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Posts posted by Freebird23

  1. Serious Q here: what do you do if you are an underclassman that did not play a significant part of THIS state championship team (i.e., played some JV and got in when games were already locked up)? Do you:


    A - buy a ring because you never know when you might be on a team that wins another title AND everyone plays a role on a team that wins a championship -- whether it is during practice all year or on FRI night when the fans are in the stands




    B - pass on this ring and dedicate yourself to winning a state championship that you are a bigger part of / when you are a senior and it is a culmination of your contribution since you were a FR



    Tough call in my book for both players and parents. Obviously economics plays a role in each decision as well.


    Not a tough decison if. More of a challenge how!


    My 4th son as a Frosh, elected to move up to varsity and received the '07 ring. Then as a Soph, got the '08 ring and he will get another this year as a Junior. His goal was to have more state rings than his three older brothers... mission accomplished. :D Also, NEVER take for granted that you will win State the next year! Unless...

  2. So what's the word on the press conference???


    Bridgid has left the house... or I think! She informed that she is stepping down as Commisisoner but sounds like the door is open if she is stepping out of the KHSAA.


    Many years of dedicated service... who's next? That was not part of the conference.

  3. He played six games at QB and just because he got hurt does this make him any less of a player. Your right it's not hard to shoot back either. Look at his stats if your into that. Every 8 times he touched the ball he scored. Six passing TD's, 10 rushing td's, 1 receiving TD and 2 kick-off returns. Take the passing attemps away and every 6 times he touched the ball he scored.

    The kid only missed two games after injuring his elbow and came back to play another position. Most kids would have packed it in for the year but he wanted to help his team wherever they needed him.


    I would nominate Bardolini in as first team - Athlete. PERIOD! He has meant that much to the team... QB, Kick-off Return Man, etc. etc.


    Seriously, there are a ton of individual player recognition awards out there... but the one that mean's the most to a player is the Gold Ring wrapped around the finger. The same ring his fellow teammates worked so hard to get from the last game of last season to the final whistle in the State Championship game. What better recognition could a player receive?


    Besides... I do not know a collegiate recruiter that spends an ounce of energy reviewing the individual awards as the deciding factor in getting the offer.

  4. Congrats to all who made this worthy distinction!


    Special Pat On The Back to one young man who suffered a serious set-back, but continued on to finish out his high school career with the 'Birds - QB William Bardo! Nice job Will... and best of luck at playing at the next level. You will star will continue to shine... good luck on your road to recovery from Friday's surgery.


    Your number one fan.

  5. Congrats to Antonio Andrews... wish I made the opportunity to see him play this year! Congratulations to 'Birds coach Dale "Smiley" Mueller and to Coach French of Boyle County. Thanks for promoting quality football in the bluegrass state!


    What offers has Antonio received?

  6. The latest I've heard is the doctors are looking for a 2 hour window that Ethan is stable so they can do the tracheotomy and put in the feeding tube. His pressure and fever are still unpredictable and have prevented these procedures from taking place.

    All we can do at this point is pray, pray and pray. I truly feel that there is no greater power that we have than prayer and prayer is our gateway to miracles...


    That is soooo true!

  7. Nor did X have Neal, Buehner, Sears, Jones, Karrer, Lawson, Jordan, Dorsey, Barrito or Fields. But I agree, whose better remains a matter of opinion as opposed to FACT...since the 2010 Birds and Tigers never squared up.


    Therefore, I will go with the experts, USA TODAY.

  8. Agreed with, with exception. I'm not so sure I'd call 05 and 06 down years. Those years probably weren't Dale's best scheduling. In 05 we played Colerain in the second game of the year. It's important to note that our 04 state championship team had primarily all senior starters, so we were very green at the start of 05. Colerain had won the Ohio state championship the year before and had a very good team coming back (they were the favorite to repeat with studs like Eugene Clifford and Connor Smith on the team). We went into the Colerain game with a hurt starting qb and he reinjured his shoulder early in the game. Colerain knocked our back up qb out of the game with a concussion early in the second half. I think we may have actually been winning at half by one point or were down by one. Don't remember for sure. In either event, it was close at half. They did spank us in the second half though. The next week, a very banged up team played Lou X in Lou. We played terribly and again got spanked. Later on that year, we got rolled by SF DeSales. But we went on to beat CovCath, which was a big favorite. We got beat by LexCath 17-0 in the playoffs, but LexCath went on to win the state championship. They had some kid playing qb by the name of Justin Burke if you remember him. LOL. In 06, we again had a challenging schedule. We beat Elder every way but the scoreboard and Elder's coach said so in the newspaper. It should have been our first win over a GCL team in the modern era. We then played Lou X the next week at Paul Brown stadium in extreme heat. We came into the game banged up badly from Elder. We were winning at half, X won by two touchdowns, but it was a one touchdown game most of the game. Our kids were exhausted, with several playing both ways and injured. Playing Elder and X in back to back weeks is very tough on a small squad, much like playing Colerain and X in back to back weeks in 05 was tough. We had no where near the depth those two years that we did in 09 and it's a credit to Dale that these days we seem to have developed much more depth than we did back then. As you pointed out, the loss to SF DeSales in 06 was a very close game and we had been winning late. I won't blame the loss on any one kid, but had a receiver held onto a pass in the endzone in the last minutes of the game, we'd have won that one. Can't fault the kid as it was raining hard and the ball was wet and hard to hold onto. Things happen. The other two losses that year were the two to CovCath, with the regular season loss being on the last play of the game on that miraculous pass from Bleser to Bovard. CovCath beat us by 10 in the playoffs and went on to win state. The records in 05 and 06 may indicate "down" but the performances on the field and quality of play did not. Excuse the length of this response, but I get a burr under my seat whenever I hear or read about us being down those two years. We were not. We played the toughest schedules of Highlands history those two years and we were eliminated from the playoffs both years by two exceptionally good teams that went on to win state.


