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Posts posted by NKYknowitall

  1. Good grief, you people are beyond unbelievable. Aaron Harrison hit big shot after big shot for a year and a half and now he's a whiner. Both of these whiners carried you and every one else in this fan base on a magical ride last march and currently have your team at 15-0 and yet it's bash bash bash pick pick pick.


    If those kids or any kid for that matter had any sense they would avoid this fan base like the plague.


    He hit 3 big shots so he's great? Not buying it. And for the record I'm not a UK fan, thankfully. I enjoy college hoops and enjoy having discussions with people who wear blinders. The twins are more bad than good, but that is MY opinion, which I am entitled to. I can not help that people get so emotionally involved with something they have no involvement with. It's actually quite funny when fans get offended by someone's opinions. If it's that sensitive of a subject, don't get on message boards.

  2. The Harrison's are nothing but whiners. The ONLY good they have is that they are typically bigger than most guards. WCS is what makes that team go and when he's not getting help in the paint they struggle. Towns has been anything but impressive. Love Ulis, Lyles and Booker though.

  3. Not true. Blackshear makes huge shots against directional schools.


    Major-league gag job. Against a team that's really not all that good. Real disappointing.


    So are you implying that Carolina is a "bad" team? Nobody has nabbed them title contenders because they aren't, BUT, they are far from "really not all that good".

  4. I don't see him being successful in the NFL. It is a completely different game, and he doesn't have the tools to be a NFL quarterback. Footwork not good, arm strenght average, hard time reading defenses. Yes someone will burn a first round pick trying to save their job, and the franchise trying to sell season tickets, but he will be a journeyman at best. He will get thrown in too so to try and turn a team around and will be gone from that team within two years. As far as going back to FSU, with everything he had going on off the field, his stock would only decrease if he stayed another year.


    You must be living up to your name with this post because that is hilarious.

  5. I've told plenty of people and nobody wants to listen. The kid LIVES baseball. He's got one of the best career ERA's in FSU history and is almost unhittable. It won't surprise me at all when he returns. There is more money in baseball and it takes a lot less physical toll on the body. IF baseball is what he wants to do then this is understandable.

  6. FSU will be fine next year. Cook played his tail off all year BUT his Achilles heel was holding onto the ball. It happens, it's the biggest stage that guy has ever played on. You could tell it took a huge toll on him after fumble #2. Jameis played exceptionally well. FSU played well. And yes it could have went either way. Regardless, Oregon was better and tok advantage of turnovers. IF Jameis does take off, there are lots of speculation of Braxton Miller heading to Tallahassee. Will it happen? Who really knows. But they will have a great D next year with Ramsey and hopefully everybody else back. It will be an interesting off season to say the least.

  7. Florida state always seem to find ways to win, but the streak has to end somewhere.

    I am going to take the ducks in this one, why?, because I just flat-out hate FSU.

    Sorry that I have absolutely no meaningful insight on this one, but my basis is sheer disdain.

    Winston is a disgrace of the game and his joke-of-a-coach jimbo whom allows it all to happen with absolutely no recourse are The faces of what is wrong in sports these days!

    They are bringing NFL antics into the college world, which makes me completely sick because I believe college football is the greatest, most competitive level of any sport out there.


    I apologize for taking a left turn in your thread, but I cannot stomach any discussion of shameless jameiss


    Hahahahaha hilarious! :lol2: I guess winning does breed hate.

  8. Keep thinking that there haven't been problems up Tallahassee way. Things have been getting swept under the carpet for years during the Bobby Bowden "good ole boys" days. How many time times did you hear Bobby dismiss things as "boys being boys"? It is much easier to cover things up in Tallahassee than it is in Miami believe it! This stuff happens all over the country at all universities and it's a shame what crimes most of these athletes get away with, especially the liberties that they take with young female college students because they can get away with it.


    Please tell me you aren't referring to the rape case, in which there wasnt enough evidence to support rape nor did the fact that HER story changed repeatedly help her situation.

  9. Did any one else hear about the stories over the past few days when Jameis Winston and about 15 teammates brought food and clothes to the needy in Tallahassee? Me neither.


    Or the time a few weeks ago when Jameis went to an elementary school and read them books during story time and to hang out with the little kids? I only knew because Bleacher Report wrote about it.

  10. Yes...that kid could sure leap.


    Really thought that he was underrated.


    Does anyone know if he played at all at the next level?


    I sure hope so. I believe that he had amazing potential.


    Luther was a great talent. He was highly underrated that entire season. He unfortunately didn't play anywhere after HS. Damarkco Foster did however. He played at Daytona State CC before transferring to U Tampa for his final 2 years where he was the starting PG and led them in scoring his senior year. He also had Tampa ranked nationally in the Division 2 Top 25 for the majority of his senior year. He just graduated with his degree.

  11. So how many should FSU have lost this year? Lots of similarities.


    Then only similarity is that both are/were undefeated going in. If you look at schedules, FSU played a tougher schedule than that ND team. Also that ND didnt have a Jameis Winston or half as many play makers as this FSU team.

  12. Not sure if the disrespect will cause FSU to rise to the occasion, didn't seem to help ND a couple years back. We shall find out. They have only themselves to blame for it.


    That ND team that was flat out embarrassed should have lost to Pitt (shanked kick). I don't think that ND would beat any of the 4 in the CFP. There are no similarities between that ND team and this FSU team.

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