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Posts posted by se7ens

  1. We aren't speaking about racial integration here. Let's not go overboard w how dramatic combining the two schools would be. I look at some of the guys who graduated my year from Brossart and think about how much better our football, baseball and basketball teams would have been. The morals and customs of the two communities are near identical. The only issue is pride. Wins would soften that blow.


    I think it does deeper than what you think. No, its not racial integration and I feel uncomfortable even typing that in this discussion. But you know as well as I do money would pour out on both sides to keep the doors open to both schools. Agreed the issue is pride, but it's a deep, almost irrational pride.

  2. Each Catholic high school in NKY services a distinct community. St. Henry covers Boone and south/west Kenton. Holy Cross serves north Kenton. Villa Madonna provides the smaller, academy style education. Notre Dame and Covington Catholic serve the central Kenton suburban area and offer a unique educational experience. Covington Latin also offers a unique educational experience and geographical factors really don't influence enrollment because of it. Newport Catholic Central serves northern Campbell. Brossart serves southern Campbell. Each of these areas are distinct from the other in terms of geography, socio-economic demographics, and population. Each school holds a functionable purpose and I couldn't imagine the closing or merging of any of these schools making sense. One could make the argument for the merging of NCC and BBHS but the geography and strong traditions within each respective community would not make it the easiest transition or most stable union. You could also make the argument for the relevance of having Holy Cross with the existence of the much larger NDA and CCHS very close by, but the populations served by these schools are served better by them remaining separate. NKY is a region made up of very proud small communities, as evidenced by the many small public city schools still in existence mainly because of communal pride. We are unique in this, in the fact that we have nearly 30 secondary schools between the 3 counties. I see this issue being raised now not by legitimacy in the argument of Brossart closing or merging but in the fact a round of sensible changes brought by other facts (a controversial principal who brought good change in trade for a lack of popularity being replaced by a very popular and talented educator, a longtime AD being replaced by a younger in-house educator and coach, a temporary shortage in students, and the struggling of a football program that's struggles were inevitable).

  3. I think he turned the job down. They messed up last year's hire so bad and now they keep swinging and missing this year.


    Can you clarify that? I think Maile was a great hire - it may not have been long term but I think it took the program in the right direction.

  4. Figured we're not gonna have any new games to talk about for the next few days up here, so I figured now is a better time than any to do this. I've selected who I think the best 15 players from each district are in the 9th region. Vote for your MVP and on the weekend before the regular season ends I will take the three top voters in each district and we will have our region MVP voting. I shouldn't have any major snubs, but if I do I added the "other" option, just let it be known who your other is. Lets continue with the 36th District.

  5. Figured we're not gonna have any new games to talk about for the next few days up here, so I figured now is a better time than any to do this. I've selected who I think the best 15 players from each district are in the 9th region. Vote for your MVP and on the weekend before the regular season ends I will take the three top voters in each district and we will have our region MVP voting. I shouldn't have any major snubs, but if I do I added the "other" option, just let it be known who your other is. Lets continue with the 35th District.

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