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Pura Vida

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Posts posted by Pura Vida

  1. Speaking of Kellyn. I ran into Kellyn's Mom in the coffee shop that I eat lunch in every day in North Manchester, Indiana. She wouldn't tell me what happens.


    My NKU kid swears she’s seen Angela working out at NKU’s Rec Center. Angela lives in Mason, OH apparently.


    There are several Ghost Island contestants from the Midwest, more so than usual it seems.

  2. For me, crying comes easier with age. When I was young, I never cried. Now I cry easily over things as simple as memories or even a commercial on TV.


    Yes totally agree!! Why is this? Maybe because you finally start to realize how precious life and it’s many moments are.


    Like when someone says something kind or performs an act of kindness, when you watch a kid try their absolute hardest at something, during a monumental moment (i.e. when you hear someone is engaged, or pregnant, or when Lamar Jackson’s name was finally called for the draft, lol), etc. I just choked up reading Hoops5 post above.

  3. Love to see a little drama. Kellyn still annoys me to no end. What exactly has she done that she has such a high opinion of her game?


    The name Kellyn was trending on Twitter last night right after Survivor – and not in a good way. I can’t pinpoint it exactly but you’re right, so annoying....


    I'm glad Michael was spared - feel bad for Des but she didn't have blindside game.

  4. @Pura Vida, perhaps you can tell us what conclusions you are drawing about the psychology of the woman that you find fascinating. So far in the discussion occurring in the thread you are only finding out about the psychology of the men on BGP ; ).


    Thank you old grappler – LOL!


    Well, on paper the wife looks to have things together so why go after the other woman – that’s so middle school. It’s why I’m wondering if she’s cra-cra to begin with.


    Sure I’d be devastated too but it would be my (ex) man that I’d make suffer, LOL.

  5. If I could only have one it would definitely be soft shell. You won't ever see me turn down a hard shell taco either though. I generally eat six of each.


    This made me chuckle. I love going to Taco Bell with my father in law. He’s an average guy in every way, height/weight/demeanor – but man he gets serious and can put 6 tacos away every time we go. It cracks me up.


    And as for me..... hard! (lol)

  6. What do you think that means?


    Does that mean anyone can use Starbucks space/resources without making a purchase?


    Maybe she wants to address her implicit bias, promote conscious inclusion, prevent discrimination and ensure everyone inside a Starbucks store feels safe and welcome.


    And most people I know already do this on occassion.... lol

  7. How do you know how it has been enforced?


    How do you know that people there haven't been asked to leave?


    I think these are some of the questions that Starbucks are asking of themselves. Hence the training.


    I just read that even the white employee who called 911 now recognizes that perhaps the call should not have been made.

  8. Exactly. I highly doubt Crestview Hills Starbucks has had the same problems in the past that a location in downtown Philadelphia has. They have their policies in place for a reason.


    Again I don’t think people have issues with the policies – it’s the application of the policies towards white and black customers. This topic is relevant for Crestview Hills, downtown Philly and all points in between.


    Ok I’ve got to pry myself away from this topic, lol - meeting rest of the day!

  9. Of course the question is out there but it still doesn't mean we can answer it one way or another. However, the only other evidence that has been shared would lend itself to say that the store does refuse bathroom access to all non paying customers.


    I think Starbucks (and others) would say a more important outcome is to step back and learn to recognize and address bias.

  10. I don't know. You don't know. None of us know. Yet, people automatically jump to profiling.


    The police Sgt. being refused bathroom access without purchasing something tends to show this is a blanket policy that the store follows.


    But the question is now out there.... glad Starbucks feels it’s important enough to address. Hopefully each of us can take a moment and be very honest with ourselves and reflect on the situation – just my 2 cents.

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