    LN and T-bird:

    Nice job on the summation of '05 and '06. I am late jumping on this but with a couple of sons playing in that time frame it always burned me to call the two years, "down years." Especially by folks who did not see them play. The two squads in '05 and '06 had a ton of talent. As LN eloquently stated and T-bird accurately stated, the competition was more than the 'birds could handle at a time when two platooning was common. Other than the X game in Louisvile, there were some close and exciting games the two years in question.


    If you want to look for the 'Dark Ages" in HHS football, look no further than when I played. 1971 through 1974! No trips to the Championships and no playoffs other than B Station my sophomore year. Then came LN and T-bird and the championships resumed!

  9. While I think we'll be very good next year on defense, your 7 returning starters on defense comment is not really correct. Roller, Alford, Rosenhagen, Dierig, Snyder and Johnson are seniors. Those 6 started unless they were injured. That leaves 5 returning starters, not 7. Figured I better point that out before some non-Highlands fan tears you a new one. :thumb:


    The good news on defense is that some returning players got a lot of playing time, particularly at the lb spots. We will be set at the lb and db spots (with Abner, Seidl and Bruns returning in the defensive secondary). What we really have to work on is the D line. Hopefully the kids vying for those positions realize right now the opportunities waiting them if they work their tails off this off season, which started this past Saturday.


    Same is true for the O line. There are 3 interior positions opening due to graduation. To win state next year, we are going to have to capably fill those spots. I have faith in the kids and Coach Turner that by mid season next year, we will have another very good O line. Towles has the qb spot locked assuming he works real hard during the off season. RB position opens up widely also. But with Streeter, True, McGurn and perhaps McCoy, to name a few, there is plenty of talent available to fill those spots. Like all other open positions, I think the RB spots will be filled by those that work the hardest between now and 2 a days. We should be solid at the WR position with Gold, Carson and Gall. Nienaber picked up some valuable experience at the tight end spot this year. If Hollinsworth works hard to put on some muscle and mass, I can see him being a very good TE next year also.


    As always, there are going to be several of those kids that weren't on the radar this year, that due to hard work and committment, are the surprise players next year. To me, that's one of the most enjoyable things about watching Highlands football: seeing the kids that, having watched them play the prior year, you didn't think they'd do much this year, and then they come out, play exceptionally well and surprise the heck out of you.Bottom line is that Highlands should again be very, very good next year. As good as this year? Well, that's a question and challenge for next year's team to answer.


    I think there will be several surprises next year... and I agree, that is part of the fun each Spring. Who has stepped it up a tad during the off season and steps onto the field sporting that D-1 calibre frame.

  10. I'd say he deserves his own thread at this point. In my 32 years, I've never seen this skill set, and I'm not sure how to put it lightly to avoid over exaggerating his ability. Just WOW. That's all I've got...


    Let's all enjoy it while it lasts... he is something else! A true breath of fresh air to a program that needed CPR. I like his maturity... acts more like a senior who has been there vs. a star struck frosh in New York City.

  11. The International Bowl much different than the Sugar Bowl. I think it would be hard to get a new coach in here, and get this team ready to win a game against Florida. IMO, best bet would be have as many current caoches take control for it.


    The biggest game in UC's history... I am thinking they all want to shine in the national spotlight. Sure wouldn't hurt... I don't think they have a chance with a defensive backfield coach as the HC against Florida. A significant beating could hurt UC's recruiting efforts before the new coach steps onto the UC campus. Will be interesting to see how this is all handled.

  12. Didn't Kelly coach his first UC game in a bowl game? Perhaps UC will have their new coach on the sidelines for the Sugar Bowl. They had to know he was leaving... therefore their seach most likely started weeks ago. IMO...

  13. KERRY COMBS coaching the team against Florida. Ha Ha Ha! Taking a three year removed high school coach and putting him up against one of the best coaches in collegiate football. What a dis-service to all the athletes on the UC squad. They deserve so much better!


    Good luck to UC in the search process...

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