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Posts posted by CCH05

  1. Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.


    I just can’t believe that someone who promotes the killing of innocent children is bearing good fruit. As for does he pray five times a day. I would hope so. I pray at least that many times a day. That does not make me a Muslim.



    I and my wife have 3 very well manner young adults. We believe in a woman right to chose and we have brought forth good fruit in our 3 kids. It's a choice, by the way how many kids have you adopted?

  2. ABsolutely.


    Same as McCain jokingly answering RIck Warren's comment about a $ figure of who the rich is and him saying $5 million and adding that answering will be distorted and Obama himself doing exactly what McCain said would happen with his answer.



    McCain wasnt joking, he truly believes $5 MILLION OR MORE IS RICH.

  3. Do you REALLY think there will be no more spin and an undivided government under the democrats?


    I believe the American people can send a message to Washington " that we the people are feed up with politics that divide".We should want a government that is united not divide. WE OUR ONE AMERICA not rich,or poor but AMERICANS who LOVES OUR COUNTRY.Stop the spin.

  4. Mighty glad to have you! May I ask why you are not supporting the presumptive Republican nominee?



    It's time to put middle class Americans first and end the division. We the people need a government that is not divided. There is something about not having blue or red states, but the UNITED STATES that I enjoy more.It's about being an American and changing the direction of the previous 7 and half years. No more spin.

  5. Isn't he probably just going off of recent history about how SOME Republicans use race in elections? You do remember the phone calls Rove orchestrated on behalf of then-candidate Bush when running again now-candidate McCain, right? "Did you know McCain has a black daughter?"


    Surely we don't think everything has changed in 8 years. Race will come up either directly or indirectly.


    Republicans have been using race in elections since the Nixon years. Nothing has changed.

  6. Why accept it?


    If true equality is the goal then shouldn't all double standards cease to exist?How long do we as a society have to pay for the sins of our fathers?


    IMVHO those that "accept" these double standard simply perpetuate the ill feelings that occur between the races.


    Affirmative actions did cease to exist, along with sit aside programs for minorities. It time to move into a color blind society in America and stop allowing the Dixiecrats republicans to continue to have seperate but equal societies in America. We are one country of many Americans not two.

  7. I have stayed away from the race issue that has been and will undoubtedly play a role in the election of our next President. But after listening to a radio station interview 6-8 African Americans last night and talk about the historic presumed nomination of Obama for President, I thought to myself: why?


    Not why as to it being an historic event. Of course it is and I think Obama's nomination shows Wright and other hate mongerers that not only are they wrong in their message, they are way wrong.


    But why is it okay for some African Americans to vote for Obama because he is an African American, but discriminatory for some Caucasians to vote against him because he is an African American? Several of those African Americans interviewed stated (remarkably I might add) that they weren't even sure of Obama's policies but they had voted for him in the primary and would vote for him in the general simply because he was an African American. If they can use the logic that they are going to vote for him because he is of the same skin color, why isn't it acceptable for others to vote against him because he is not of the same skin color?


    In America's seemingly endless preoccupation to deal with our "guilt" over what happened in this country over 200 years (and for that matter happened in Africa itself), are we giving African Americans a pass to be discriminatory while at the same time, condemning Caucasians that discriminate? Shouldn't the same standard by applicable to all Americans? If not, why?


    And don't for the moment think I am fine with voting against a person because of his/her skin color. I condemn such. But I equally condemn those that will vote for him simply because of his skin color. Yet there seems to be no condemnation in the press for those that do and will vote for him because of his skin color and I ask myself, why?


    Was your thoughts the same when the race was between Reagan and Carter, Bush and Clinton,or Gore and Bush. Regarding all whites voting and blacks for either? Are for that matter, why most blacks always vote democratic? 97% of blacks voted for Gore and Kerry over Bush in 2000 and 2004 what was your thougts on why then? He that controls or rules need not take pride in what he controls or rules. To answer your question of why. It is pleasing and a great pleasure to see AMERICA move forward and open OPPORTUNITIES at the top for all. ONE NATION UNDER GOD .......THAT IS WHY. The thoughts across this great country that AMERICA is not ready for a black president, is not why some whites wont vote for Obama either.

  8. 1. 1 John 2:22 says "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."


    The Bible clearly states you cannot know the Father without knowing the Son. If you deny the divinity of Jesus, you don't know Him. Their acceptance of Jesus as a prophet is irrelevant because they deny the most important truth about Him. There is no way to reconcile that difference.


    2. Again, they may classify the Bible as sacred scripture, but their view of it is that it was corrupted, therefore they only accept the parts of it that falls in line with their beliefs. They explain the rest away by saying it was "corrupted". Again, as a Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, there is no way to reconcile this difference. Similarly to point one, classifying the Bible as a "sacred scripture" is irrelevant to me because they pick and choose the parts they want to use and explain the rest away as corrupted text.


    3. Again, what good is that when we disagree on all the major points that form the foundations of our beliefs.





    The truth shall set you free. I am in total agreement with all the above. Spoken like a person with a strong belief in the true and only SAVIOR....JESUS CHRIST!:thumb:

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