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Big Kat

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Posts posted by Big Kat

  1. I believe they are doing something about the AD. I think Phil Rison is going to take more of a lead role in all sports programs. Coach Combs had a great year last year but in a 4 team district he came in 3rd. I could be wrong on this but in the 6 years that Combs was there I think he has gone to Region once and that was the first or second year he was coach. You can have a lot of wins when you play a patsy schedule. As far as being a yes man how many people that works for someone in any job isn't? When you argue with the boss most of the time the boss wins. Even if the boss is wrong.

  2. Playing time has nothing to do with it. This is all about winning ball games, and if Coach Hackett don't win A District or Region in the the time that Coach Combs had. He will be replaced too. Coach Combs is gone theirs nothing that can be done about it. Water under the bridge. The thread is about Coach Hackett. It's not his fault that Coach Combs is gone. I just would like for everyone to at least give him a chance. Yes he's a first time coach, so was Matt Ginter last year, and you seen what he was able to do.

  3. Nice article that Dan wrote in the Mt.Sterling paper about the new baseball coach. I would hope that all baseball parents at Montgomery Co. would read it. Coach Hackett has a great resume, but he doesn't have any high school head coaching experience. I as well as a lot of other people was upset at first with the hiring of this young Coach. You ask your self how can they hire a basketball coach with the experience that he has along with the girl's soccer coach and do this to the baseball team. Where's the big name coach for MoCo baseball. Well the name is "Jonathan Hackett" and the parents of MoCo should give him a chance because he might be a lot better than you think. This is a young man that's moving his family into a community where he doesn't know anyone. Let's make him feel welcome and don't jump ship. The boat's not sinking because it tilted, it's because every one ran to one side. So just get back in the middle and then see what happens.

  4. I disagree about GRC winning the 40th District. This is a rebuilding year for them. They lost all there outfield and all the infield except the shortstop. One person can't do it all. I thank Montgomery County will win the 40th District and Region even with out the 2nd basemen. They have 2 kids that can step in and fill that spot just fine. One of them is batting over 500 for the summer and I cant thank of any era's that hes had. This might be best for both MoCo and all parties involved.

  5. KBS I agree with most everything that you have said, but if you seen the Lexington Herald today, it looks like GRC has some problems of there own. For MOCO not playing top teams in the state. I would put the blame on Coach Combs. Who knows they might bring in the wright person for the job. And by the way GRC didn't go south last year.

  6. K.B.S. I heard the samething about the Coach. I talk to the parent rep at MC but he was not letting any info out as to whom it may be. The boy that is might transfer to GRC. I thank its just A rumor. He's A great kid and rumors like this might cause him some problems with his teammates. Even if he were to transfer. That should be left up to his parents and him. His parents are good people and I know they will do what's best for him.

  7. Coach Combs is a very devoted baseball Coach. The time he give of himself to the boys and to the baseball field is above and be on his requirements as a coach. Coach Combs has bit of a temper sometimes but I thank all people do. Like the old saying goes you can't be eveything to everybody but at least he try. I beleave who ever hires him will get a good Coach.

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