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Posts posted by Deuce41

  1. I was not there, but I understand that Wright was also upset with a push in the hip on the same play where he was hurt, along with the goal tending call.


    I think that there are MANY MANY missed calls every game that every coach can get upset about, but seriously all it does it get the Refs mad at you. And some teams get calls, I guess it is a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. There are certian teams (like the Clay of old) that was going to get the benifit of the doubt all the time, and I think South was that way when they first entered the 13th, and now they are not getting those calls and it is hard for Wright to swollow.

  2. Alot of the parents at the school don't attend because the kids don't attend. The kids don't attend because they can now socialize on the internet with Facebook, Instant Messenger, texting, etc. The internet was supposed to bring the world together but in many ways it has isolated the individual. Used to there was only one or two phones in a household, now there is a phone in every room plus cell phones, plus computers. Also with consolidation, larger schools generally have less school spirit since there is really no sense of community. You see many of the smaller schools with larger crowds that the larger schools. The economy and many other factors all come together for the perfect storm and people just don't attend games like they used to when it was not only a game but a social event.

  3. I have to admit that I was a little suprised with the way the game went. I thought Corbin would play well, but I didnt think that SL would hurt themselves with shot selection in the 2nd half the way they did. In fact, as Les made sure to point out to me, I even picked the Cards. Glad I'm not in Vegas right now.


    Also, the officiating was terrible! Both ways. I have seen those gentlemen referee many times and they are better than they performed tonight. Granted they are not the best...but they are better than they showed.


    They were like everyone else in the gyms around the state, wanting to be home watching the Cats, although in hindsight everyone was probably better off at the gyms watching the games.

  4. Coach Phipps has his teams ready to play. LC is very talented IMO not well coached.


    I would agree with you on that statement, also there are very few times when Dinky is pretty close in talant, in a one game situation, that I would pick against him. I think he is a pretty daggum good coach.


    I think that LC just needs more disipline in their game, too much helter skelter...

  5. If they have refs who call a normal game it will be less physical. This game looked like a roller derby match at times. Whitley gets after you and when the refs have dates it can get rough. Both teams played very hard and it was a nice win by Corbin.


    I would agree that Whitley is very agressive defensively, but if you are implying that Whitley received help from the officials I would have to strongly disagrree. Corbin shot many more free throws than did Whitley. There were several instances of fouls (elbows) from Corbin that went uncalled, When it looked like Whitley was making a run, actually they were on a run, Dee Butcher had a 3 and then a steal and bucket, the officials called a phantom foul on Daniels who was no where near the play which sent Wilson to the free throw line. Corbin only had 1 or 2 field goals in the third quarter but still managed to extend their lead from the free throw line.


    I am not saying that Corbin got every call, but the reference to the officials wanting to get out of the game is way off the mark. Corbin is the best team in the 13th region without a doubt and basicly what I am hearing is that no team should get up in their grills and play hard defense. They took Corbin out of their game and made it ugly, but that is what they had to do to give themselves a chance to win. The difference is that Corbin has two guys who can get a bucket when they need one and Whitley lacks those types of players.

  6. Obviously, Coach Lawson saw something at Dunbar that was good, I am also sure that he has heard about the "bad" stuff.


    He attended Whitley County High School and was a star running back, collecting many schools records that still stand.

    He then attended University of the Cumberlands where he played on the defensive side of the football.

    He was a graduate assistant there and had success.

    He then went to Pelham High School as a coach and had success there.

    He then went to Henderson Co with former UC assistant Clay Clevenger where they rebuilt the Henderson County program.

    Success has followed this young coach where ever he has gone. He is a good coach and a better person from all accounts.


    I think it could be a perfect fit for all invovled. He has no associations in Lexington and there for nobody to answer to, so he does not have to worry about "Little Johnny" and his daddy, he will be free to pick and play the best players. That may be what both sides need.

  7. To the credit of the news reports I saw, not one single report mentioned the fact that he (or the other coaches) are African Americans. I think it does speak well of the state and the fans of all the schools that we have made strides, much more so than many of the other SEC schools.


    I don't really care if the coach is purple, green, or chartruise, as long as they Win...GO CATS

  8. I have serious concerns about Joker. I think he is GREAT recruiter and recruiting coordinator, but I have had questions about his play calling at times.


    I don't see him having the three year window Rich had, Kentucky fans are a fickle bunch and have (I can't believe I am saying this) a bit spoiled and if he does not win or continue at the same or near the same pace he will be in trouble pretty quick.


    I think UK jumped the gun naming him coach in waiting. I think at the level the program is at now they could have gotten a proven coach. I will say this being a Kentuckian will help Joker and I certianly wish him the best. I have met him several times and he is a great ambassador to the University and the program.


    Good Luck Coach Phillips!!!

  9. It was $300 this year. If this is for the ring then it should be left up to the player and their families as to whether they want to purchase one or not.


    Hey if they don't want to pay don't play, that way you don't have to worry about the rings or the 300.00 that makes it pretty simple. But I can tell you this from experience, the money I paid for my son to take part was worth every penny.

  10. Kat:

    Per the website, coaches nominate their player(s) and the panel of coaches for the respective squads select the player. I do not see anywhere in the website where a player chooses to play...


    Each player must be nominated by their coach. All player profiles are reviewed by a panel of coaches from their home state to field the best possible team.


    Northern Kentucky has an East West game in the Spring. Each player keeps their game jersey, there is probably a smackling of scouts watching the game... small admission to get into the game. So, I am still confused why the charge of $250 to participate. I had a son participate in the Kentucky East West game a few years ago and we did not pay a dime for that great experience. Both squads spent several days at WKU for practice and had meals provided.


    Can someone take another shot and explain to me what the $250 is for? I am sure that an admission is charged for the fans... so let's not use that as an excuse...


