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Posts posted by FBCoachDYF

  1. My guess, in this situation, is you had a completely overwhelmed small group of dedicated, hard working good people who just simply were trying to do to much with too few people helping out. Same story is happening all over Northern Kentucky. It sucks.


    I bet what happened here is there weren't any processes or checks put in place by the board to ensure this didn't happen. Not because of laziness or stupidity...just good people trying to good things and not having enough help. Sadly, one bad apple enters the scene and - BOOM - disaster occurs.


    It's shockingly sad how few people are willing and able to volunteer/sacrifice their time to help community organizations anymore. I've coached in a youth football organization for six years now and it's shameful the complete lack of giving a d**n by so many people when it comes to dedicating time to these very important organizations.


    End result, even fewer people - when they see this garbage - are going to want to get involved at all. Scares me to think of what the future holds for a lot of organizations in this area.

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