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Posts posted by Jayhawk95

  1. Now it's a private school thing, someone must have really hurt yuor feelings.


    Its a "matter of fact thing" that you all get your panties in a bunch because everyone else who is not in the All "A" recognize that there is only 1 state champ, period. So you undermine what actually is and hold your trophies and rings up high to say "hey, we matter too!!" bogus. :puke:

  2. Whats crazy is the fact that you would be fine with it, if the KHSAA decides tomorrow you know what we have decided to also recognize all the pass All A State Champions as State Champions too. So everything could be done exactly the same, but you say you would be fine with it if the KHSAA decides to come out tomorrow and say they recognize it too? Yeah that makes sense.


    The KHSAA is never going to come out publically and recognize it. It's just wouldn't be smart for them to do. As I said I am sure the KHSAA loves it, because they probably would have changed their format now too. However if they recognized it, then they can't say that Kentucky is still one of the only states that hasn't went to true classes. The All A State tournament allows them to still say here in Kentucky we still do it like we always have.


    :deadhorse: again, then the whole point is, since KHSAA does not recognize it, then it is not a "STATE" championship. Who cares the all "A" parents and kids recognize it, of course they would, it makes them feel warm and fuzzy that they can say they are a state champ, but they are not, Period, my point. I was not born and raised in Fort Thomas, nor Ky, nor USA. Travelled and lived in several states and countries, calling yourself a state champ, not recognized by your own association is bogus.

  3. It was more about the momentum before the half, it could have been easily tied is what I meant.. maybe changing the outcome, you know how that goes. Just seemed Ryle had a lot of shots not fall their way. Don't know the stats on rebounds, but it seemed they had a 2 or 3 to 1 advantage with no points to show. HHS definitely had the momentum in the second half. Remember no points were scored in the first 5 min of the game. Very sloppy by both teams.


    Besides, didn't I say we were going to win by 3 against Holmes with 54 seconds left? But then "jinx" happened. I'll keep my mouth shut until its over. :)

  4. :sssh: They don't know that!


    Too Funny!! :laugh: You know our girls lift more than us in the weight room right, that's a fact. :thumb: But then dg21 did call me "Meathead Rob Lowe"? I was flattered that he thought I was all buffed out, ripped abs, but then reality hit looking in the mirror. :ohbrother: Guess my "Peaked at High school Rob Lowe" dreams are gone. :( I'll never workout in the gym the same, too depressing to only deadlift 695, 2 weeks ago. I just went ahead and stopped working out all together. It's shameful. :banana:


    But to answer CAP, Yes I have a problem calling someone a State Champ when not recognized by the organization that sanctions it. Especially from what I read, that not all "A" schools are invited, and is determined by a groups of guys who decide what the standards are, including enrollment? Seems like a devious and sinister plan set out by the private schools to take over the world (illuminati must be involved). That to me is not equal or fair. I think the state needs to split the teams as they do in football and track. Then the all "A" teams won't have anything to boast about, feel so special and unique. Then KHSAA can make a ton of money on 3 sweet 16 tournaments. Everyone is happy, everyone gets a trophy.....Yeah!!

  5. Me too. Funny how one of those names has posted since my post but all I hear are crickets on this question....


    Maybe because some of actually have jobs, careers, not set our phones to alert any time someone makes a comment that disagrees with you. Your above point is semantics, but MLB has one organization that oversees the rules, 2 leagues, different rules (like designated hitter for one, not the other). KHSAA oversees the coaches, officials, and state championships. Support and call it what you want, it's false pretense. The only true world championships are held in sports like Track, Soccer, plenty of other sports, and those organizations that sanction it. MLB is not but they do because have been around since the beginning and invented it. Same goes for Basketball, Hockey. Because the best of the best play in those leagues, period. No premier player goes to Japan, because it's better than MLB.

  6. I guess you need to talk to Stan and convince him to rename it becasue you don't agree with it, then everyone can be happy.


    Kind of the whole point of this thread. Call it what it is, a tournament, no a state championship. It only satisfies those who are in it, thus their argument. Everyone wants to be part of the secret society and wear the decoder rings. Not.

  7. So...................dallaslaredo was OBVIOUSLY the inspiration for Tommy Shaw when he penned the STYX hit "Too Much Time on My Hands". :lol2:


    Have you seen some of the multiple comments on here and other threads by your resident BGPers? You give dallaslaredo crap, but I'm amazed some of these guys even have jobs they are so consumed.

  8. F

    Its really sad that you have a problem with kids saying they are the All A State Champions. I could see it being a problem if they were just called the state champs. However anytime anyone talks about the All A State Champions, they call them exactly that the All A State Champions. Which is by no means confusion for just State Champions. So it is really sad that you all have that this big of a problem with this.




    Just like how football use to have what 3 classes, and then 4 classes, and then 6 classes to decide state champs. Basketball has basically two classes now one for the All A State Champion, and then the one for the whole state. Its a tournament that all small school are in from the whole state. Its not like the tournaments you mentioned, which are great tournaments. So if a tournament includes all the teams in the state from a certain class as the All A does, what else should they be called besides All A State Champs. Because that teams is truly the State Champion for All A. Its sad that some have that big of an issue with it.


