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Posts posted by B-Ball-fan

  1. This discussion is beyond pathetic. I polled 30 swimmers at the regional tournament, and we won by the way 12 in a row now and counting, and they all said their parents would not let them drive there. Case closed. I implore you to get off this topic of the crazies. It's driving me crazy.


    Thank you! I was waiting for someone to talk some sense. Geez! If you hadn't, I was just about to. It was starting to sound like 5 year olds bragging about who was taller. :ohbrother:

  2. Just to make sure I understand....


    CCH is coming off of two absolute drubbings and they beat an undermanned HC team and they're "starting to peak at the right time?"


    I guess we have different definitions of "peaking."


    I'd say we do. You can look at the past, present and future of a team. The past can certainly be telling. The present more so. The present team is showing more fire and promise than in their more recent past, and look poised and ready to put the past behind them and make the best of their near future. Some teams have the ability to grow and put it all together as the season advances. This Colonel team looks like they're doing just that and right on schedule. Coach L isn't the type to give up on his guys and knows the philosophy of team growth. Will they end up at Rupp? Pretty tall order to say the least. They still have a chance to end their season in respectable fashion though, and from what I'm seeing, they're aiming at doing so.

  3. ...and before you get the chance to say, "But they were only playing Holy Cross", I believe that the Indians are struggling this year, but are better than their record would suggest. They always bring to the court a competitive team that plays for 32 solid minutes no matter who they're playing. Sure, they're not Holmes, but they're still a feisty bunch that's not going to let any team get anything without working for it.

  4. What?


    What? (What?) I don't get your 'What'?


    The Colonels have had a rough reason having trouble getting much point production out of anyone but Thelen & Wellbrock. Last night they had 10 players in the scoring column. That's a good sign. They had less turnovers. They had more flexibility with their guard play with Pauly & Masinot sharing the duties. Connelly is showing tremendous strength. Their outside shooting is coming around which was sorely lacking. No one seems timid about taking it to the hole. Players are stepping up. It's looks like development of a long bench is taking place. We're in the month of February with a good few weeks to improve on the new found confidence. I see this as a good sign of starting to peak at the right time. The Colonels keep moving in this direction, I see them as a valid contender when post season begins. In my post I said 'starting to peak at the right time' meaning that come tournament time they should be peaking. That's 'What' :eek: :idunno:

  5. Nice team effort by the Colonels :thumb: Good to see offensive action by more than just a few. Looks like Coach L is getting his team to find themselves and are starting to peak at the right time. If everyone plays with this kind of focused confidence, and they build a plentiful bench, they could certainly surprise come post season. Sure couldn't hurt to have more legs to wear other teams out. This made a huge difference against the Indians, who didn't stop their hustle, but just didn't have enough bench to keep up.

  6. This was one of the things that actually shocked me about Kentucky basketball when I first moved to the state. The district winner AND runner-up both advance to the regional? And to top it all off, many of the districts had blind draws to set up the tournament!?!?!?!


    I agree...if you're going to have a blind draw, then only the district winner should advance. The old addage of "to be the best, you have to beat the best" would apply here.


    Why so many schools prefer to leave their fate up to a draw is beyond me. I actually had a serious discussion with one coach about this. He was at a small, Class-A school that has that good team once every 8-10 years or so. And, at the time, he had a "Goliath" inside his district...not only the best team in the district, but maybe the region, and possibly the state. I couldn't see why he would rather have the chance to take a very average to below average team to the regional and get their lunch handed to them (by going with a draw)...than to be assured of the #2 seed and have a legit chance at making some noise at the region, when he DID have that good team (and have the district seeded).


    And, I should mention, in a true act of Karma for this coach, his son's senior year, his team was clearly the #2 team in the district. And fittingly drew the #1 team in the opening round. And while they gave them a good game, they still lost...and never even got a sniff of the regional.


    I would have thought the KHSAA would've stepped in and said "Hey, we want everybody playing under the same system. We don't want any waterred down regions, with some Little Sisters of the Poor backing their way in, just because of the luck of the draw."


    You would think. This has never made any sense to me either. A system that appears to have, for the most part, uniformity (4 districts per region - 16 regions advancing to the Sweet 16) really doesn't as long as some seed and some don't. I know that some feel that KY should go to classes, but as Indiana has shown by doing so, it stole away the magic of the state tournament. I think that the 'All A Classic' has been a great addition to help keep the magic of the Sweet 16 alive and valid. The deal where the district runner-up still advances has always confused me as well, put I guess that I'm o.k. with it simply because it's been a tradition for so long. Also, I've seen where the district runner-up ended up going to Rupp which I typically find exciting and interesting.

  7. Really? Someone might throw a game so they play Holmes in round two instead of round one at the regional? I don't think so. Far fetched to say the least. Anyway, wouldn't you rather say you are District Champion than say we won a first round game at the regional?