    Lets see.....insurance, lodging at the Cumberland Inn, Food for three days, sweats, rings, field paint, somebody to paint it, buses and drivers to transport players, trainers supplies, uniforms (jerseys kept by the kids) rent of practice facilities, promotions advertising (they don't give that stuff away)

    they also have a nice banquet for the kids with a guest speaker (they usually don't come for free either) food for the banquet (don't give that away either) Stadium prep and clean up has to be paid for.....


    Maybe you can do it cheaper but nobody does anything for free, and donors don't give as much money as you think...It takes alot of money to put one of these things on..


    Oh some other thing I just thought of...postage sending the forms out, printing of programs, sombody to put them together, press packets,....


    There is a TREMENDOUS amount of expense putting this bowl together, and seriously it is only 250.00 I am sure everyone here has wasted that much in a drunken weekend when they were younger.


    Honestly it just seems to me that a few folks want to tear down or question the motives of the men who DO DONATE all their time to promote football in Kentucky and Tenn. I have talked to those guys in the past they work year around on it trying to make it better and bigger every year. They deserve at least my thanks if not eveyones here.

  11. The money goes to the players, it isn't just payment to the coaches, college, etc. They receive really good meals, lodging, rings, clothing and exposure. Who can not come up with $300? I'm sure every school has a booster club that reserves some money for this, then there are businesses that wouldn't mind either I'm sure for their hometown star to represent them.



    The way it was explained to my son was this, insurance, food, lodging and also there are the rules imposed by the NCAA and the NAIA. My son has all the stuff, sweats, Jersey, and the memories of playing in the game. Also I think that they (the bowl folks) have to pay to use the local high school fields for practice. I did not think that three hundred was too much, in fact I thought considering what they were getting it was a steal. Our booster club offered to pay but I could afford it and I paid.


    This is an experience that you cannot put a price on, not only getting to play and meet and become friends with other players, but the exposure they kids recieve is unbelievable. My son had letters and visits to schools that came directly from his participation in the game.


    No, I don't see that being too much at all.

  12. Things could get tough on Evans if things don't turn around fast at KC. Evans expects his teams to play like his teams at Unioin, gritty and hardnosed. He could not make it work at Whitley and I think he may have some trouble making kids at KC to play like that.


    Miller (in my opinion) spends too much time on the perimeter, he should be playing with his back to the basket, and the offense running through him that way. If that simple change was made I think KC would be a much stronger team, especially if you could get Miller to play defense.

  13. The interesting thing about this game is the guys who work year around on this DO NOT have kids who have played in it or could play in for several years, which I see as some guys who really promote Kentucky kids as well as Tenn. kids.


    It takes a lot of work to put it on, and they get zero benifit from it. What is am seeing is that they are getting some un-needed negative stuff from somebody who just does not get. What it is, is this.... It is all about the kids. I really don't care where the kids are from and who is on it,I am sure the comittee trys to get the best ones that they can but sometimes you miss on here and there. What really amazes me is how so many have jumped on board and have made this a great experience for the kids (Yes mine participated). It is something he will never forget, and he made friends with some of the guys and they still keep in contact.


    The whole community gets behind it and trys to make is something special.


    I am going to be there to watch again this year. I remember going the first year and the weather was terrific, last year it was cold but really it was just great football weather, so just bundle up, get a thermos of hot chocolate and enjoy a great mid winter HS football game.


    BTW Go Kentucky!!!!

  14. I think that the addition of Justin Goins will really help the Colonels, he brings some more athletisism to the floor for Whitley and really gives them a boost off the bench. I look for both Butchers to play more, Don when he gets back from his ankle, and Danny as he gets more experience.


    As the season progresses, you will see other kids step up too, Petry is one I expect to really develop. Looks like those two losses early may have been bumps in the road.

  15. Whitley took advantage of what Williamsburg was giving them. Jordan Akin was making shots which opened it up for everyone else, and I don't remember him having a turn over. I thought it was probably the best game that he has had as a high school player. It was the best shooting night Whitley has had in many moons and they still played hard. Defensively they were able to challenge every shot the Jackets took. Every Colonel that dressed played, and Williamsburg never subbed down so I don't think that they were running up the score. They played up tempo and even the subs continued the torrid pace up and down the floor.


    The Jackets are more talanted than what they showed against the Colonels, it was just that Whitley played hard on both ends of the floor all night long.

  16. I agree a totally different type point guard than Wilson but very capable and if he stays healthy a star in the making. As for the game Clay will be hard to deal with at home, Clay 62 Corbin 59.


    Okay, agreed Smith is pretty good, but right this minute tonight in this game, I think the Hounds need Wilson at the point, not Smith, not Freeman or anyone else, Wilson is the key.

  17. There are more people on the team that can handle the ball other Wilson, maybe not as good but you got Freeman, Smith, Jones, and even Sizemore.



    That was kind of my point.


    I did not say they could not handle it but there is no doubt that they need Wilson out there, I don't think any of the four can handle near the level that Wilson does, or maybe that is not even my question, maybe it should have been who can make the decisions/passes with the basketball? Certainly none of the four can do as well as he does, although I would have to say that Smith would come the closest. Just my humble opinion.

  18. The BIG thing with any sports official is being decisive, and many times when an official is starting out they are not, they don't mean to be "bad" sometimes they are just slow to react. That is why they are calling Fresh and JV games. Many times they younger officials have a better knowledge of the rules since they have just studied (in theory) the rules and taken the test, but they just are not decisive enough to make calls in a timely manner so they let stuff go, which makes it worse.


    I speak from experience, I was terrible till I got older and became more decisive, and that made me a bettter official, (although I was still bad according to the fans...LOL).

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