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Mr. Potatohead Jr.

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Posts posted by Mr. Potatohead Jr.

  1. I know this is the basketball thread but I remember being in the stands at Highlands during one of Coach Mueller's 15-0 seasons and hearing people complain about who should be playing and who should not. Even being nearly perfect you cant please everybody.


    As far as for Boone County, it is a hard place to please the boys basketball fans. For the longest time there was the football teams success that made people want success everywhere else. I saw Coach Jay Mulcahy have some pretty good teams that people were never pleased because they were not going to the state finals like the football team, not to mention the success that Nell Fookes and the girls seem to enjoy each year, being the Boys coach at a school where football is king and has a good girls program has to be difficult to deal with. People never seem happy enough......

  2. I think Phil would have whipped him. That being said it has to be hard watching your kids struggle at the same thing you were so good at. Furthermore Phil does look pretty dumb for doing this because as has been stated before I am sure that he isnt always Mr. Positive when talking about players.



    All that said I still think that Phil would have whipped him..........................

  3. 1. It's safe to say that the assistants are not really appealing or applying for that matter, or else the hire would have been made by now if any of them were worthy.


    2. Is Holmes one of those jobs that needs a minority coach to be a worthwhile team? Look at Central in Louisville. A perennial power in Class 3A. I know Holmes is 5A again and have to get through Highlands and CovCath, but they can't even lose respectably (if even possible) Does Holmes have a worthy minority candidate either on staff or that has applied from outside the district.



    1. How many assistants left and went with Lickert? How many of them stayed? Do any of them posess the kind of attributes that the Covington Independant School system would want in a head coach? One of the requirements is to be able to work within the athletic department. Maybe ther is no quality candidate at Holmes, heck when they hired a basketball coach the went to Shelby Valley and found him. And to my knowledge he isnt the first person from out of the area to get a job at Holmes.


    2. I do not think that you have to be a minority to coach at Holmes. Lickert is not a minority and Dave Tropsper was not either. An understanding of the school and the student body is more important than being a minority.


    Overall I think that the powers that be will make a very educated choice in whom ever they choose. The two previous coaches had some college background, both played on succesful college teams. Both were local guys from established local powers (Lickert from Highlands and Trosper from Boone County) I really feel that when Holmes does name a new coach the people will be happy with who it is because they have taken their time and will get the person that they want.

  4. Vargas is sooooo far down in Coach Cal's eyes he cant even see his future. He gets in a game and plays about a minute and then he is done. No confidence in him by Coach Cal or more important, he seems to have lost it in himself.

  5. I never heard any HS coach that I had swear toward a student. They may have said something about how a play went and used some colorful language but never directed at a student. I did however go to some college basketball practices and I saw an assistant coach berate, swear, call out and say things I would never say to anybody or anything all because the guy did not box out. I thought the guy was going to cry right there on the floor. That being said if you go to college you go by choice and if you choose to play for a coach that you know is hard on his players then you have to deal with what is coming.



    With all this being said, I have a question.........What if this was girls basketball and a male coach was swearing at the female player? Would there be as much of an outcry or more? Is this a double standard and is that OK?

  6. I went to the game all four years that I was stationed in Pearl Harbor. I personally enjoyed the game and I think a couple of reasons why it is played in Hawaii are:


    1. Hawaii does not now, nor will it ever be home to an NFL franchise; and

    2. Pro Football is a popular sport there mainly because of all the military stationed there whose hometowns are all over the map.


    For the first couple of months of the Pro Football season, NFL games started on Sunday at 7am and when daylight savings ended, they would start at 8am since Hawaii doesn't observe daylight savings.

    Those are great reasons but you have to admit that the game just is not the same when you add all the silly rules

  7. One that I was personally involved with wasnt much of a fight but it is a funny story. I played for Conner and we were getting beat badly by Ryle so it was my turn to play. I got in the game and got into a shoving match with some back up RB, I was a senior and I really did not care if I got thrown out, and we were getting beat so I thought what the heck lets start a fight. So there I am squaring off with this kid when the ref tells me to quit or get tossed, then my team mate yelled out "it wont matter we play SK next week and they stink" (Sk beat us the next week but thats another story) So there I am thinking I have my team mates behind me as I was pretty much standing in Ryles huddle and ready to fight, well I turn around and nobody was there but me because my team was in the huddle and forgot about me. Well I turned around and swiftly made my way out of a bad situation because I didnt know how many of those Ryle players it would have taken to whip me, but I did know how many they were going to use, Coach takes me out of the game and chews my butt for a while until the game was over. After the game walking to the school bus some girl from Ryle starts cussing me and the she takes a swing at me, well I was in total shock and did nothing because my coach by this point had grabbed me by the face mask and took me to the bus, turns out I was trying to start a fight with that girls boy friend and she didnt like it too much. Those were the days.........

