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Posts posted by stifler

  1. But then us Johnson Central fans dont have to get on here and lobby to have our team included in the rankings , do we?






    I cant help but laugh at how strong the loyalty exists when things are going good at Pikeville.



    They're usually going good at Pikeville:D

    I don't want to bash JC, but year before last, no one was on the JC train, now were they?

  2. Well, to be exact,


    Evarts, Cumberland, Hazard, Cawood, and now Lynn Camp



    And Pikeville has played Henry Clay, (great game!) East Jessamine (good game) and Belfry(hung with 'em til the end.) Yes, they were loses, but we actually played with 'em! If I am not mistaken, these are all ranked teams in 2A, 3A, and 4A. Enough said.:cool:

  3. Reminds me of those old P'burg/Belfry battles that you were an intregal part of in the years past! The ball didn't BOUNCE your way and will always live with those losses. Just adds a little more meaning to the game in 2 weeks at CAM Stadium.


    Bad blood began in pre-game with #2 giving the Pirates the middle finger as they came off the field after warming up their kickers, etc. The Pirate players were focused at that point but that action took the intensity level up. Thanks again for the extra motivation 2 years in a row !!!


    The white hat (Ref.) took to much verbal abuse before the one kickoff. The coach really made him look bad.



    I believe this is enough #2 bashing!!!! Noone has pointed out the Belfry players that were screaming racial slurs at him!

  4. I know exactly what I am talking about, I sat right there and watched Pikeville players act really bad. Taunting was started by Pikeville players, not the other way around. Boys need attitude adjustment on big games, we won this one, but could have went either way. Sometimes bad attitudes in games ends up losing it for you.



    You saw it differently then. One Pikeville player acted emotional after a series of....well, ask your pirates. The Pikeville players were trying to rile THEIR crowd, (that's what happens when the visitors AND the home team sit on the same side) and it got out of control. I am not going to keep defending our kids to you. Believe what you want, but you are looking through disgruntled "Pirate" colored glasses.:cool:

  5. Well, 'tis true, but THIS year you can't say how weak we are, or how you kicked our butts, etc, etc, so you are taking other shots at us. How do you expect us to react? Like I said, this thread has become useless. Pikeville has homecoming next week, let's move on and get ready for the rest of our season. Learn from our mistakes last night and get stronger for our playoffs!:ylsuper:


    Go Panthers, and keep working hard like you have been. It WILL pay off!:banana:

  6. :thumb: As much as I love seeing my Dragons in there, I agree Pikeville should be in there as well. Playing Belphry to within 4 points is a statement to me. I bet if we have a slip next week among the bottom 3-4, the Panthers will make an appearance.


    Not only playing them to within 4, but Pikeville controlled the ball LONGER, and had more offensive yardage than the Pirates, and actually led on the scoreboard during the 4th quarter. I felt like Pikeville did WELL against the Angry Red, and will continue to improve. If Mayo had been on the field, (especially on defense) Pikeville wins this one!:thumb:

  7. Nor should you. I know that you could care less how much or how little my respect for your football program means to you and vice versa, but as we all know, your reputation precedes you, and as long as the Pikeville coaching staff allows the actions taken by a player and assistants to go on like it did last night, it is only going to be downhill for the Panthers.


    As for fans, they can't be controlled and every school has their share that are out of hand at times.


    We are not talking about over the years, we are talking about last night. So please tell me if there was ONE Belfry player that acted in such a poor manner as that ONE Pikeville player did last night?


    I also know, as do you, that if it were a Belfry player behaving that way, then you would be discussing it on here just as much.


    Sorry to burst your bubble, and I wasn't going to say ANYTHING, but you all CONTINUE to take shots at our kids AND our program. You people are not "holier than thou". Ask your linemen how many times they hit our linemen with their fists to the sides of our heads. Go ahead and ask. You may not like what you hear. (or they may be in denial like the fans.) Anyway, it goes BOTH ways.:creepy: :sssh: :irked:

  8. Im sorry you feel that way but I dont think were going to close down the football program because you dont respect us anymore. Ive saw poor sportsmanship by Belfry (Players and Fans) over the years and you dont hear me whining about it.



    I think we just made made 'em nervous mojo.....We got a little too close for their comfort zone...lol

  9. I wasn't at the game, so I am just a curious fan, but were the late hits on the QB while he was carrying out fakes on runs or was it after he had thrown the ball?



    You hit the nail on the head. There were no late hits on the QB....He is open game when he is caring out fakes!:thumb:

  10. Absolutely. I stood on top of the bank across the street. Pikeville crowd was ABSOLUTELY BIGGER and LOUDER. Anyone who doesn't want to believe it is kidding themselves.


    I was told the same thing, but it is hard to hear the other team's fans when they sit right beside you.:thumb:

  11. Way to go Pirates:flame: Our boys are going to have to work on their blocking, but still a well played game. I was really disappointed in the Panthers tonight. When McNamee was coach, you would never have seen the players act like they did tonight. Congrats Pirates, keep working hard.:dancingpa



    This is ridiculous!!! I could then say the same about Belfry FANS too. Taunting our boys, etc....I don't know about the Belfry team, they were on the other side. But as for the statement above, you have no clue what you are talking about...:irked:

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