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Posts posted by eagles135

  1. I do both Facebook and MySpace. I've had friends from high school find me on both and a lot of my older college roommates have contacted me on MySpace. Some days I have to tell myself it is going to be the "last time" I check it for the night.

  2. Time out for some children is more effective than a spanking. There is not one universal discipline that works the best for each and every child.


    My daughter is an attention junkie. It is a HORRIBLE punishment to her for her to have to sit on the bottom step with no entertainment or no one talking to her. She sits there in absolute silence for a good 10 minutes. Seems like eternity to her.



    So thats why I'd have to sit at a table all alone when I'd get in trouble during class. The things I start to understand in my old age ;)


    I heard about this on the Today Show this morning. Meredith interviewed the Congresswoman who is going to propose the bill in California and they also had a child psychologist present. This bill will outlaw spanking of children that are 0-3 years old. Congresswoman Liber added that the Gov. and First Lady of California are supporting this proposed legislation. The child psychologist agreeed with the proposal as well, which by the reaction, I think surprised Meredith Vieria, co-host of the show.

  3. To me there is no finer compliment than to call someone "a real baseball guy." (or girl, of course) To me it implies character and a certain knowledghe of our beloved sport. It transcends the competitiveness of the game and allows one to admire their adversary. It shows your deep love and admiration for those who have strapped on the leather, doubled into the gap or taken the extra base. It shows a reverence for those who have dedicated their lives to playing and teaching THE GAME. My greatest friends are some of the guys that sit in the opposite dugouts. God I love this game.



    Bulldog, I have to say thank you, you have made my day maybe even my year! The (or girl, of course) added to your statement brought a smile to my face. For a semester of college I had to prove to a group of guys (I was one of two girls in the class) that a girl really could know baseball as well as a guy.


    February 15th has been one of my favorite days since I was in the 5th grade! This will be the first time in 15 years that someone from my family hasn't been apart of a high school team in some role.

  4. There were some things I liked about this camp, but there were a few things I found to be a disappointment.

    First, there was only one pro scout there (Cleveland Indians) to assist with the training and instruction. Other camps I have been to have numbered around 6 to 8. Second, a large majority of the instructors were current players from UK and other neighboring programs (Transy, Georgetown, etc.). This did give them a better instructor to camper ratio, but I'd rather have quality over quantity any day.

    Third, not much parental education of NCAA rules and regs nor the UK coaching philosophy. They gave this some attention directly to the kids in the camp but nothing directly addressing the parents.


    Overall it was a good camp but I have seen other Christmas camps that were better.



    I think you will see the number of pro scouts at showcases change. The new rule that scouts cannot be paid for their participation may influence the number that the scouts decide to attend. I think this may hurt attendance at some of the camps.

  5. First off, Polar Bear, the Wildcats cheered long and hard for the Bears when you guys were upsetting the Mustangs in bball. We loved to cheer for you guys against BB.


    Wildcats by 17.



    We love to cheer for ANYONE against Brossart!!


    My prediction, Cats pull out the win....Bracken plays a great 1st half.

  6. I actually saw it posted in The Post shortly after the job was open. A problem I could see with the position is that they are requiring a vaild kentucky teaching certificate. I know for some people with BA degrees in Sport Management or Sports Administration they will not have a teaching certificate. They have however put a statement in the posting that some requirements for the job could be compromised for a qualifed person.

  7. Word on the street last night was that one if not both of the seniors were going home early to get some rest. The Cats need to stay focused and make the routine plays. The errors and dumb mistakes is what hurts this team. Kris Fields on the mound Monday did excellent, worried another Wildcat will have a hard time topping his apperance.

  8. Just heard some news about PC.

    I hear they have two guys banged up and one guy sick. Not sure if it will effect tommorow or not, but my resources tell me that Pat Elliot busted his elbow and needed stiches, Dustin Bishop hurt his back, and Jon Elrod left school today sick. Not sure of the severity of any of this just now heard. I will give updates when i have them.....



    Jon Elrod was attending a field trip today, left the field trip early to get back to school in time for practice. Pretty sure Elliott will be playing tomorrow as well.

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