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Posts posted by 74devil

  1. 74Devil are you serious?? In one sentence you say play a tougher schedule and then by the end you say don't play South Warren cuz it's the last game of the year before playoffs. I would say Daviess is a quality win plus it's a local game. Daviess was 7 points from being Region Champs. While South Warren beat OC-- it was by the smallest margin of all their wins-- and to think South Warren is still playing.


    Does a team get to pick their district teams?? I don't think they do. Their head coach can't pick and choose.


    Now for the Mayfield-- that is not a slouch of a program. Plenty of championship trophies in the case for them.


    I don't know the actions of the head coach in the game or if he blew up- but could it be cuz calls were going against his players that may cause injury?


    Sounds to me like you and Rosco are very similar in your thoughts. Coach Edge and his staff do a great job!


    I wasn't saying not to play south warren. It was the timing of the game I was concerned with. No, you don't pick your district schedule but when you know there is a team like Mayfield waiting in the wings (that Catholic does not play in the regular season), you would think you'd play teams their of their caliber to help get you ready. If Daviess County hadn't gotten on a roll in the play offs and bowed out in the first round, would you still consider them a quality win? I believe coach Edge gets the most out of his players, but this isn't the first I've heard or seen of him, players, and fans acting this way. May be off point but that's the point I was making.

  2. I am not attacking coaches as a whole. There are a lot of hard working guys out there away from their families putting in the long hours helping his kids become better men and athletes. But there are handful that have no business in the position. I hope for your sake that you aren't one of those few. Coaches on the sidelines yelling not only at his kids but kids on the other team. I don't care if you put in 24 hours a day, NOT acceptable. These are the coaches I am talking about. Not the ones that are working for their kids (team) along with their families. You may not know the exact coach or coaches I am speaking about but I am sure you know one or more.

  3. Yep, then they run into a team like mayfield and get it handed to em. Coach melts down, players fall apart, then the fans get stupid. This wasn't the first time the Aces have come off the rails. Cheap shots, taunting, yelling at the fans.......We've both seen it at OCHS games. Now it's moved on to Mayfield, they are taking their show on the road. Too bad it didn't get to play longer.

  4. Rosco, would you honestly say that Daviess County was quality win (other than they were a 6A school)? I am hurt that you didn't put my devils in as average or better (yes, down this year, not for lack of talent). Owensboro ran them off the field. Back to the subject. Catholic is going to have to schedule a tougher non-district schedule in order to keep up with Mayfield, cause their district lulls them into a false sense of security. I don't think scheduling Warren South the last game of the season was such a smart move either. Don't want to play a game that tough at the end of the season. Don't want to go into the playoffs with a potential loss or having players play in such an intense game. It looks as though Catholic was lucky to get away without getting blown off the field, how would that have set them up for district play?

  5. Teams in Catholic's district will have to come up to catholic's level, catholic won't back up that far. Problem that Catholic will have is two fold. Number of players period and size of their line. Looks like their qb situation is set for the next couple of years and their next running back up is a pretty good (from what I have seen so far) freshman. Catholic will always have receivers, wish they could could say that for their lineman. IMO the best the rest of the district could hope for would be for Catholic to move down to 1A. Don't know that that will happen any time soon.

  6. Seeing Bowling Green twice every year for the past several years (can't escape them), I'll say that they are reloading. Not getting to the championship one year doesn't mean that their run is over. The way it's been (correct me if I am wrong) 3 off 3 off then 2 so that's 8 in the last 10? Am I close? And it wasn't like they got blown out in their loss. Believe me, there's no love lost for the purples, but you have to respect them. I wish I could say Owensboro was coming on but that conversation is for another day on another thread. I will say that they'll be more competitive next year but for them (or any team in this area) to get to the championship, they have to go through Bowling Green. IMO I don't think Mayfield is falling off either. Ask Owensboro Catholic. If I was a player for Owensboro, I wouldn't want it any other way (Don't get me wrong, I'd take the win at Rash too). I'd want to go to Bowling Green and beat them there, shake their hands and move on. A daunting task to say the least. For the Red Devils to get to Lexington next year that will be exactly what they'll have to do. Sorry South Warren, one win doesn't make you one of the dominate teams in the area, let alone the state.

  7. Catholic has a bunch of good fans and many good players. But there are a couple (of both) that show their collective butts when catholic is getting beat. There were cheap shots thrown during the catholic ohs game. A little extra after a play is over and stuff like that. Then when your head coach has a melt down, what do you do? When they get it handed to them (granted which isn't often) they do not react well. When they are blowing teams out, they get pretty bad also. If you dish it out, you'd better be able to take it, because there's going to be a team that will hand it to you. There's always next season.

  8. A little off the rail, but coach edge has been building up to an explosion since the border bowl. He was being his old yelling and screaming self during the game against reitz. He came close to having a melt down against Owensboro, he was screaming at everyone being his familiar self. From the other games that I've seen, catholic hasn't been pressed. When they are and the game goes against them, he tends to go off. Just a heads up that you may get the full floor show tonight.

  9. I agree. And with that sentiment, Owensboro would have been sitting at home rather than going to Bowling Green. They flat out did not get the job done for what ever reason. You are right, don't want to be home next year? Study your opponent, hit the weights, run the sprints, don't get stupid penalties, hang on to the ball, do your job. Do all that, you might play an extra game or get a first round bye. Time you figured out that you don't always get a trophy contrary to popular belief.

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