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Posts posted by 4luvofthegame

  1. If Butler defeats Male, should Simon Kenton hop over the Bulldogs? If PRP suffers a close loss to St. Xavier, should the Panthers drop below Simon Kenton and the Male/Butler winner?


    This is a good question for some of the X guys to answer as they will have played both SK and PRP. I would say if the game is very tight maybe keep them above SK but if it's more than a score they need to fall below. I wouldn't think there is anymore than a single score difference between X and SK on a neutral field and yes X would be the favorite.

  2. New school isn't coming for 3-4 years and isn't going to be half the size SC is now. I respect that you have pride in SK but reality is they are not close to the talent level of SC, don't play anywhere close to the same strength of schedule, and haven't made a playoff run in my time following HS football. They win 9 to 11 games every year but play nobody tough outside of NKY and get bounced 1st or 2nd round every year.


    SK hasn't been bounced in the first or second round in at least 5 years. Scott CO's state title came after playing one of their weakest schedules ever and people were saying the same things about them as they are about SK. As for ranking one over the other I don't really care but just playing a good team doesn't warrant a higher ranking you eventually have to win one.

  3. Hate to stray away from the game but I'm going to call it now....


    Who points the Finger at who? Will it be why won't Simon Kenton play HHS anymore or will we hear the Opposite? I'm calling the Opposite! You see the pattern here...Something tells me 2017 will be the last time SK & HHS play at the Varsity level until further notice. Mark it down now!


    Now back to the game! Baby Birds are pretty good....


    Since 2017 is the first year of a two year contract, I'm going to say you are probably wrong.

  4. Scott's baseball team did spend the night in Lexington the night before their semi-final game, as well as the night after. Kenton County teams often spend nights away for competitions. Basketball teams do it, and the wrestling teams do it a couple times a year.


    Doesn't change the constraints put on them by the school board. It can be done it just takes more organization and money.

  5. I hope he is open minded about playing other than QB. Completely capable of being Woffords QB, but the kid is an athlete. He could have an impact all over the field.


    Cam's read option ability is perfect for Wofford's option style offense. They only throw about 10 times a game. I would be shocked if he is moved from QB. His ability to read run or pitch will be a strong suit for him.

  6. West






    Holy Cross



    Boone County

    I think Scott also remember.



    Campbell County


    Bishop Brossart









    I think this is last year's. SK kids were told they would be practicing at Campbell County and playing for Campbell's head coach.

  7. We spent a day at Spring practice a few weeks ago. Numbers were a bit thin due to injury and illness. Defense definitely looked ahead of the offense but there are some nice pieces on both sides of the ball. I believe there will be opportunity for some of the incoming freshman to make a mark this year as special teams or role players.

  8. Sheer numbers alone give the larger schools the advantage in the 2nd half against smaller schools. BW is usually one of the more pyshically fit teams though. It will be an interesting matchup.


    Agreed that's why there are classes in Football. Sheer numbers, larger talent pool and more bodies at off season conditioning are all big advantages. SK is still finding their way to sustained success at the highest level. If there program has improved the way a lot of people think it has it they should be playing like teams.

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