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46 Sprint Out

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Posts posted by 46 Sprint Out

  1. Sounds like a great backfield.....but I hope a committment to full house sets dosen't make them completely one dimensional.


    I think this team can make a run in 3A, but to contend with the likes of a Louisville Central of Belfry, they will have to have some balance on the offensive side of the ball.

  2. Amazing....you would recommend the job you are running from after one year to a FRIEND?


    There is nothing like two desperate parties getting together to form a great relationship.


    I would stay out of it and let the Paris faithful figure out their future.


    Well, if this FRIEND is who I think he is......Paris would be lucky to have him. Just one man's opinion here

  3. No doubt a frosh and JV schedule will occur with 10 games. The only question I have is are there any schools close to Harlan that play both frosh and JV games weekly. I know Bell County doesm what about Middlesboro, Leslie, Breathitt, etc? If no one near you plays it is hard to fill a schedule. Most school districts won't allow long 9th-11th games to be played on the road.



    I see a problem with this as well. Perhaps the freshman team could play up and play a seperate JV schedule. However, you probobly would be looking at needing to hire more coaches to do so. That coupled with scheduling conflicts could cause some problems. I don't know of any teams around the area with freshman squads

  4. Talked to someone who has played both in recent weeks, says this game won't be as close as the last two and to expect a running clock. Should make for an interesting week on here.


    *I have no ties to either team so just throwing this out there....


    I would agree with the statement from your source on this one. Not that this is a great Trinity team this year, but they are still in a different league. If the Rocks are clicking on all cylinders, and it appears they are, this one gets nasty in a hurry.

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