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46 Sprint Out

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Posts posted by 46 Sprint Out

  1. Say what you want, but personally this process is due a more delicate analysis. For this issue to die, there are certain aspects of this process that need supporting evidence. 4 things are needed to quell public discontent. Our taxes fund these programs, so it is public right to see how certain expenditures are distributed through the school system.


    1) A dated notice, bringing to light the newly vacated coaching position to school employees describing the job opening

    2) Coaching resumes presented to the superintendent, proof of all background checks, and proof that all law abiding candidates had those presented to the Cawood school board.

    3) Proof that all present board members were given these resumes to be reviewed

    4) The minutes of the board meeting, detaling their deliberations and the subsuquent final decision.


    If all these details are documented, then there is a reasonable basis to let the issue die. If not, then the controversy has only begun.

  2. First and foremost, allow me to clarify that my emotions are in check, and that any sleep I may have lost over this period can not be attributed to this situation. My issue here is more of the potential manipulation of laws in this in this specific hiring, not in the person hired. My future argument will validate some of Whyme's claims, while at the same time, validate the basis of my own


    Whyme- From your standpoint, there is a degree of validity. Teaching positions must be posted in the manner you descibed. Emergency hirings are common, in a matter of an interim basis, BUT the newly accquired professional's job is reevaluated at the end of the school year. Then, the job is once again re-opened for interested suiters, and the newly accquired employee is given an opportunity to regain that job on a permanent basis.

    From your point, it is given that a job does not have to be posted for the full 30 days, but the job would have to be posted nonetheless.



    The basis of my statements comes as follows. Frank Smith's official resignation was confirmed by principal Mike Ashurst on Monday, January 8th. Coach Perry's subsequent hiring took place three days following Coach Smith's resignation on January 11th as reported by the January 8th and 11th editions of the Harlan Daily Enterprise.


    A summerization of bylaw 27 of the KHSAA states the following. A Level 1 Coach is a "certified teacher and member of the regular school system faculty employed a minimum of 3 regular periods for teaching classes..." A Level 2 Coach (in Coach Perry's case) is at least 21, not a violent convicted criminal, that has at least 64 hours or is a high school graduate.


    The difference in hiring a Level 2 coach comes as follows. In the absence of a Level 1 applicant, the superintendent may make notice of the opening, providing a list of qualified coaches to the local school Principal, who in deliberating with the School Based Council will make a decision that is finalized by the superintendent. This follows an earlier process where the superintendent declares a "reasonable" notice that no Level 1 individual had applied for the position.


    WHYME-----Here is where I discovered the basis of your argument in Bylaw 27 (d) (iv) that states: "In the event that the member school is unable to staff head or assistant coaching positions in any sport activity (including cheerleading) with a Level 1 of Level 2 individual, the member school may request through the Superintendent that the KHSAA allow for a one-time waiver of this rule in order that the additional time be avaliable to find an applicant meeting the criteria."


    Through this however, I do find some contradiction in that 1)noone within the school system placed interest in this job (and maybe so because of the rapidity of the selection process, which is, very open to debate from both sides), and, 2) that Coach Perry was the only potential suiter over the age of 21 with a high school, or college education and clear criminal background. From this, I think my argument gains some momentum.


    Secondly, in the timeframe of approximately 2 and a half days the following had to happen. A notice of the open coaching position must have been made avaliable to all qualified Level 1 personel within the high school, in addition to its 6 elementary feeder schools, with each having the opportunity to request inquiry of the position. After the first sequence, the job had to be opened to potential outside suiters with no scholastic employment connections (some of these people including the current Cawood assistants and the coaches on the jr. high and elementary levels), each given a personal background check and presented by the superintendent to the school board, which had to have met between January 8th and by the latest the 11th. The school board from there, had to narrow down the list of options, deriving from the list the best candidate possible to fulfill the job opening. To me, the other candidates' qualities were sacrified in a short termed formality, where the sucessor to Coach Smith's job was already predetermined.


    The speed in which this all took place is perplexing. Infact, it probobly presents itself in the same manner to the KHSAA. The job opening has yet to be found in the KHSAA website, possibly meaning the due process of their laws have not been followed. In sharp contrast: as of 2:20 PM, Jan. 23rd, the KHSAA updated masterserve still recognizes Frank Smith as the head football coach of Cawood High School. All this culminates in my thinking that the current hiring perhaps, overstepped some crucial boundaries.


    So in putting this together, I hope that I may have stated my point with accuracy and without bias. For everyone reading, these events have formed the basis of my opinion which is hopefully valid.

