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Posts posted by TexasRanger

  1. Agree 100% PP. Especially if their team is a contender. GRC will be ranked #1 in region without any transfers. We had no Seniors last year and had 3 players in the top 10 in region.


    Well said Goldy.


    GRC historically for their size and location hasent benifited from a crazy amount of transfers. Minus the Zollo years it's been a trickle.


    With the location, soon to be new gym, and a coach the kids seem to like, i think GRC is on the edge of something special.


    I had GRC at 40% chance to win the region. I'll up that to 60%+ for at least the next 2 seasons.


    There's a new sheriff in town!!

  2. That's not even close to accurate. They would be somewhere in the 3-5 range. There is no way there are 7 10th region teams that are better than them.




    The 10th is way down. After the top team or 2, Elliott would hang with any squad within the 10th.


    I'm a huge Paris fan, but you guys are making Elliott way worse than they really are.


    Paris has really improved from the beginning of the season, but LCA will be a very difficult task. If paris can figure out how to compete against size, I think that would put them on even footing with Campbell Co.

  3. I was told this coming week. But honestly I'll believe it when I see it.


    Playing without him in the long run will help. Should be a much different team once he returns.


    Being back for the Gateway tournament could be a nice boost for a team that's been struggling to win games.


    I'm picking Mason Co to cut down the nets.

  4. Watching paris this year, my concern has been rebounding when the shots aren't falling. They get after it on the glass, but they are small across the board. (Except Wells)


    I can see some teams that they might not match up very well against. They have all season to figure it out.


    10th will come down to the draw and who gets hot.

  5. I think CNN does a good job showing both sides. They always have Trump supporters on set to provide their views. CNN is my preferred network because I think they show both sides. Those who think CNN is the Clinton News Network are not objective.



    Me and you have disagreed on this from the beginning. As this race has went on its only gotten worse. I refer to CNN as the "state run media" now.


    Cnn will have 1 or 2 Trump supports against 4 or 5 Clinton supports night in an night out. It's like watching 6 hours of Hannity, lol.


    Fox was clearly more biased then CNN and MSNBC but those days are over. The trust in the media is at an all time low by the American people.

  6. Scott Dworkin@funder 12h12 hours ago

    Breaking: @gop advisor says @mike_pence has "asked to be removed from Presidential ticket." #trumptapes #cnnsotu @jaketapper @KeepAmerGr8



    Steve Clemons@SCClemons 31m31 minutes ago

    Major rumors swirling in real time, right now that @mike_pence has asked 2 be removed from the Presidential ticket. Historic Wow. #debateUS_Election_Debates_Additions.png



    CNN raking Trump hard. I would think they would report this asap.

  7. "Let me start by saying I am undecided on who I'm voting for. If the election were today, I would either vote 3rd Party or not at all."


    Sounds like you like everyone else knew who you were voting for and I am good with that. I will also say whether you all say he is not doing well, sure dont make it true.


    Like it or not he has kicked her rear in this one.


    HRC won first debate 4 to 2

    Trump won tonight 3 to 2

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