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Posts posted by DoTell

  1. Soccer is a physical game and requires some bumping and hands on. The referee will allow some give and take and it is up to the players to figure out just how much they can get away with before getting called out. This is not a game of tippy toe and dancing. It is a game of winning the ball and using the body to keep the opponent from winning it back.

  2. Would Beechwoods basketball team and parents complain if they showed up at Highlands for a game and had to play a half court game? I think the complaints about the soccer field are justified and if Beechwood is not able to provide a regulation size field, I question them being allowed to have home games. The kids work hard in practice and deserve a full size field to play their games on. Not sure why you are getting your feathers ruffled so much.


    It was not so long ago that HHS had one of the worst soccer surfaces around. Small, rutted, mud pit that most teams hated playing on. And I may be incorrect even their new, very nice surface does not appear to be full regulation size. Beechwood will get their kids a quality field. These things take lots of money and time. The program is very young.

  3. NDA has to get out of the region first and then LexCath or Scott County in the first round. Not as easy as it sounds. 9th region always steps up with a chance to beat Notre Dame on the line.


    No one in Region 9 has posed a serious threat to NDA in nearly 4 years. Nothing I've seen would indicate that this changes this year.

  4. I watched the Elder/St. Ed game and came away mightily impressed by the Panthers. I've not seen Moeller play so I cannot really say how the game will go. However, if Moeller beats Elder, they would likely beat HHS handily. I expect Elder to win by at least 14 against HHS just because of the size difference in the schools. Elder just has so many more athletes to put a machine together with, than does Highlands.

  5. What the heck is going on with the HHS Girls Soccer Program? I see other HS teams refer to it as a train wreck. What exactly does that mean? Three players quitting, one being a 4 year varsity player. Things must be BAD… It is a shame as last years varsity came on strong at the right time and ended up with a decent season. Is there a problem with leadership on the team? Does anybody know what is really going on?


    From what I can tell, there are several HHS fans who do not like the new coaching staff for varying reasons from: 1. Style of play 2. A possibly biased coach selection process 3. The fact that the coaches have kids on the team 4. Allowing younger players to play freshman ball and 5. Some undisclosed personal situations with the coaching staff.


    IMO it is fine and normal to have an opinion on all of the above, but not to the point that the girls or the team is poisoned by the voicing of those opinions.

  6. I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I believe I heard from the ussf instructor (who refs HS) that they aren't allowed to require it because the KHSAA does not require it.


    Actually, it seems like the KHSAA has a mandate in the other direction. A few years back, in a state finals no less, there was a AR in her 50's, and overweight. She was out of position all game long and at times it just looked like she was guessing as she often raised her flag halfway before lowering it again after she stopped lumbering behind the play.

  7. My beef is with referees who are obviously not in the physical condition necessary to keep up with play. Some I have seen are winded after the first few minutes and stand no chance of being in position to see what they need to see, from a correct vantage point. It would seem there should be a base level of fitness required to ref at certain age levels including high school.

  8. This will not be much of a game. SK has the athlete's to compete but until the coaches start playing to win vs making sure everyone plays and actually places the best players in the varsity lineup they will be average at best. That can be tough for coaches and harder for players but that is what it takes if you want a winning program.


    You will find this issue at most schools, at least until deep into the season and into playoffs. A coach has to find the right combination of players, and that can change depending on the style of play of the opposition on any given day. That said, if the varsity team is not made up of the best talent, there is no way to field your best team. That too, is a problem most teams face, due to coaches being hesitant to cut upperclassmen in favor of younger players.

  9. Wow. Just wow. I feel sorry for the kids that are stuck with this mess at HHS. The parents on the sidelines need to cool their jets, let the coaches do their jobs, and let the girls enjoy their high school season. I'm betting none of this would be happening if just a few HHS parents would keep their bias to themselves and just let the kids play.

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