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Posts posted by Hellbird

  1. So the rest of the game didn't matter that AJ played pretty mediocre? He lobbed one pass up to AJ and all of the sudden he deserves to be the QB? Come on man. You just want something different, not something better.

    Ok, you keep talking about this. So let me ask you something, if AJ played mediocre and you didn't like his playoff performance up to the point he led the team back, then how in the heck can you support Andy Dalton? You see, AJ may have had a medocre game according to you, but that mediocre game was still better than ANY of Daltons Playoff Games!!!!!! Don't you get it? You rip AJ for having a mediocre game and that is why you would rather have Dalton, yet Dalton has never had as good of a playoff game than AJ had, yet you choose the one who performs worse in those situations. That is what drives me crazy about all you Dalton is the answer fans, he has proven not to be the answer and when someone performs better than he has ever performed in a playoff situation you would rather ignore that fact and stick to the worst QB just so you don't have to admit you're wrong.

  2. Andys first 5 years in the league were arguably the most sustained period of success in franchise history. He has earned the right to be this teams QB for years to come. The playoff wins will come.

    And you deserve to watch them never win anything. That's what you apparently want. Mediocrity makes you happy apparently.

  3. Let's say Andy would have played against the Steelers instead of AJ but everything turned out exactly the same. You would be on here telling us Andys poor first half was the reason the Bengals lost, he wasn't able to settle the huddle down when we picked off Landry Jones and his lack of leadership caused Jeremy Hill to fumble and he wasn't able to control Pac Man and Burficts antic at the end of the game. It would have been all Andy's fault according to you.

    Actually what I would have said was I was glad to see Andy finally looked like he turned the corner and learned how to put the team in his back in crunch time.


    I fave Andy plenty of kudos that season for how he played that year. The only problem is he didn't do that in the playoff game did he?

  4. Let me propose this:


    Would the Broncos take AD now and be in the Championship hunt replacing what they have now? The Texans? The Jags? The Browns? The Rams? The Titans? The Eagles? The Vikings? The Bears? The 49ers?


    I say The Broncos, Texans, Eagles, and Vikings Yes. The Jags, Rams, Titans maybe. The Browns, Bears and 49ers doubtful.


    My point is what rest of the team is he playing with. What I have seen thus far is the maybe group.

    Funny how that rest of the group AJ was able to do more with in his playoff game than sandy was ever able to do.

  5. We can agree, this beats the 90's for sure. At what point do you strive for more? Take a chance for more? This would be a different conversation if the Bengals were losing to New England every year in the playoffs.

    Bingo. It's what I e been saying for years.


    Since when is your goal goal is to make the playoffs only. Screw just making it and losing in the 1st round every single time. What does that get you? Nothing.


    Majority if Cincinnati fans are so easy to please. No wonder the Browns stayed here. They don't have to even try to get better and most fans are happy.

  6. Thats where the Dalton bashing started.... You will never allow yourself to root for Dalton. So why root for the Bengals? You are torturing yourself.

    Nah, I'm fine. I actually think those that want Dalton to be he starter are the ones torturing themselves. Isn't the definition of doing the same thing and expecting different results insanity?


    Who is torturing who? Those who continue to want the same thing but expect different results or those who want a change to see if different results can be obtained?

  7. (I posted this the first time in 2015 and meant to post it last week, but it still has the same impact and meaning, this is for you)


    This is my favorite time of year...High School Football starts tonight and remember watching Corey who started playing in 1st grade and is now playing college ball, I couldn't help but sit down and jot down these words yesterday on the eve of the High School Football season. This is dedicated to all those boys who have fulfilled their dreams of playing under the Friday Night Lights.

    From a Dream to Reality

    6 years old and you just got knocked down by a kid you never met before. You fight back the tears because you know it's how you learn. That kid that knocked you down through the next 12 years will be your best friend, your brother and most important, your teammate. That was your first ever football practice.

    You and your new found best friend along with many of your new found friends and teammates will play football at recess and after school in an empty field with a nerf ball until it's time to go to practice when Dad gets off work and mom packs you up in the car and off you go.

    You and your "brothers" eat sleep and dream about the greatest sport ever. On Friday nights You and your friends can't wait to go to the local high schools football game and root on your favorite team and favorite players who in your eyes are bigger than life. You can always be found behind the end zone tossing a little tiny football you caught when the cheerleaders threw them out to the fans in the stands. You proclaim to your friends that you are your favorite high school football player on your favorite team as you catch a pass from your best friend who claims to be the high schools starting QB. At 10 years old, life is good but you dream of the night that it is you playing under those bright lights and you become more determined to practice and play even harder in your pee wee league just so you can one day fulfill that dream.

    7 - 8 years pass and what seemed like an eternity to get there you now realize how fast the time has gone. You look to your left and your right to the 2 kids your holding hands with. Your best friend is on your left, your other good friend is on your right. you've been teammates with each other for the past 11 years and it finally hits you as you strap on that helmet for your final season ever of football. From that little kid who got knocked on his butt his first day ever playing football you are now about to run through that tunnel of cheerleaders onto your field of dreams with that very kid who not only put you on the ground 11 years ago but extended his hand to you to help you up and has since became your fellow warrior in this game and your brother in life and best friend ever.

    As you run out onto that playing field for the start of your last year ever playing the game you love, you spy out of the corner of your eye a couple 9 and 10 year olds pressed up against the fence, eyes as wide as saucers, looking up at you as though you are their hero. It has come full circle. You have fulfilled your dream of playing on Friday nights and at the same time have started that burning desire and dream in the hearts of those kids at the fence who now look up to you, you the player who in their eyes is bigger than life.