    I don't think it's that far fetched. Sure, if you wanna be the best you have to beat the best, but a little luck goes along way sometimes too. Tourney time is all about survive and advance. With a district championship game you're gonna advance anyhow. Sure it's nice to hang a banner in your gym boasting that you're a district champ, but basically this game is a formality to seed the regional tournament. Say you avoid Holmes in the 1st round and another team freakishly beats them in the 1st round, then your worries of having to face them are over. Outside of talk about throwing a district championship game, in the history of basketball tournaments there have been many times where the favorite gets beat, evening the playing field for the remaining teams within a tourney, allowing a non-favorite to advance. I'm guessing that ultimately a team would be more interested in increasing their chances to advance further into the Regional tournament than to win their district, if throwing the game helps increase their chances of ultimately getting to Rupp. Personally, If I was a coach with a team in the district championship game, and already knew that the big favorite of another district lost their championship game, it would be hard for me not to think long and hard about what to do.


    Still, to avoid any possibility for this kind of thing happening, all district championship games within a region should be played on the same night at the same time.

  8. Tourney at Newport? Dates?


    Speaking of dates, last year the 36th Championship game was on a Saturday night while the 33rd, 34th, & 35th was on a Friday night. I think they should all be played on the same night so the teams in the 36th don't have any other motives about the game than to just win. For example, if by some freak of nature Holmes in the 35th loses and ends up a runner-up, do you think that it might be worth it to a team from the 36th to throw their game to avoid playing the Bulldogs in the 1st round of the Regional? Just a thought. :idunno:

  9. I'm anxious to see both coach's game plan for this match up knowing that their 2nd meeting in the 35th district is the one that counts the most. Will they go all out or hold back some to confuse each other about their plan of attack for the bigger game? I have to believe that there's gonna be a bit of playing the fox so as to not reveal themselves completely. This game should certainly give each coach some sort of measuring stick for their next meeting, but bigger than who wins this one is which coach is more clever with their approach and can begin to build on a plan that can get them a ticket into the 9th Region Tournament. Even with CovCath's big guys I don't see the Colonels having such a huge edge. Holy Cross has some feisty quick ball thieves and ball handlers while the Colonels are still trying to find themselves in their guard play. I see a close battle in both games with the Colonels having a bit of a home court edge in the 35th district game.

  10. Big district game, winner avoids Holmes in the first round.


    Burger needs to have a good game if they wanna pull this out.


    I think it goes like this:


    If Beechwood loses then they'd be (0-3) in the district and would automatically play Holmes in the 1st game of the 35th Distict and HC would get CovCath.


    If Holy Cross loses to Beechwood and beats CovCath on Friday night then HC, Beechwood, and CovCath would all be tied at (1-2) in the district. (Then I guess there'd be a blind draw with those 3 teams to see who gets Holmes. Does anyone know for sure how they solve that?)


    If Holy Cross loses to Beechwood and then loses to CovCath then the Colonels would be (2-1) and HC would be (0-3) so then Beechwood would face CovCath in the districts.


    Tonights games would decide it for sure if the Indians win, but if Beechwood wins it looks like it could get more complicated making Friday night's game between HC and CovCath even more monumental and meaningful.


    If anyone knows better or can correct any errors or oversights that I might've made that would be great. :idunno:

  11. Title IX has done some great and not so great things.



    You cannot force people to watch a girls sport, period.


    Some of those girls can flat out play! There are some guys who could learn a thing or two about fundamentals just by watching them. I tend to forget to pay enough attention to them myself, and then if I catch a game, it's like WOW!!! These girls got game! :ylsuper:

  12. I think a lot of you have nailed it, but one thing that sticks out to me is how often I see kids at games paying no attention to the game because they can't take their eyes off of their cell phone. There's no doubt that a texting addiction is on the rise. I suppose some kids figure it's a waste of their 5 bucks to sit in the bleachers and text when they can just stay home and text or play video games. I've even seen grown adults at games who can't put their phones down long enough to get into the flow of a game. I feel sorry for the guy whose wife and kids won't let Dad alone long enough to enjoy a game because they own him by the mere fact he carries a gadget around with him. Technology is swell, but when it gets to the point that you are perpetually owned because of it is ridiculous. Personally, I turn my cell phone on only to make an out-going call. Friends know that I'm old school and if they need to reach me they can leave a message the old fashioned way and I'll get back with them. I think it's safe to say that Dad can discuss what color to paint the living room when he gets home from the game.

  13. I commented earlier in the year that coach Henley is very stubborn when it it comes to the type of offense that he prefers to run. I think that he knows that come tournament time there will be situations that require Holmes to be very deliberate especially when teams try to slow the pace down and throw various types of zones at them. I think we all know that this Holmes team is much more suited to a fast paced game even though they will turn the ball over a lot in playing that way. Without consistent outside shooting they will be forced to try to work the ball down low and take advantage of their athleticism. He will let them run when the game dictates that style but he wants them to be able to back it out and work for the good shot. IMO coach Henley probably enjoys these games in that it allows him to get the team refocused and ready for post season. Let's give them a chance to see if they can make another run. It won't be easy but he has to find a way to work Avery back into this rotation that looks to be 8 deep with Hayes, Herndon and and now Avery coming off the bench, but he does have a solid month to do this. There are some big games coming up and I for one am looking for Ricardo to show some of the leadership traits that he gets praised for on this site. The last 2 games he has seemed to lose some focus which may have allowed for his foul trouble. Then again maybe he is trying to do too much on his own. what do some of the rest of you think in this regard?