    I have absolutely no problem with kids, and if you knew me you'd know that. What's sad is adults feeding kids false pretense about what is and isn't. The all "A" is not a state recognized championship. But hey, let's make everyone feel good about it, give everyone a trophy, there are no losers in sports, That's sad.

  9. Must have hit nerve.


    Not at all, just love seeing how everyone gets geeked up and justifies it as a "State' Championship when it's not. Point of this whole thread and reason why so many oppose it, or for it, if your from the All "A" teamsters class. Just coming from "peaked at high school Rob Lowe, or was that meat head Rob Lowe"? :idunno: When KHSAA splits the schools like they do in Football and Track, then they can call themselves state champs, until then, its a nice tournament as I've said. keep the money for the rings to pay for something that matters and is recognized by their state affiliation.

  10. NewCath boys been getting some nice rings the past couple of years for their efforts. BTW, the say State Champions on it. :banana:




    Because the school or boosters paid for it, their choice. But again, not recognized by KHSAA. I can go out and buy nice rings too from Jostens for being chicken wing eating champ, so big deal. It's false pretense and sad that 20 year from now they will actually tell their kids they were state champs when they were not. Cov Cath was. Period. Congrats on their tournament champ rings.

  11. Its just not a state championship period, governed by KHSAA, who by the way certify all those A, AA, AAA coaches, and refs. Until KHSAA deems it otherwise, it's a fine "tournament", and that's all it is. Football and Track are the only 2 sports that separate. Not opposed to doing so in basketball and other sports. Until coaches, AD, school administration, and KHSAA have talks over it, it will never be and there will never be an all "A" state patch given, recognized by KHSAA, just medals provided by the tournament.

  12. My comments were in general, not to anyone specific. Just know this subject can explode quickly and it shouldn't be about HC, it should be about the All A...if we want to go there. If we do, then I will only have one post and that will be a link from last year's discussion! And maybe the year before that!


    The title says "Covington Holy Cross 47 Murray 46 (All A State Championship)" They opened Pandora's box. As far as KHSAA is concerned its another game on the schedule, not a championship. Plenty of threads have argued this, but they love to shove it down everyone throat that its a big deal when it's not. Congrats on HC on a win, period. That's what it should say.

  13. Agree...congrats to HC!!!!


    Seems hypocritical of anyone on here. I see plenty of threats that are talking about a particular game or situations, and all of a sudden takes a right turn into someone's own agendas and talk about tither own teams or opinions. No one is regulating anything on here or cares otherwise until their feelings get hurt, or blatantly take personal shots at each other for no reason. BGP is full of it, regardless of what thread it comes from. A ton of Jibber Jabber that you are all a part of. People get their point across in many ways and many forums that have nothing to do with what the title has to say. This forum was congratulations to HC for the All "A" state championship win. I disagree and gave my opinion. At least I didn't throw in some dorky comment about how if Highlands was 300 students less, we would be in the all "A" tournament. I see those stupid comments all the time. Should of, would of, could of.........KHSSA is Ky governing body and makes the rules and coaches have to be certified by them to coach each year and athletes adhere to those rules. No all "A" Champs, sorry.

  14. So I guess if the KHSAA decided to say hey you know what lets do what other states do and separate things into classes for basketball too like other states do for their tournaments that it would be fine then since it would be KHSAA? Even if the KHSAA separated into smaller and bigger schools and the smaller school tournament was the exact same format as the All A, that it means it would be a true State Champion then? Ok yeah makes sense, it just needs to have the KHSAA name by it for it to count apparently.


    You are correct, they sanction our HS athletics as does NCAA for College. And "if" we did do what other states did, then yes, more state champions......Oh yeah and no 7th or 8th graders playing HS ball either.......Congrats on HC tournament win.

  15. I think some fans are still bitter about there loss to Holy Cross. :sssh: That being said the All A is set up just like the Khsaa state tournament only difference not every team in the state is involved which is where I can see the argument above, but Holy Cross took care of business and won the whole thing and deservedly so are now known as State Champs! Congrats HC on a great memorable and magical run!


    Can't wait for the district tournaments to start and see what the 9th region has to offer!


    Does KHSAA issue a state championship trophy and recognize it in their system? If not, and KHSAA does not sanction it, then they are not state champions, just a winner of an all "A" tournament. that all. A tournament, big difference.

  16. All valid points, but cost of equipment, staffing or finding those who are qualified let a lone do it, is a cop out. Football spends a pretty penny to have the boards, operators in place for that. Sure more games in Bball, but there are plenty of people who want to get involved. Every Bball team has 2 or 3 coaches sitting there doing nothing, freshman, JV. Make it part of the home teams coaches requirements. They are paid to have a trained eye. They are not referring a game, they are resetting a clock after each shot, not rocket science if your already paying attention. Clock buzzes at 0 if no shot is taken, then reset it. And I was not talking about advantages of stall ball at the game, I was pointing out that 2 min standing there is ridiculas, regardless of strategy and who it bennifits. You can't take fatigue out of the equation of that strategy, regardless of fouls. It was a factor. I'm sure when Dr. Naismith invented the game and realized to cut out the bottom of the basket was logistically better, game evolved. You can't take out the fact that these girls are already used to the shot clock pace at AAU, College. So why not train them at the varsity level?

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