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Yellow Card

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Posts posted by Yellow Card

  1. Unless I am missing something, and I read every word of that brief, while unfortunate, it appears that they handled that situation in the fairest and most equitable way possible.


    I 100% blame her mother, who knew better, yet allowed it to happen. Unfortunate that the daughter has to pay the price for Mom's mistake.


    Agreed. Knowing the mother's background, it's really inexcusable.


    I thought her mother was actually a middle school coach, if so, I doubt that this is something that she would have received training on.


    To be honest, I doubt that very few know all the rules/bylaws they are supposed to be upholding.

  2. Congrats to the Cougars!!!


    I kept hearing that Ryle was one of the favorites in the 9th. Did they look past this match?


    It's been a few years since the Raiders missed out on the Regional Tournament, that year also ended with a first round District loss in PK's at Boone County.

  3. This win gives the #1 seed to Cooper. Two wins came down to a shootout and the win over Boone was 1-0 until Cooper scored in the closing seconds.


    The "Thriller" you speak of was the first Regional win for Cooper, 4-2 over St. Henry, probably still the biggest win for the program.

  4. That makes perfect sense to me. Just surprised to see a team with a 39-0 goal differential not getting more buzz. This weekend should be a very good indicator of where they're at... not mention, with Campbell down, that game could show who the favorite is in the 37th district.


    I think you are putting too much emphasis on the goal differential, don't get me wrong, those are some strong numbers. The current SOS is not working in your favor, upcoming matches will help this number. Another thing to look at are games you "should" win. In terms of the Maher Rankings, if you were only favored to beat Mason Co. by a couple of goals, the result the other day will help you in their rankings.


    Beat a few teams that are ranked higher than you and I think you will start seeing the rankings closer to what your expectations are.

  5. NKAC coaches meeting was this morning. I was told Kunkel and Fredrick Co-player of year as voting ended in a tie as voted on by D1 coaches which includes, Cooper, CovCath, Conner, Ryle, Boone County, Campbell County, Scott, Dixie Heights, and Simon Kenton. (you can't vote for your own player)


    I think a tie is fitting.


    If your list is correct... Did a school not vote, or did someone other than AK or CF receive a vote?

  6. 29th

    Oldham,South, North, KCD


    Anderson, Frankfort, Franklin Western Hills


    Shelby, Collins, Eminence, Henry


    Gallatin Owen Carroll Trimble

    I know this moves 4 teams out and they could make their own 4 team district in the 9th. Yes it makes the 9th huge but it makes it better for all the teamswuth travel, competition, expenses etc. However this will never happen. I would not be concerned with size of regions and districts as it helps in to many other areas for kids. Which are the most important anyway.


    So you fixed the 8th, assuming you find a place for Spencer Co. The 4 you move out make their own district in the 9th? Do you see no issue with putting the existing 9th region schools into the other 3 districts?

  7. How many schools are currently in the 10th?

    I know the 9th is the most logical solution since closest mostly but with Scott and Campbell Co in the 10th not sure you can rule it out if number of teams makes more sense.


    They should be with the NKY schools anyways so they should figure something out to achieve that. SK in the 8th is silly.


    Don't get me wrong, I agree that SK being in the 8th makes no sense. I am just saying that moving them to the 9th is not a simple solution and moving them to the 10th might not be any better than their current situation.


    There are 4 public schools in Boone County, they play in the same District... The 3 public schools in Kenton County are not even in the same Region. :ohbrother:

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