    I do agree that Henley is looking at the big picture and is trying to develop some depth for down the road. Even though they did lose this game to Ryle, he used it as an opportunity to shuffle his bench in and out of the game. The game was sacrificed in the process, but not because of this. Ryle stayed focused and took advantage of it being somewhat of a practice game for the Bulldogs. Some of the hustle and flow was cramped for the Bulldogs in the process. Bulldogs certainly could've won it though if they would've put as much effort into the game as the Raiders did. Ryle scrapped harder for every loose ball and rebound more than Holmes did for the entire game which is what ultimately decided this game. Practice game or not, the Bulldogs still need to cease all 32 moments of a game, not just some of them. Their seniors need to set the pace for a good work ethic for the entire game. If they slack at all it spreads to the rest of the team. I'm sure they feel like they can do it when they need to, but you ultimately build better team strength and character, in the long run, staying focused even when you don't think you have to. You can strut about your prowess before and after a game, but it's when the clock is ticking is when it counts the most.

  14. The Raiders showed tonight what 32 minutes of focused work can get you. The Bulldogs showed what can happen when you get too lax just because you're up 16-6 at the end of the 1st period with a couple of flashy dunks. You could just read their body language that said they thought that their work was done. Ryle stayed consistent in their attack, being feisty and diving for every loose ball and outscored the Bulldogs 45-30 the rest of the way. The Bulldogs tried to turn in on a little too late. Basically Ryle took the Bulldogs to school tonight and if they were paying attention they might've learned something in their loss. Like what 32 minutes of focused work can get you.


    Congratulation Raiders :thumb: on your victory against the full of themselves, not hungry enough, defending state champs. Watching you work hard for the entire game and getting the prize you deserved as the buzzer sounded was a thrill. So very often the Bulldogs win in games like these with last minute effort. Tonight you taught them that this approach isn't always fool proof. If they want to repeat as State Champs, hopefully you helped remind them what kind of work it's gonna take to do it. You also showed them that there's no guarantee that they're even gonna get the chance when the 9th Region Tournament is said and done.

  15. Tell us what the requirements are per the NFHS rulebook for the timeout to be granted.




    Are there other ways to foul a shooter? What signal did he give when he reported the foul?


    I'll answer your question with a question: Were you at the game?

    I'm not the only one here who is making these claims. Of course, I'll get no backing from a NewCath supporter and will only get backing from a Newport supporter. I was an unbiased observer of the game who typically leans towards liking NewCath because they've always proved to me that they can stay focused for 32 minutes, play smart basketball, and have a tradition of being relentlessly competitive. They're a joy to watch. I entered the Dayton gym thinking about what team I thought could go further in the State All 'A' and with NewCath's experience there, as well as their competitiveness, I was again leaning towards the Breds. After I started seeing with my mostly unbiased eyes, the ridiculously blatant bad calls against Newport, I couldn't help but to start pulling for them because of the junk they were going up against. Nothing against NewCath. They played their guts out too. I'm guessing that you are a ref and have read the rule book which gives you a knee jerk reaction to defend them by smugly suggesting that I couldn't possible know what I'm talking about without having read the book. Makes me wonder if you are unbiased or more concerned with spouting your authority on the matter. Again, were you there?


    1. My eyes saw a clearly hard fought Sizemore steal before my ears heard a whistle granting NewCath's coach a timeout. Sizemore was robbed.


    2. I saw a clean block by Luther with no body and no hand slapping and saw a ref in a position where he couldn't have possibly have seen the so called foul that he called.


    In my most humble layman's terms, that's what I saw.


    I can appreciate that refs have to work their tails off. I wouldn't want to be one. I wouldn't want the pressure. These guys apparently like doing it since they've been doing it for years, therefore knowing how to take the pressure. Being human, do I think that these guys can be truly unbiased? No, I really don't. Again they are human. Do I think that coaches and players comments during a game can have an effect on how a ref will call a game. Absolutely. Do I think that a ref's feelings towards a certain coach or school can affect how they call a game. Absolutely. Do I think that if a ref is calling a game for a school in which he is an alumnist that he is going to be unbiased. No brainer especially in Smallville where high school sports is everything. I'm ready for 'Robo Ref' but I won't hold my breath for that. While I'm waiting I still would like to see grown adults put aside their childish favoritism and call a fair game. I guess that I shouldn't hold my breath for that either here in Smallville.


    All in all as time goes by, I will choose to forget about the injustices in that game and remember only the awesome energy that was in Dayton's gym that night. It's one game that I'm glad that I didn't miss.


    Again, congratulations to Newport and good luck in the All 'A' in Richmond. Take that undying attitude there and make some noise. :ylsuper:

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