2. Have said this several times and no one seems to like my idea. Play a ten week schedule, then use all the bowl games as playoff games. 64 teams just like basketball. Use the lesser bowls as the first round games with the higher seeds playing closer to home. So the Motor City could end up with maybe Michigan versus a team from that region, would guess there would be a lot more interst in the Motor City bowl. My plan takes 5 or 6 weeks been awhile since I wrote it all down. Then you don't have teams taking a month off in between games and cutting back to a 10 game regular season you end up finished at the same time. A true national champion would be crowned.

  3. So you mean to say you never saw people take groin shots, or pinch or scrape in the pile either? Sure the eyes are more serious, but it's still assault in the pile, which happens and if people don't believe it does then they're naive or suppressing some sort of bad memories because it does.


    Exactly my point the eyes. I have seen the other stuff, and had it done to me, but never anyone trying to poke my eyes out.

  4. Everyone is questioning Joker and I just don't get it. The man is as classy as they get. Would everyone agree with me that Sieber is an average kicker at best? Well he is the all time leading scorer, so what's that tell you. We've scored more points since he's been here than ever before, and we all know that most of his points are x-points or short field goals. We've left ourselves short in a couple of areas in recruiting such as receiver, but that seems to have been addressed. I'm as dissapointed with some of the losses as anyone, and yes I want us to be better, and I do think we can get there with this staff.

  5. Building a football program the RIGHT way is MUCH more difficult than basketball. Brooks is trying to build tradition at a school that has never been known for their football. He did not build Oregon in a short time either. I understand wanting more, but if you do it the wrong way (ala Curci or Mumme/Bassett) you get in trouble.


    I am very comfortable with where UK is and where I believe they are headed. Find another period of time in UK's football history (besides Bear Bryant's tenure) where the program has ever shown sustained success at ANY level better than this. You won't because it doesn't exist.


    Outside of Utah's win over Bama (1 game), what conference do they play in? Put them in the SEC, and you think they are competing for an SEC title every year? The SEC is the toughest football conference to build a program in, otherwise wouldn't someone else be competing for it besides the usual suspects.


    Fans like me remember what UK football has been for my entire life and appreciate the fact that we are at least an above average program now, compared to years of futility and not competing at all. Brooks has already done things that UK hasn't done in 20-50 years and some things that have never been done. Do I want more? Absolutely! But it is amazing how some UK fans seem to have such a short memory.


    Simple question, ... is the program in better shape now than when Brooks took over? Yes or no.


    Thanks for typing all that and saving me the time it would've took me half an hour. I agree 100%.

    As most of you know I used to coach at Frankfort which is a small 1a school. We may have a kid every five or ten years that can play in the SEC, but very shortly after Brooks was hired Archer and Joker would stop by just to check in. Up until then a UK coach had never been to the school. Because of that they ended up with EJ FIelds and barely missed on Quan Weaver. They do things the right way and that suits me fine.:thumb:

  6. I think the Tigers get the job done, even without 2,000/1,000 guy Zach Allender, who's now playing in Iceland.


    In all seriousness, how horrified would you guys be if they played UK as tough as G'town played UofL? Would anyone draft any apology letters to Jerry Tipton? :lol:


    Only if Patrick drives his new truck to the game and Tipton reports his family has put him back in an old clunker.

  7. I've been watching football all my life and have never seen this happen. I've seen lots of cheap shots, clotheslines, clips, but never anyone trying to gouge somebody in the eyes. I hope the SEC gets involved since Meyer didn't think it was a big deal.

  8. I actually thought Newton grew up some last night. Joker as UK's Coach in waiting may be a big mistake. His play calling is terrible to say the least. Was Sneed injured or something? All week he was to replace Johnson and then they play the whole game basically in a nickel defense. UK as a team was just not ready and/or prepared. They got out coached bad. If Cobb would have been at QB in the red zone, Miss St. would have stacked the box and Cobb could have thrown the ball, play action etc...Pretty sad actually.


    Yeah I was real happy with all those bowl games we were going to before Brooks and Joker got here. I agree the last series left a lot to be desired in the red zone, but we did put up 24 points it's not like we were shut out. Again as has been stated many times the defense got gashed last night and made very few adjustments coach Brown let us down.

  9. Not an excuse. I'm asking questions. Is it just one detail about a vehicle (that was later clarified) the issue?


    Again it's what he started the article with and it was completly false. I just don't understand you're taking up for him on this one. It must be a blast when you and wireman get together.

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