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Kentucky Windage

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Posts posted by Kentucky Windage

  1. Off topic but related.

    This spring at Pickwick we saw a huge flock of snow geese at Pickwick.

    First time I had ever seen the all white geese.

    Is this a rare sighting or are they rather common.


    Where you were, given the time of year, that wouldn't be uncommon. That's within the Mississippi flyway and the bird would have been traveling back to Canada for spring breeding grounds. On occasion, I'll see them in Lawrenceburg, IN area.

  2. Might be Cal’s best remaining chance to join the 2 title club.


    I think Cal is still having fun with the college atmosphere. He's made it to the top of his profession and he's in the perfect spot. I'm not saying that I think Cal will stick around for forever, but I could easily see him staying around for the next five to eight years.


    The only scenario I could see him leaving for in the near future would be the Lakers job and that's only if their current coach can't carry the Lakers to success.


    If Cal still has 5 years in the tank at Kentucky he'll have teams that will still compete year in year out as long as the NBA maintains their status quo with the one and done rule.

  3. Open Range.


    Scene where Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall walk into the bar and attempt to order two whiskeys. "Now he asked twice, I'm only going to ask once."


    Same movie. The scene where the sheriff and the free grazers are in the diner and Costner and Duvall get up to walk out.

    Marshall: "I'll be having words with you two."

    Boss: "And we'll be having more than that with you!"

  4. We still have my great great grandfather's New Hampshire discharge certificate in a frame.


    My father-in-law was a Seabee during WWII. Was in the Philippines, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, among others. We have his big framed "shellback certificate" dated 11/26/43, given to military who "crossed the line" (The Equator). This one isn't his, but it looks like this:




    Ha. I work with a guy who says he's a "trusty shellback" which basically means he's crossed there equator multiple times. He said he tried to talk his captain into crossing the equator at the prime meridian which would have made him a "royal emerald shellback" but the captain just laughed him off.

  5. I've had family members who have served in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Civil War, World War II, & Vietnam War.


    We also share relation to a member of the Lewis & Clark expedition. I am a direct descendant of George Rogers Clark.

  6. Most high school games have administrators from the schools attending. These administrators will rule with an "iron fist" with students attending a game. I say it is time they step up and do the same with any fan (parent, local supporters. etc...). Also, attempt to discourage the tailgating prior to games. I believe majority of schools ban it on school property and not much they can do about off campus. Coaches and administrators should strongly encourage them not to. Celebrate after the game. Coaches and administrators need to clearly define what is expected and enforce it, players ,coaches and fans. I would think those assigned officiating at schools like this would find it to be a good atmosphere to work


    I've never understood this in a high school environment.

  7. My father was in country '68 to '69 as well. He served in the Air Force in recon assignments out of De Nagn. All that I ever get out of him is that he would go out into the jungle to setup radio intercept stations along side with small combat units. He'll tell me that he lost a lot of good friends there. So i have no doubt he saw his fair share of the fight.


    I also have a great uncle Johnny who served under General Patton as a tank driver. Uncle Johnny personally met and had a conversation with General Eisenhower, the details of which I don't know. He was in Italy and later the Battle of the Bulge. My grandfather was in the Navy and drove the Higgins boats at the landings in Africa and Italy. He was home at the end of 1944. My great uncle James fought in the battle of Normandy as a medic. He was wounded in the neck from a gunshot and later came home thereafter.


    Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. Don't know what there is to do there but I like that you're taking your dad out there for that.


    Can you tell us anything about his service for the country? My father, just last year, attended a reunion that he hadn't been to since he had his release papers.

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