  8. I have been involved or have heard of several fights that happened around Conner High School over the years. The one I remember the most was in 1998, Conner and Dixie Heights were playing and a fight broke out in the stands between Conner parents. One parent was yelling off color remarks and another parent, a mother of one of the Conner players asked them to be quiet because there were young children around, well the first parent told this mother where she could put her comments and another parent, a dad of one of the players told the first guy to shut up and then it started. The dad and the first guy were going at it when the dad slipped and fell between the bleachers at Dixie. For those who remember the stands at Dixie before they were replaced a person could fall between them. Well this dad was stuck in the bleachers and couldnt get his arms free, well the person who was yelling at the beginning was really putting a beat down on the guy who was stuck in the bleachers, then one of the Conner coaches saw what was going on and jumped the fence (which was really short) and ran up in the bleachers to break up the fight. It was a total mess, I remember people from Dixie calling us a bunch of rednecks for fighting in the stands. I also remember the police did not step in until the fight was nearly over. The next day we played a JV game at Conner and it was so funny because these parents who were fighting the night before came to the game with teeth missing, some broken bones and one guy had several stitches in his finger because he tried to fish hook somebody and almost lost his finger in the process. Fun times had by all.....

  9. Another interesting one I thought of, althought it didn't end up in a fight, it just seemed like it would, was when a Conner basketball Dad came charging down from the stands to let his son's head coach-David Taylor-know what he thought of his coaching. And this was in the Regional tournament at Holmes. I forget who the Cougars were playing. Dad had to be escorted out by the Covington police. I always wondered what the kid thought about his Dad's antics.

    It was 1992, the Game was Conner vs Holmes. The parent in question's son was a junior and the starting point guard for Conner. I was not there but from what I have heard about it over the years the parent in question did not like something that Coach Taylor did to the boy. anyway it was a truly ugly scene, one that could have really been ugly. Conner would lose that game that night in the semi-finals at Holmes, but with that point guard and a last second shot from Troy Fryman, Conner would win the region in 1993.

  10. The pro bowl needs to get rid of stupid rules or just get rid of the game. I mean, no blitzing, no more than 4 DBs on the field at once, no press coverage, Heck put me in the shotgun and even my old potato arm can pass all over the place. The Pro Bowl Stinks, always has always will.



    No Bengals is fine, but I thought I saw three guys from Carolina! I think if you lose to the Bengals then you should get no pro bowlers, just a thought.

  11. I would love to see the Bengals go to a west coast style offense. From what I have heard there is a LOT of learning to do in that kind of offense. Are the current Bengals up to the task? Or will this take time, time that is running out on some Bengals careers (Palmer, Chad Johnson, Benson.......) Whatever the offense I just hope they can sustain some drives this year and keep the defense from being on the field all day long.

  12. Final Score from Hebron.


    Toria Fischer hits game winning shot from way behind three point line. Lady Cougars had a decent lead but let a depleated Scott team back into the game late. #10 for Scott played well but they missed not having Tibbs tonight.


    Any thoughts.......................

  13. I have heard that Jeremy Fisher is the new coach at Beechwood. If this is the case things can only look good because I have heard what he did at Conner, which was no easy task. He took a program that was in such bad shape when he took over that his assistants and him had to practically tape rags together to get a proper uniform for the runners. He took Conner from the bowels of inepptitude to being a very competitive team every year. Though he never won the big one in track at Conner, I have a feeling that he will have much success at Beechwood.

  14. [/b]


    My understanding was that Elder played Moeller late in the year in 2010 and it wasn't a good thing for either school right before the playoffs. If i'm not mistaken, HHS/Elder had week 3 locked up until Moeller released their schedule with week 3 open. Elder quickly jumped on the date with Moeller and had to move their game with HHS. That's how I heard it......:idunno:


    That makes sense, but I still question the benefits of playing Highlands that late in the year. My thinking is that a loss in week eight for Elder hurts them more than it would Highlands who in all likleyhood will have their playoff spot set and a win against Elder would be, pardon the expression. "icing on the cake"

  15. I like Highlands' non-district schedule with the exception of the two games at the end. Too bad those can't be earlier in the year. Elder will probably be in a must win situation and Ryle will be looking to add a second feather to their cap.


    Do you think that the Highlands v Elder game could be bad for Elder? I mean if Highlands beats them then could it really hurt their chances in the Ohio playoffs? For Highlands all this game could do is add to an already impressive legacy if they win, and if they lose they are still in the playoffs. In other words, this game is all good for Highlands, and nothing but a potential problem for Elder. Makes me wonder why Elder would play this game so late in the year.

  16. A lack of a legit consistent scoring threat. A real go to player. They have a lot of talent, have played a lot of close games and are a team that will and can give anybody in NKY a tough game each night. I really think that if they can win a close game against a good team (3 ot loss to Campbell and 2 ot loss to Ryle) it will bring them together and give them confidence for the post season. Conner isnt a team that a lot of people will want to play in a few weeks.

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