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  1. FWIW, I was at the game, and heard the AD rumor from a pretty well connected SH parent. Doesn't mean it's true, but it is out there. If he didn't clear it with his AD, then I'd hope he was called on the carpet with the AD and Principal the next day. I can't imagine SH parents haven't logged some complaints. I don't blame the girls....if your coach says go in and press, you press. My opinion is Sturgeon was way wrong on this one. Doesn't mean he is a bad person, perhaps just had a bad night. We've all made regrettable decisions before. And for anyone that wasn't there, your opinion on running up the score is irrelevant. Teams can win by 50 without appearing to be poor sports....that was not the case in this instance. This was a hard full court press against a vastly overmatched team, when already up over 40, with your starting 5 in the fourth quarter. It was OBVIOUS Sturgeon was sending some sort of message. Unfortunately, in the process he made himself and his school look bad.
  2. Not only did they press the entire game, he put the starters back in to start the 4th quarter, already up about 40. Coach Sturgeon never sat, and continued to yell and applaud like it was a two possession game. Very disappointed in his behavior.
  3. As a St Henry parent, I was embarassed by the blatant attempt to run up the score. No matter what may or may not be going on the background between the coaches/administration, the only person that looked bad was our coach, and therefore the school. For a Catholic school, that offers a prayer before every home game about good sportsmanship, this was the ultimate in hypocrisy. It sent the wrong message to the St Henry players, likely embarassed the Villa players, and certainly gave the Villa parents and other spectators reason to be upset, all in an effort, I assume, to embarass Coach Coburn. I expected more from St. Henry.
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