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Posts posted by KIDD 1

  1. I just talked to jon on the phone a couple hours ago , I called his room and he answered the phone and said "whats up pimp". We carried on a conversation for about 5 minutes and it sounds like to me just by talking to him that he is going to make a amazing recovery, All he talked about was how much he wanted to get out of the hospital and that he is counting down the days till he can leave he has it written on his hand... 13 days

  2. Sophomores

    J. Crawford - Corbin

    Smith - Corbin

    L. Crawford - Corbin

    Zachary - Bell Co.

    Williamsburg has a guard(forget his name)who is a very good shooter.

    South Laurel has a transfer(don't know his name)who is suppose to be good.



    Watts - McCreary

    Miller - Knox Central

    Johnson - Corbin

    Whitaker - Bell Co.

    Manns - Corbin

    Lebanion- Whitley Co.

    Gilbert - played at North Laurel last year, but I believe is at South this year.

    Wilson - Corbin


    I think you're thinking of Aaron Cunningham from Williamsburg

  3. O.K. Once more s-l-o-w-l-y j-u-s-t- for- y-o-u- Kidd1. Never said anyting about the game's score.

    Y'all won. You outplayed us, you play next week, we don't. We had a horrible year, you succeeded. Anything else we need to acknowledge about the game part of the night? Here is our official statement to your greatnes:


    We bow down to you this year. You are GREAT! We are not worthy! We turn our heads so your overall superiority does not overwhelm us and make us want to abandon all hope! The football gods have forsaken us for ones more righteous and have passed on the fortunes to the ones truly intended for immortality! We are the cess in your mighty pool! We are but poor peasants moving through the football landscape asking for naught but the mercies of our Masters! We have put on sack cloths and ashes and are wailing in the streets. What is to become of us? Years of drought and overall pestilence surely are our lot now. 15 points has brought us to our knees. Our great-great grandsires will beseach the almighty on why their ancestors sought to try to dethrone the chosen ones in a game they are so much superior in. Our folly will not go unnoticed in the afterlife, either. We shall have to empty your chamberpots and attend to the 75 virgins you surely won with the outstanding display of athletic prowess. We shall throw our very spirits into the puddles into which you are about to step in the land that only the worthy will step in all their glory and golden cleats and hand woven golden uniforms. The very fabric of society here has been shaken We are flying flags at half mast. We are utterly and possibly totally embarassed.

    Is that enough? Does that make you feel better, Kidd1? We now know our places in the higherarchy of high school football. (I would've added more, but it was 15 points and not 21.)


    The "Enough Said" quote is exactly what I said was going on with the whole outside- the -game problems. It'll never change. It'll only get worse.


    One more time for you Daddy Cat, R-E-A-L S-L-O-W............. 35-20

    T-h-a-t-s N-u-f-f S-a-i-d:thumb:

  4. Where you at, Kidd1? Did I aknowledge the win well enough for you?



    Wasn't what I was going for, but since you did, yes you acknowledged the win well enough for me.


    My point was that the game thread had spun-off into fan behavior/treatment and not about the game itself. Just trying to get it back to the game.

  5. I was'nt being sarcastic or anything about the flag, I was just curious because it was mentioned earlier tonight on the air. I did'nt know it caused such a stir. 1st time I had heard anything about it.

    But, being as you want to go that way (sarcasm), Lynn Camp will probably stink up "Jacket Air Raid Big Orange Crunch Bunch War Veteran Memorial Field & Stadium (with little to no visitor's section)" tomorrow night, but it won't be because of the flag, revenge for last year's thumping is what it will be about. Mad lessons WERE taught in 2006 and tomorrow will tell what lessons were learned. Geez, one little question.....

    Lynn Camp 18

    Jackets 110 + 12 spotter points for next years game AND 2 tickets to the Ice Capades!:D

    ????? lol I did not really get that one about the 110 plus 12 spotter points for next years games and the tickets to the ice capades, but ok

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