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Posts posted by scooterbob

  1. Why should 2 teams from the same city play against each other in the State Championship? To me, that would be a flawed system.


    Would it also be a "flawed system" if the Yankees and Mets met in the world Series?


    If the two best teams are from the same area, why shouldn't they play for the championship? Everyone, if honest, has known for a long time that the two best teams in the Commonwealth are/were Trinity and St. Xavier. The true championship game was last week and not last night. The result last night should have surprised no one and we all know that it could have been worse.


    It is one thing to insist on a non-Louisville public in the championship game. However, don't expect a different outcome than what you got.


    As for the "take a knee" brigade, I believe your frustration over the end result of the game has led you to produce a particularly bitter batch of sour grapes.

  2. After reading the last couple pages of posts, I would conclude that it is long past time to play the game.


    In the interest of contributing to the rambling and mundane nature of the recent posts, I will again state that Simon Kenton cannot beat Trinity. Trinity can only beat themselves. Hopefully, with so many outstanding seniors playing their last game, the Rocks will be motivated. There is no need for a letdown just because Trinity beat the second best team in the Commonwealth last week. It is one last chance to make a definitive statement. Don't hold anything back.

  3. Even though I am not in the Mountains, I am in NEKY but I am going along with you on these. Those schools are still more of our part of the state than others.


    Go Hazard, Bell and Breathitt!!:thumb:


    I'm with you on Bell County and Breathitt County but still lean toward Beechwood over Hazard. As for the others, I'll still take Trinity, NCC, and Highlands.

  4. I hate to speculate but when I read these comments I took them as a slam at the folks that constantly point out Duece's state of residency, not at Duece himself. If I'm mistaken & they were aimed at Duece & this most deserving award then shame on you THSRock. As a proud Trinity graduate & fan you certainly don't represent my view.


    As for Tim Phillips he would have been a very deserving recipient as well but him not winning it was certainly no travesty in light of who did. The travesty there was that he wasn't even a finalist for the award...


    With that said, GO ROCKS!!!!!:ylsuper:


    No one is "slamming" Finch. Any "slamming" is at the choice of a nonresident as the Commonwealth's Mr. Football. Anyone would have to admit that it is not a positive outcome for football in the Bluegrass State. Possibly, Indiana partisans will dig at us (and rightfully so) for choosing one of theirs to be our honoree.


    No offense to Finch but, in light of the facts, it was not a wise choice.

  5. I believe it is legitimate to point out that Finch is not even a resident of the Commonwealth. Also, is this strictly an offensive award? Personally, based on his high school career, his residence status (he is a Kentucky resident), and his potential as recognized by national recruiters and rating services, I believe Jordan Whiting of perennial state champion, Louisville Trinity, was the better choice.


    Of course, he had at least two strikes against him- he is committed to The Ohio State University (thus bypassing the lesser lights located in the Commonwealth) and he is a defensive player (linebacker).


    He will be playing for another state championship ring on Saturday while Finch will attend the game as a spectator. I would consider that somewhat significant.


    No sour grapes here- just some relevant facts. Since the selection process is loaded for offensive players, maybe it is time to have a offensive and a defensive player of the year.

  6. Kurt Warner wears gloves on both hands, I think he could have some success.


    As for what Marksberry said, well I don't know if that was smart or not but hopefully we (SK) can back him up and bring a championship north. I don't see it happening but you never know.


    If you boys had Kurt Warner playing quarterback for you Saturday, your chances would be a little better but not by much.


    The real state championship game was played last Friday. SK cannot beat Trinity. Trinity can only beat themselves. Hopefully, Trinity will make a statement in this game.

  7. The only valid proof is the actual (not a copy, an affidavit, or any other "substitute"). Obama can end the speculation by having the actual certificate made public and having it scrutinized by an independent (if there is such a thing) group of experts. Hiding it only generates more distrust and Obama already has a lot of people who distrust him and his motives.


    Why not start wiith a clean slate?

  8. Ashland should have impressed observers by their performance against Lewis County. They played well particularly when you consider that Bonner was out and Scaggs had only limited practice time with the team. It was good to see DeLaney play well. Whetsel is a major addition.


    Although they are no threat to Elliott County or possibly East Carter, Ashland, along with Bath Counrty, is probably at or near the head of the second tier of the region.


    Fleming County should pose as no problem.

  9. Is it just me or is that a terrible attitude? Like him or not, he's your president. You should be praying for his success and not hoping he flounders just you you can say "told ya so".


    Should I pray for him so that he can carry out his promises to make abortion at all stages of pregnancy more convenient and available and, thus guarantee the increased slaughter of more and more of our preborn?


    I think not. His "success" will depend upon him following the ultra-leftists and the non-contributors who supported him. Obviously, I will not pray for his "success".


    There is no common ground on BGP or anywhere else for that matter. No one was neutral on Clinton or Bush. The great majority either loved or despised them. Does anyone doubt that it will be worse with this one?


    Personally, I can't think of any material traditional and/or social issue in which I agree with him. Pray for him? Not likely. He and his ilk are dangerous to the American way of life.

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