    Tomorrow boys starts the realization of dreams by many of you. Enjoy this. Enjoy the greatest game on earth. Enjoy your time under the Friday Night Lights. For you seniors, Enjoy High School Football one last time. Leave it all out in the field and remember that little kid you once were and know that there will be more like you looking up at you this weekend and dreaming of the day they can run in your shoes.

    High School Football. It doesn't get any better than this!

  8. Go to post #26 in the update thread to see where this all got started last night...

    ?????????????????? Mahomes?????????????????


    Wow, Mahomes isn't even on the Bengals. I don't see out of the 2 words in post 26 how that is the post that talked about AJ McCarron Did you even know that Mahomes doesn't play for the Bengals? Just in case you didn't, I thought I'd help you out, Mahomes doesn't play for the Bengals.

  9. Actually he is above average and that's been proven time and time again. The only debate you can bring up is that maybe AJ is more above average than Andy is, but Andy is an above average QB in the NFL plain and simple.

    20% winning against those teams isn't above abg in my book. But that's ok. You all can go on claiming him to be the best, it hasn't gotten us squat in the past and it surely won't in the future.

  10. And those numbers would be the same or worse if McCarron were the QB. That is the bottom line for me. I just don't think McCarron is better than Dalton.


    And I will add this since I missed the discussion in threads on here about McCarron's INT ... anyone who thinks that INT last night was a good pass by McCarron has such a biased view it makes me question their judgment on this issue. That was a bad pass to a receiver who was very open by NFL standards. That INT was all on McCarron.

    Would they be? You have no proof they would be the same or worse with McCarron. Making blind predictions based off of nothing ends up proving nothing.


    AJ has only had 1 shot at 1 playoff game and in that 1 shot he was able to lead the team back from a 19 pt deficit in the 4th qtr and take the lead with just a little over a minute left in the game. Dalton has never came close to doing that in any of his numerous playoff opportunities.


    To say Aj would do worse than Dalton has done is just silly. You are simply guessing so that it supports your opinion om the 2. At least I have solid proof of AJ performing better in the post season than Dalton.


    Oh and about the INT. I never said it was a great pass but it was a good pass that went off both the receivers hands and the receiver wasn't as open as you suggest. Watch the replay, the defender was draped across his back. Not sure what your definition of wide open is.

  11. You're not speaking for anyone that has been around Highlands Football for almost 50 years. However I will say that I did see the other night that Highlands is playing more aggressive than they have in the last couple of years. It's night & day! Still would like to some Personnel Changes sooner rather than later.....


    You cannot & I mean that in all seriousness have your now #1 RB and Friday Night's Player of the Game on the Front line on the Kickoff return team blocking who has proven that the Ball must be in his Hands....


    At some point the Seniority & Entitlement Crap needs to be thrown out the Window.



    There's my Sunday rant!

    You Rock! Missed you since I've been gone. You are 100% correct.

  12. Dalton vs good teams that made playoffs over his career with more than 1 game played


    Ravens 6-5***

    Colts 2-2

    Cardinals 1-1

    Cowboys 0-2

    Broncos 1-3

    Texans 1-5

    Patriots 1-2

    Giants 1-1

    Steelers 3-9

    Seahawks 2-0***


    For a combined 18-30 record, that's a 37% winning %. Not good.


    Out of the list there are only 2 teams he has a winning record over. I also excluded from the list bad teams he also has a losing record over. These are just the teams that during his career have been considered really good teams at one time.


    Dalton isn't as great as some of you believe he is. Out of the 10 teams listed he has played several times he only has a winning record over 2 of them, and one is a divisional opponent where he faces twice a year. Only beating 20% isn't a good clip.


    Now if anyone wants to do more research I would be interested in what his record is against teams with a winning record each year for his career.

  13. Were you a fan of the Bengals in the 90's? That's mediocrity. This is a far cry from it. Unless you believe AJ is Tom Brady behind the scenes then you can't honestly believe the Bengals are complacent when it comes to the QB position.

    What is the difference between the 90 Bengals and the 2000 Bengals? Oh yea, the 90 Bengals have a playoff win. 1990



  14. If you can't support the starting QB of your favorite team, then why even be a fan? You're only torturing yourself stressing over something that isn't going to change. Andy is the better QB according to the people that literally spend hours upon hours with them every single day.

    Because I expect more. What good is it to just be complacent with mediocrity? If you want to settle, that's on you. I want more.

  15. I said "that's why he's the back up" as an over reaction statement to match you and others that over react about Dalton...


    We all know the truth... we all know why McCarron is the back up...


    Dalton has earned the right to be the starting QB and AJ has done nothing to take it away from him... period.


    The year AJ went to the playoffs, Dalton was having quite possible the best season of any QB in the league,certainly a top 3 season.

    He sure was against avg to bad teams. He still lost to some

    good teams as usual.


    Ive always said Dalton looks great against avg to bad teams. But when it's a prime time game or big game he looks bad a lot more than good. He also isnt able

    to bring the team back in crunch time. That's Dalton, he looks good against a guy teams and looks bad against good teams. What's his record vs Steelers?

  16. I said Anderson had a great year in the playoffs...


    How many times did he get to the playoffs in 14 seasons?


    Is it cause he sucked?



    Well you see, give Anderson or any qb all the talent Dalton has had around him and I'd be willing to bet he'd of gotten there a lot more. All you can do is look at what they did when they got there and Dalton has a qb rating of 57 while Anderson has a rating of 97. Looks like Kenny performed a whole lot better.


    Oh btw, McCarron has a better rating than Dalton in playoff games too.

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