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Posts posted by SPORTS MAN

  1. Sometimes I feel like Dubya and I are the only optimists alive. It seems that everyone else has already written off Iraq. While I believe Iraq is a difficult problem, I most emphatically do not believe it is a lost cause.


    I truly don't know how optimistic W is about Iraq. I don't know what our goals are for the country. Is it to just have a democratic country? Is it for all Iraqis to coexists peacefully? I believe this can be obtained to some extent. Will it ever be as free as the united states? I doubt that. However there have been a great deal of organazation among terrorist. They have plotted and killed many Americans. But they were not civilians for the most part and it didn't happen on US soil. That is the greatest goal of this war in my book. Meet them on common ground (really its more of their back yard) and keep our house from getting wrecked in the process.

  2. I'm all for him...and I support him fully.


    It is easy for you to support his strategies from here. It is when you have to abide by them that it makes it more difficult. I'm no Bush basher and i deffinately didn't vote for Kerry but i don't agree with alot of bush's war plan. However he is my boss and i risk my life for what he thinks is right. Still though i get to see first hand mistakes that have been passed down from his administration all the way down to the privates. I was in Iraq when he declared the war won from the battle ship. The only thing that changed for me that day is they took my hazardous duty pay. Even though i was still getting fired upon. Two months later they gave it back. I support the president but maybe not fully.

  3. There was no debate about Boyd's starting a program, the debate was more on the likelihood of other are schools (specifically Russell and GC) adding it as well as whether it should be picked up by more schools. As a medical professional, my biggest concern would be the number of kids I have seen with eating disorders due to the sometimes obsessvive nature of those trying to cut weight.


    Today people seem to think its an eating disorder if someone won't eat McDonald's or if they don't drink soda. With the new regualations its hard to do the extreme tactics that athletes went through before. By today's standards I wouldn't even be aloud to drop but a few pounds and i'm 215lbs. There are no sauna's, no plastics, and you have to make weight very early in the season.

  4. How far are you from WV. You should look into taking them outside of the state for summer compitition. It will help them more than you could imagine. There is a pretty big gap in talent between WV and KY. I used to compete at the Mason Co open in Pt Pleasant WV. There was one day for the youth alone. I've never seen so many kids from 3-12 wrestling.

  5. If you have seen a wrestling meet and thought it was boring than you just did not understand what was going on. Its kind of like taking your girlfreind to a football game(except for my wife, she understands the game better than most men). But wrestling isn't as popular as football or basketball. That doesn't mean they should end the sport(or in this case not pick it up). If you look at it in a world veiw football isn't as popular as soccer. But for me that doesn't make it less appreciated. Your assumption that wrestling crosses over to lineman but not skill positions just shows your lack of knowledge on what wrestling improves. If you notice most of the weight classes go along with the sizes of skill players more than lineman. It increases eyehand coordination, foot speed, agility, flexibility, core strength, grip strength and so much more. That translates into any position. There are alot of kids in the school that don't play basketball, give them something to do.

  6. I just don't see the expenditure of adding another sport that has limited potential for continuation at the next level as prudent use of funds. I know Russell's athletic department budget is stretched thin as it is without incurring anymore expenses. Providing practice facilities, coaches, mats and other equipment, scheduling, etc. It really adds up, plus basketball coaches who don't want to share their athletes already will surely not want to lose any kids to a same season sport. Whether it's technically coed or not, I certainly hope Russell never chooses to add this sport.


    Your arguement for not adding it seems to come from you being a fan of basketball. Well thats your choice. Alot of wrestling programs in KY will actually let teams borrow things like mats to get programs started. Everything has limited continuation at the next level. Wrestling may not have a legit professional association (which there was one started but i do not know how it is doing) but there are still college programs, aau teams, world team, and the olymipics. How is that different than other sports. As far as basketball coaches fear of losing athletes to wrestling. Well they usually don't have to worry about it. Basketball players don't make for the best wrestlers usually. Football players do. The last time i checked there are alot more football players at Russell than Basketball players.

  7. There are no talks in Russell's athletic department with regards to starting a wrestling program. I'm surprised any schools are starting one as the Title IX implications are a nightmare.


    I've personally talked to people on the board or control for the khsaa and they stated that title IX shouldn't play a part. Wrestling is technically a coed sport. Its the interpretation from the local part that causes the problems most of the time.

  8. Is lifting this weight at a power meet any different than in a weightroom "maxing out?" I'm not trying to degrade any power lifters, I'm just wondering if their is a different technique or something?


    The main difference is usually form. Its usually a pause rep bench and a parellel squat with judges.

  9. I would really love to attend one of these, can anyone tell me of a meet near the Ashland area sometime in the near future?


    Well their not high school only meets but you can see a USPF powerlifting meets that has all age groups. The WV state meet is in Charleston during march. The Ky state meat is in Prestonsburg during april. Theres also the NASA state meet in paintsville during march. These are powerlifting meets though. Just squat, bench and deadlift. No olympic lifts.

  10. Shannon Gross - Rowan County


    I have seen him bench over 600 pounds and that's not a typo. He squatted so much one time that it bent the 45 pound bar. I have actually witnessed these things and I'm not exaggerating. In high school, he placed in the TEAM weightlifting competition at the state level and he was the only person on the team.


    Shannon was one of the strongest people on MSU's team when i played there too. I remember walking in and seeing him rep out 315 for reps on the military press.

  11. I hear it's really tough to get recruits into the guard today....so many on their third and fourth tours, loosing their businesses, divorce rates are sky rocketing....they sure didn't plan on this length of active duty.

    It is fairly tough to get recruits into the guard and reserve but not for the reason you are thinking. Its just the opposite. People would rather go active duty. They are going to have to be deployed as often anyways so why not make it a full time career. With the guard its like living a double life. We actually have alot of people willing to sacrifice everything for this country. Alot of our young people have alot of pride and its evident to have so many people enlist during a time of war. The divorce rate is probally high. Of course alot of marriages are taking place a bit quicker than what normally would have happened.

  12. I'm just curious, but how many of you are directly affected by this decision? Who all know someone or how many of you will go back to Iraq because of this. I know when i went in 2003 i never expepcted to be going back in 2007 with the reserves but here i am going back in 3 months. Just to let you know. I have no feelings either way. I do not romance the idea of war but i do what is needed of me.

  13. Creatine? That may have contributed its designed to fill you muscles with h2o so it enables the body to work longer and harder. I personally took it and it was a mistake, it dehydrates the body very quickly in little time, and adds fat not only muscle.


    Creatine doesn't add fat. Its a muscle cell volumizer. You do need to drink additional water with the supplement. The only way to add fat is to take in more calories than you need. Supplements get a bad reputation from people that lump all supplements together. Caffein and ephedrine products should not be taken. But supplements such as a multi vitamin or gatoraid are examples of supplementation that can be used to replace nutrients lost during training.

  14. I would love to see alot of these games. It would be nice to have them at UK since Louiville gets the state championship games. Ohio has the prep classic (i believe thats what its called). I've been to it a couple times and it has better games than the state championships in KY. Often having our best teams going up against Ohio powerhouses.

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