  3. If rules are rules, then you have recognized that punishments are deterents existing for those unwilling to comply with ceratain implemented standards. So yes, stepping outside the boundaries in hiring Coach Perry does matter. Assistants within the administration CAN be hired without being brought before a council, hence they can begin to implement the offseason programs without the supervision of an established head coach. My grievence exists not in the case of coach Perry's hiring, but in the manner in which the hiring process was conducted. Perhaps the application and interview process would have served as a formality, but it would have been a structured sequence of events satisfying of our state's rules of conduct nonetheless. The staff at Cawood and the Central Office do have many afforded powers. However, the power to veto state laws and established guidelines does not dwell in their realm of expertise. Proper procedure would demand the reposting of this job, and a fair and impartial interview process for all applicants, period.

  4. That's definately a step up for Cumberland in regards to the out of district schedules of years past. Congratulations to them, I think they will be a dangerous team next year, and playing a somewhat higher level of competition will only help them come playoff time.

  5. How I see it Eric Perry will be the next coach at Cawood regardless. If the 30 days for job posting was not met so all "qualified canidates" could apply, it does not matter. Eric Perry would be the most qualified coach to apply. The problem is people like you try to tear down a program before they get a qualified coach to build to program. You must be afraid whomever to pledge alleigance to could possibly start facing defeat since Cawood has a good coach now. Why cant we just a man like Eric Perry coach with out this bickering because he is best for the kids, and that is what it is all about.




    If, infact, Coach Perry is the most qualified candidate to take the job, then he very well deserves his appointed position. However, by disreguading the standard procedures established in the official hiring process, the seated powers at Cawood have blatently disreguarded the implemented system and have taken the law into their own hands. Coach Perry's credentials as a quality assistant coach are legit, and unquestionable, without a doubt. To build a quality program though, is it not necessary to comply with the rules? The manner of his hiring obviously proves contradictory. Had this taken place in a higher profile program, I'm sure many heads would have been turned, followed by subsequent penalties.


    As for your comments of my supposed "tearing the program down," I am throughly perplexed. Rest assured I had nothing to do with Cawood's 25 losses over the past 3 seasons, and have great faith that my alliances fulfill their occupations with class, dignity, and respect for the rules (WRITTEN and unwritten) of the game. If in fact Coach Perry is the best suiter for the kids, only time will tell. If the head coaching position best suits Coach Perry, it still will (would) after the allocated 30 day period for further applications.

  6. "The Brain" are you showing anger because Coach Perry left Harlan, or are upset because you possibly wanted the job at Cawood.



    Stretch........though the Cawood job has alot of potential, I wouldn't see it as something of a personal interest. However, I do know of others not involved in the school system who expressed interest in the job and subsequently weren't allowed impartial inquiry from the school. The extent of these potential candidates qualifications may not have been up to standard, however, through established specific guidelines, these candidates are to be afforded their equal opportunities. Rules are rules sir, and that is why rules (such as a 30 day notification of a job opening for suiters outside the realm of the educational system) are established that specify the process in which potential applicants are to be examined, reviewed and evaluated, ensuring that the best man for the job has infact been chosen.

  7. OK, here is how it could happen: This is a fantasy now, so don't get all tore up. Summer of 2008, no site based council yet appointed for new high school. In absence of site based council, Superintendent appoints Coach. Saylor resigns as Superintendent, handing over reigns to handpicked successor, who appoints him head Coach. Again, pure crazy fantasy, or is it?



    The present Harlan County Board employs the second largest staff in the Kentucky school system. I'm sure some duties could be "delegated" to others if in fact Mr. Saylor wanted to get his feet wet in the new program:lol:

  8. Hopefully, Evarts can have a little more sucess this year than the last. I seriously think that with a healthy Jimmy Pike Evarts wins at least 4 games last year that they lost. Also, Evarts really could benefit from some time in the weight room; that was one of the smallest Evarts teams I can ever recall, and they lost many battles up front on the line of scrimmage.

  9. How long was this job posted.....



    Seriously, how long was this job posted? If Coach Perry is a para-professional and not someone employed by the school as a teacher, counselor, etc., this job should have been posted for at least 30 days before any decision was made to hire a man outside the school system.

  10. How about Mason's chances against the reigning champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers? Personally, I would predict the bus ride after school on a Friday to cause Mason to be a little sluggish from the start. Eventually the Royal's speed would prove too much for the best defense in the leage. After some halftime adjustments, Mason would run away in the second half en route to a convincing victory


    Mason 34

    Bucs 10 (touchdown in the 4th quarter after Mason's JV has entered the game late in the 3rd quarter)

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