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Posts posted by Category_F5

  1. 14 minutes ago, TilghmanPride said:

    I'm definitely familiar. My comment about the lack of running game didn't have anything to do with personnel, just play calling and scheme. We have some guys who can do some damage given an opportunity. Just how much chance they get is the question. 

    We definitely can't be one dimensional in 4A the way the top of this class is and expect to go very far. Of course, that's just my opinion. 

    Apologies, Misunderstood and you are definitely right the scheme and play calling needs to flow better. I think it will it’s early, and I hope we will be more balanced as the season progresses. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, TilghmanPride said:

    Both teams are coming off different ends of 42-7 opening week games, Graves in a loss to Mayfield, Tilghman in a win over McCracken.  

    These two have played some really good games against each other and I've always believed to be a very tough spot for PT sandwiched in between the McCracken and Mayfield games. The last 10 games in the series, PT 5, Graves County 5, including an overtime game and the 43-42 Graves County win in a thriller in 2016. Some really great battles.

    As we all know, the math just doesn't always add up when looking at scores. Graves played better than the score indicated against Mayfield. They have some guys who can get it done. You just can't commit turnovers and make mistakes against Mayfield basically ever, or you'll generally pay a price. 

    PT had a lot of blunders themselves on opening night, particularly being flagged way, way too many times, which created an ugly flow of the game. The lack of running game for PT also gives me reason for some concern getting into some of these more physical games. Graves is always one of those. In the 24-7 PT win a year ago, Graves looked every bit the part until the end, when they made a few mistakes Tilghman capitalized on. 

    From the outside looking in, to people who only score watch to make a comparison, PT will be the favorite, but I've never looked at a whole lot of games that way. @gcbleedblue and I look at games through the same spectrum I believe as reading some of the comments provided, we break down things similarly. 

    I think with Tilghman's lack of emphasis on the running game and when Mayfield did have some success, they were able to exploit the Graves secondary to a degree, I expect that to be Tilghman's game plan as well. 

    I expect another close, very physical game yet again in what has become a really underrated rivalry. 

    There isn’t much emphasis on the running game but that won’t be a concern, we definitely have a running game if you keep up with the young up and comers you would be familiar with the rb he is definitely built for a physical game. But the passing game will definitely be on display and showcased for the McCracken game. 
    but I got us 42-7 

  3. 3 hours ago, D Wolf said:

    Does Tilghman Pride (or anyone) know if everything got worked out for the eligibility of the two transfers from Chattanooga?  I assume there would not be any issues, but with transferring basically 10 days ago I didn't know how quickly those things got worked out.

    I believe that Carter (C4!) will play on Saturday, but I did not know for certain.  Can anyone confirm?

    No issue with eligibility and both will play but I’m sure not long against McCracken. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Tkinslow said:

    Are these overall state championships in track and field or individual events I have to be honest I don’t even know how they do track and field do they have an overall champion. They have so many individual events I think it would be easy to pile up championships.

    There would be hundreds of individual state champions and relay teams but If it was easy, everybody would do it.

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  5. 11 hours ago, BigBlue92 said:

    Honestly wish they would stick to to keeping Ryder and White in the back field,it’s almost unstoppable.Then switch it up a little with White as a slot receiver,he had more receving yards then any of Tilghman’s other receivers 

    I know a outside backer, inside backer and a defensive end is out. Idk the the fourth player but either way next man up and I honestly don’t think they would have made that big of a difference. But do I think you should be the head coach, you have way more football smarts. I just don’t understand the play calling with the backs having success, why does he force the pass? Is it because he was a former receiver? Is he trying to get the Qb stats up? He needs to take accountability on these losses it’s not all on the kids. I think we may have hired the wrong Crittenden county coach, seems the defensive coordinator is doing pretty well for himself.

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  6. 5 hours ago, zoneblitz24 said:

    Not from what I have been told from people on the staff.  If he is the one calling plays then he might need to hire somebody.

    Well Somebody on the staff has been lying to you. I coach in the program and attend varsity practices regularly and the only time the Qb coach, called plays was under coach smith. The Qb coach does signal in the plays witch may look like he is the OC, but that’s about all,  just a signal caller. 

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  7. We could have have and should have won this one. The coaching and play calling is really questionable a lot of times and in key moments. It does seem like they know how to manage a game and it has been that way all season. From Mayfield to Henderson, but With a little I’ve 4 minutes left in the first half and your defense just stood tall and kept HC out of the end zone on the 3 yard line, you have a chance to at least go in the halftime up 6-3 but you decide to come out and throw 3 straight Hail Mary plays? That was not completed, or took any time off the clock nor get your out of the end zone in case of a punt. But also doesn’t give your defense much of a breather. You should run the ball, eat time or make them burn time outs, witch still give your defense a breather at least.. but instead we do the opposite and get a blocked punt and the HC scores to go up 10-6 at half… then the personal foul with 4 minutes left up 14-10 on the kicker on the field goal, WTH? That is nothing but coaching and discipline. 

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