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Posts posted by CCH05

  1. Combine that work ethic and the merits of the Jr. Football League, and the unbiased fan should realize that Highlands does not win because they are Highlands; they win because the kids, coaches and administration put forth a level of effort and committment that is matched by very, very few programs in the state. . While I have no doubt that Lorenzen, Smith, Nevels etc down the line were great athletes, I seriously doubt they would have been as good as they turned out if they had not played at Highlands or some other school demanding such a committment.[/QUOTE]




    Some people will never accept the FACTS,and you are right on it with your view. Good programs win state titles because they out work other teams and set big goals.:thumb:

  2. A.)(DRH70's quote) I have talked to several defensive players for CovCath and they said that Dixie is [not] going to score on them.


    B.) ( DD's quote) I think Dixie may have had enough and come out ready to play. Cov Cath may squeek this one out but Dixie will be fired up.



    Now we will see which Dixie team shows up,or maybe they should have taken the band along.


    34-17 Cov. Cath.

  3. I was at the Ryle game today, and at the GE vs CovCath scrimmage.... Ryle impressed me today with their heart, but they still need a lot, not to win in 4A but to win against HHS, CovCath in 3A or even Beechwood or NCC in 1A.....



    I think you maybe underestimating Ryle's toughness and overstating Cov.Cath,Beechwood and NCC chances against Ryle. I will agree Ryle would struggle against the Birds.

  4. Thanks Lockcy. I hope you can make it to a few games this year and watch the Birds. I also hope your son has a great year. LN



    We are planning on attending a few home games to support the program. We really enjoyed our time as Bluebirds.......once a Bluebird always a Bluebird.Regarding my son,he should have a breakout season and thanks for your kind words. Go Birds win STATE!:thumb:

  5. I really don't understand Cobb's complaint. I think Cobb just likes to gripe sometimes.



    This is nothing more than the public verses private debate, and this is a way to appease some of those people.” — Jay Cobb



    Regardless of his history of complaining if that be the case. His point made above is RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT. Waterdown championships for a few public schools that could not win championships the old fashion way........TO EARN IT.

  6. 1. Assuming we're talking about the Sainola boy, the 'athletic intent' issue is moot, right?



    I believe that is correct. Some programs are more concern about the students well being and not the competition. Alot of schools should follow the example set at Highlands. Construct a solid program and let the chips fall were they may.;)

  7. I think a lot just depends on how the freshmen are too. I do believe that Jasper and Meeks will contribut right away. Hopefully Perry Stevenson can because we could use an athletic shotblocker in the game some at the 4 spot.



    Let's hope that they get develop better than those (2) 7 footer we have.

  8. But thats how these guys play together and always have..you have to get used to it.



    That's my point, I don't have to get used to it and would not. They have to get used to my rules, my team play and my style of play. Not me theirs..... Coaching by your own admittance.

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